Lin Xiao smiled, "Fang Qing has something to do. She should come back before tomorrow morning!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier? I sent a special plane to see her off!"

"It's all right. The black evil army lent us a small spaceship. It's fast back and forth!"

After hearing this, Zhang Sheng immediately looked envious.

Small spaceships are the advanced equipment of the black evil army. Even if he is the stronghold captain who works for the black evil army, he has no right to use them.

In this way, Zhang Sheng admired Lin Xiao even more. Looking at others, he had only one mission and even got a small spaceship.

However, Fu Shaohua had a power of attorney signed by general Ye himself, and Zhang Sheng dared not be too disrespectful. After pouring tea to Lin Xiao, he filled Fu Shaohua another cup.

"Fu Shao! When Miss Fang comes back tomorrow morning, I'll take you to heaven and Earth City. Isn't it late?"

Fu Shaohua had planned to leave in the afternoon, but now he can only swallow his anger and say faintly, "it's not too late! Just arrange for team leader Zhang!"

"That's good," Zhang Sheng smiled. "I'll give you a banquet at noon..."

"I'm not feeling well!" Fu Shaohua stood up slowly, "I won't eat. Just inform me before leaving tomorrow morning!"

"Xiao Lin! Don't be greedy, don't miss tomorrow's event!" Fu Shaohua went to Lin Xiao, leaned down, stared at him with warning eyes, and said in a deep voice, "it's a mistake! I'll ask you!"

Lin Xiao ignored Fu Shaohua and drank tea himself.

"I'm talking to you!" Fu Shaohua's anger surged in his heart.

Lin Xiao raised his eyes slightly and said plainly, "I see!"

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua brushed away.

"This..." Zhang Sheng's expression was a little unnatural and smiled, "what do you mean?"

Lin Xiao shook his arm indifferently and said faintly, "it's all right! Fu Shao is probably really uncomfortable! It's all right. He doesn't eat. Let's eat, eat and drink enough, and go to the city tomorrow!"

"OK!" As soon as Zhang Sheng patted his chest, "I just like brother Xiao Lin. Sit here for a while. I'll tell the kitchen to cook some good dishes!"

"Team Zhang is so polite." Lin Xiao hurried to see him off.

They were polite again for a long time before they separated.

Lin Xiao sat back in his chair and called Fang Qing to confirm that she had returned. Lin Tian took Xiu with her to protect her.

Here, Lin Xiao has been thinking about what happened on the Phoenix warship.

According to the people of the black evil army, the Supreme Master with the sword is very strong and can crush Ye lost and the special envoy. Lin Xiao has never heard of such an expert.

Not to mention when the earth has a supreme master, even if the earth has a local master, who will he be?

Today's world is full of ups and downs, with the invasion of extraterrestrial forces, unrest everywhere and heroes rising.

However, even if the vitality of heaven and earth is strong, how difficult it is to break through to the supreme.

Lin Xiao once read it in an ancient book.

There has never been a Supreme Master in the history of the earth.

Even thousands of years ago, the one in the front hall of the king was only half the supreme and did not completely step into the supreme realm.

It can be imagined how difficult it is to break through the supreme.

Lin Xiao didn't believe in master's talent, but the probability was too slim.

"I don't know where Shifu is. The world is so chaotic. Should you be all right?" Lin Xiao stood at the window and looked at the dawn in the sky. He didn't sleep all night, but he was very awake.

Just then, a silver flash flashed across the sky.

Even with Lin Xiao's strong eyesight, he didn't catch what it was.

It was only vaguely visible that it was a rapidly falling figure.

Although it is not a free fall, the landing speed of the figure is still very fast, like streamer.

"People?" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

He obviously saw the figure turn in mid air. He didn't have anything to help glide. He completely relied on his own ability, and then disappeared on the ground level.

It can be seen that the figure is not really flying, but gliding with the help of physical ability. Falling from such a high distance, it can be easily buffered. This strength is unimaginable.

The first possibility Lin Xiao thought of was that the man was a supreme.

Although the puppet supreme has supreme combat ability, he doesn't have this gliding ability at all.

Now the world's most famous master, in addition to Ye lost and the special envoy, is a mysterious sword master.

Lin Xiao looked up and stared at the Phoenix warship. Just now, the Taoist shadow jumped down from the warship, hid his body in the dawn of the sky and left in a flutter.

"Who is it?"

The figure in the sky fell lightly in a small county on the ground. He tore off his white clothes and showed his gray strength. He took out a leisure blue suit from his backpack and put it on. Then he quickly walked into the street.

"Lao Yang, are you back?"

A middle-aged man with a headscarf came out of a grocery store on the corner. Yawning, he suddenly saw a figure. His eyes lit up and asked enthusiastically.

"Seck, you get up so early?"

"Ouch, I'm going to send a load of food to the black evil army in the city today. I'm urging you there. I can't do it early!" Seck stretched out and looked at Lao Yang curiously. "Where have you been these days? Why do you look so tired?"

"It's all right. Go out and do something. I'm tired of taking a car on the road!"

"Then go back and have a rest. Your watch shop has closed these days. Many people are looking for you! Especially ah Zhai, I'm very worried." Seck squeezed his eyes at Lao Yang, then walked quickly towards the van across the street, "I don't want to talk to you, it's time to deliver!"

Lao Yang entered the alley without saying a word and looked at ease.

When I opened the door of the watch shop that had been closed for several days, a breath of ashes came to my face.

Even if no one is at home for a few days, it seems that no one has lived here for a long time, giving people a gloomy feeling.


Lao Yang gently closed the door, turned out a sign and hung it outside the door: normal business.


The next second, Lao Yang opened his mouth and ejected a blood arrow, which directly hit a landing clock opposite.

"Cough..." Lao Yang quickly wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, sat on his knees, and ran the elixir field to breathe all over his body.

"How dangerous! Ye's lost internal skill is unfathomable, far more than the surface!"

Lao Yang is the sword limitless returned from the Phoenix warship.

"Cough..." Jian Wuji, whose face was as pale as paper, meditated and rested for ten minutes before slowly returning to normal.

"The recovery of strength is too slow. I don't know when I can return to the Ninth Section of domain master. It seems that it's impossible to become the great emperor in this life!" The sword smiled bitterly.

After the injury eased, jianwuji slowly got up, took out a medicine bottle from the drawer, swallowed a few pills and sat on the chair tired.

"I don't know where the smelly boy is now. He doesn't even leave a message!" Jian Wuji shook his head helplessly, and the color of worry in his eyes became more and more obvious.

"I don't know if my appearance can divert Ye's lost attention... I hope the boy can be safe!"

Jian Wuji seemed to be talking to himself. After mumbling a few words, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door.

The footsteps were very quiet, like deliberately approaching the door, and stopped in front of the door. It stopped for three seconds before the sound came again.

Sword limitless puts his hand on his waist and may produce a sword at any time.

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