They didn't expect Xiao Lin to make such a great contribution.

Just now Fu Shaohua was still nervously planning how to throw out the pot and don't let Zhang Sheng get involved in his team.

Before coming, I had many reasons brewing in my stomach. Now I can't use any of them. My face became very embarrassed.

"Come on, sit down! Xiao Lin will be back soon. He has made great achievements this time. I must thank you very much!"

Several people stared with big eyes and small eyes. They didn't dare to believe this fact.

But they couldn't help believing what Zhang Sheng said himself.

"I say Xiao Lin is not that simple..." Shan Yu said with a smile, "come back later. I'll ask him how he did it. It's great!"

Wang Yang rolled his eyes and snorted coldly, "wall grass!"

"Cough... How is it a wall grass? I'm just talking about the matter!" Shan Yushan said.


Fu Shaohua sat down rigidly. He only heard someone talking, but he couldn't hear anything.

"Xiao Lin really has some skills. In case of this action..." Fu Shaohua began to worry.

The greater Xiao Lin's ability, the more nervous Fu Shaohua is, because Xiao Lin gives him an unspeakable sense of oppression.

Fu Shaohua doesn't quite understand where this sense of oppression comes from. He just feels that he is wrapped everywhere.

Because every time he thinks of the name Xiao Lin, he can think of Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao made him feel humiliated several times. A large part of the reason why he worked hard was to trample Lin Xiao under his feet one day.

Unfortunately, now Lin Xiao is hiding in the dark, and Fu Shaohua doesn't know where he is after many inquiries, which makes his heart hanging all the time.

Until the emergence of Xiao Lin, Fu Shaohua's sense of urgency reappeared. He has been targeting Xiao Lin and has no plan to let him go back alive in this task.

I didn't expect that Xiao Lin robbed him of the great credit for exterminating the judge army. Fu Shaohua regretted it and raised a trace of worry at the same time.

"Fu Shao, Fu Shao!?" When Zhang Sheng found Fu Shao in a daze, he couldn't help urging him, "let's go to meet brother Xiaolin?"

"Ah? Oh, good..." Fu Shaohua responded, got up quickly and said with a smile. "Yes, yes, yes! Let's go to meet this boy. I'm happy for him!"

"Let's go." Zhang Sheng leads the way.

A group of people followed behind Zhang Sheng. They soon walked to the base square and looked forward to the rapid approach of the streamer in the sky.

In the small shuttle ship, Lin Xiao was shaking his legs and was closing his eyes.

The news about the rebels and the black evil army was released by Lin Xiao. He is very good at this kind of "beauty of being a man".

Fang Qing, an expert in intelligence, is throwing away some means and arranging some specific details to let the black evil army "cover for them by itself". It's easy.

What's more, as soon as God ha died, tens of thousands of black evil army had no head. As long as there were some clues, they would be tracked down immediately.

It's too easy to deceive them.

Therefore, Zhang Shengcai quickly received the news. It was precisely because of the existence of Xiao Lin that the Heisha army was saved from the doom of the annihilation of the whole army.

When the small shuttle landed, everyone in the square was attracted by the unusual small spacecraft.

They had never seen such a strange spaceship. Zhang Sheng was more sure that Lin Xiao really helped the black evil army to have such a big show and let others send a spaceship to send him.

Lin Xiao swaggered out of the spaceship with a winner's smile on his face.

"Brother Xiaolin," said Zhang Sheng warmly, "hahaha, you have made great contributions this time. I didn't expect to finish the whole rebel army. It's incredible!"

Without saying a word, Fang Qing threw the bloody box to the ground. The cover of the box was opened and Chen Feng's head was exposed.

"Chen Feng?" Zhang Sheng obviously knew Chen Feng. Seeing his dead head, his eyes widened. "It's really him! This boy made trouble everywhere. I thought he would have died long ago. He hid behind the scenes!"

"Captain Zhang, is he the one you want?" Lin Xiao asked with a smile.

Zhang Sheng frowned. "Although the task requires looking for brother Tian, the rebel leader, this brother Tian is just Chen Feng's pawn. The real behind the scenes is Chen Feng. Killing him is more effective than killing brother Tian!"

"Now, the rebel bases are submerged by magma. The black evil army has no worries. Brother Xiaolin, you have made great contributions!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Lin Xiao doesn't think so. His purpose is to enter the heaven and Earth City. To complete this task is also a condition in exchange. Now it seems that things are going well.

Zhang Sheng was happy. He took Lin Xiao's arm and said to Fu Shaohua, "Fu Shao, your man is really unexpected! I'll set up a celebration banquet for you at noon! In addition, I'll personally send you into heaven and Earth City early tomorrow morning!"

Fu Shaohua should have been happy, but now he feels as bad as eating a fly because of Lin Xiao.

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Fu Shaohua replied with a smile.

"Fu Shao! You don't seem very happy?" Fang Qing asked thoughtfully, but the joking arc from the corner of her mouth made people uncomfortable.

"Hum! Why am I unhappy? You finished the task, got the appreciation of Captain Zhang, and made more contributions to the team. I'm so happy!" Fu Shaohua bit his teeth and said word by word.

"That's good!" Fang Qing giggled, "but you said that if we complete this task, we will contribute more points to us. Is that what we say?"

"Of course!" Fu Shaohua's face trembled.

"Everyone is listening. Don't go back on your word!" Fang Qing said faintly.

"No!" Fu Shaohua took a deep breath and turned away.

"Ah?" Zhang Sheng doesn't know why. He doesn't understand that these people are clearly companions. How can they talk like some gunpowder?

Lin Xiao took the initiative to come out and round the court, intimately grabbed Zhang Sheng's arm, took him and walked indoors, "team Zhang, there's something I want to ask..."

Fang Qing winked at Lin angel.

Lin Tian quickly stepped back and quietly separated from the crowd with Fang Qing.

Lin Tian's guard "Xiu" was waiting outside the stronghold with the half dead god ha.

Fang Qing is going to go back to Zhennan and put ha God to death in the death pit to offer sacrifices to his relatives and hundreds of thousands of dead souls.

Lin Xiao was invited to the reception room, and Zhang Sheng personally brought tea and poured water.

Fu Shaohua was fidgeting and embarrassed, as if he had become an outsider and was deliberately alienated by Zhang Sheng

In Zhang Sheng's opinion, Fu Shaohua can only move his mouth, while Xiao Lin and Fang Qing do things regardless of life and death, so he has great respect for Lin Xiao and Fang Qing.

"Brother Xiao, where's Miss Fang Qing?"

After a few words, Zhang Sheng found that Fang Qing had suddenly disappeared.

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