Lin Xiao and others had a false alarm.

"How close!"

"I don't know who the master on the Phoenix warship is!"

Lin Xiao stared at the Phoenix warship and thought for a long time without results.

Looking back at the captured Black Ghost soldier, he asked in a deep voice, "tell me who the master who killed the Phoenix warship is, and I'll spare you!"


The black evil warrior was kicked to the ground by Lin Tian and shouted, "shit! Young Lord, ask you something!"

"I don't know. I only know that the man uses a sword and has a fairy spirit. He is about 50 or 60 years old. He speaks very loudly. Others..."

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed slightly and hurriedly asked, "how do you look?"

"I haven't seen it!" The black evil warrior shook his head honestly, "the feature is just listening to what others say!"

"Hum! I don't know anything. What's the use of asking you?"


Lin Tian raised his hand and wiped his neck.

Then, Lin TianChao's men waved, "catch another one! I don't believe they don't know!"

This is the first time that we have captured the black evil warrior and can kill or cut him. This feeling is like turning over to be the master. It's great.

And for these guys, Lin Tiangen didn't need compassion. He wanted to save countless people on earth by killing one person.

Another black evil warrior was caught and asked, but he still didn't know.

After killing several black evil warriors in a row, I found that they didn't know who the mysterious master who killed the Phoenix warship was.

I only know that the expert is holding a long sword, with white hair and waist length.

Lin Xiao vaguely felt that he was familiar with this man, but he didn't dare to think about it.

If anyone else on earth has such strength, it must be his master's sword limitless.

However, how can sword Wuji be supreme?

Is it that easy to break through the supreme?

"Young master! These guys don't know. It seems that they really don't know. What should we do now?" Lin Tian's face doesn't matter. It seems that killing several people has no impact on him.

Sometimes I don't know what the character of Lin Tian is. He is as timid as a mouse, but as long as there is something about Lin Xiao, he is so bold that he is afraid of himself.

Lin Xiao looked at the time again. "Forget it! Let's go back first. There are so many things happening here that will certainly attract attention. Withdraw before they react!"

"Ready!" Fang Qing came over and said.

She was carrying a bloody box in her hand.

Lin Xiao subconsciously looked back and found that Chen Feng had disappeared.

"Where have you been?"

Fang Qing smiled and deliberately shouted, "I went outside with Chen Feng to explore the surrounding environment to prevent our actions from being discovered by the black evil army. He will be back soon!"

Fang Qing has quietly killed Chen Feng and put his head in the box.

There are more than 100 of Chen Feng's men. Fang Qing did this to prevent accidents.

Sure enough, the disappearance of Chen Feng made these people uneasy, but no one dared to ask.

"Cough..." Lin Xiao coughed and said to the people around him, "we'll go in two batches! You wait for Chen Feng!"

Without waiting for everyone to react, Lin Xiao strode out.

Some people wanted to follow. Lin Tian swaggered in front of him and shouted, "what are you doing? Didn't you hear what my young master said? Stand here and wait!"

Hundreds of people stood still and dared not move. They were frightened by Lin Tian's momentum.

"Hum!" Lin Tian put on his sunglasses, gestured to Xiu and swaggered up.

Lin Xiao and others walked out of the office building as if nothing had happened and came to the small shuttle ship.

The voice of the artificial intelligence spirit suddenly appeared in our ears and startled everyone.

"Captain! Can I help you start the shuttle?"

"Xiao Ling?" Lin Xiao was surprised. He looked around and didn't find Xiaoling. He asked suspiciously, "where are you?"


A small aircraft like a bee came to Lin Xiao's eyes. Xiao Ling's voice came out, "Captain, I'm here! I've been following you!"

"Ah?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Have you been following me?"

"Well!" Xiaolingjiao's voice was crisp. "I'll always follow you in the future. Just tell me if you need anything!"

"This thing is really advanced..." Lin Tian stared at the little bee with envy on his face. "If only I had one!"

Xiaoling said with a smile, "this kind of equipment is only available for Qiangyun. Oh, there are no other ships!"

"Is it true?" Lin Tian didn't believe it and said pleasantly, "sister Xiaoling, can you send me one, too?"

"No!" Xiao Ling's very firm voice embarrassed Lin Tian, "only the captain is qualified to have it!"

"All right!" Lin Tian didn't dare to argue with Lin Xiao, so he quickly changed the topic, "open the door, let's go!"

Lin Xiao lost his smile and went to the shuttle ship first.

The Heisha army didn't find anything strange. It wasn't until more than ten minutes after the shuttle left that the Heisha army in the stronghold found that HA Shen was dead and immediately jumped.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao and others have long disappeared without a trace.

Boom, boom!

The long arranged explosives were activated, and a huge explosion came from afar.

Lin Xiao looked down from the cabin window.

The fire blazed into the sky.

Due to the chain reaction, the ammunition depot next to the office building was also detonated, and the whole military region was caught in a sea of fire.

Tens of thousands of Heisha Army soldiers were caught off guard and were involved in numerous deaths and injuries.

"Hey!" Lin Xiao sighed.

This is a war, a life and death war.

Compassion for the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Zhang Sheng's stronghold.

Fu Shaohua sat on the sofa in the VIP room with a cup of coffee in his hand. Next to him stood Shan Yu and others.

They did not dare to speak and looked at Fu Shaohua quietly.

The atmosphere in the room was very strange, as if waiting for a decision.

After several minutes, Fu Shaohua put down his coffee, lit a cigarette, looked at Shan Yu and asked, "haven't you heard from him yet?"

Shan Yu said with a smile, "I've inquired. I heard that something happened to the rebels. The whole mountain range was blown up and magma rolled out, covering hundreds of kilometers. I think Xiao Lin and them..."

Everyone's expression was not very good, and brother Wang Yang also bowed his head.

After all, Lin Xiao and Fang Qing are both members of their special action team this time, and their strength is the strongest.

When something happened to them, the task became more difficult.

Moreover, they lost the chance to catch the leader of the judgment army, and it was difficult for Zhang Sheng to explain.

So fu Shaohua's expression is very gloomy now. He has been thinking about the next thing. He smoked a cigarette and asked Youyou, "where's Zhang Sheng?"

"Zhang Sheng is confirming the situation there. If it is confirmed correctly, I'm afraid..."

Shan Yu's implication is that if the task of capturing the rebel leader fails, the heaven and earth city will continue to be blocked. They don't know if they want to go in until monkey years and horses.

"Shit!" Fu Shaohua snorted coldly, "if you die, you'll die. There's so much noise. Now you can't determine the life and death of the military leader. Zhang Sheng has to continue martial law. When can we enter Qiankun city?"

Wang Yang looked at the time. "It's been a day and a night. The longer we delay, the more difficulties we face. If Zhang Sheng finds out our purpose, life and death are unpredictable!"

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua didn't care about Lin Xiao's life or death. He had run for them and didn't have any good intentions.

But he never expected that Lin Xiao would make such a big noise that the whole Kunlun Mountains were disturbed.

In this way, the rebel leader has already run away. Where can I find him.

"Xiao Lin's failure means that our actions will be delayed. This waste with insufficient success and more than failure!" Fu Shaohua threw away Hua Zi, who had only sucked one mouthful, and said angrily, "what should we do now? We can only wait in this broken place all the time!"

Dong Dong Dong

Someone knocked at the door.

Fu Shaohua stopped and winked at Shan Yu, "go and open the door!"

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