
When the door was opened, a beautiful aunt put her head out and saw the limitless sword, her eyes flashed as if she could speak.

"Lao Yang! You're back at last!"

The aunt lightly pushed the door and entered, with some resentment in her eyes. She was angry at jianwuji. "She knows that playing disappears all day. Can't she stay in the store?"

"Cough..." when Jian Wuji saw the visitor, he was embarrassed and said with a dry smile, "Why are you? Is there no business in the laundry?"

"Pooh, Pooh... My laundry is doing very well. Don't curse me!" The beautiful aunt skillfully grabbed a rag and wiped the table very quickly. "Look, I haven't come back for a few days. The table is full of soil. Don't you know to wipe it?"

"How can there be blood?" Aunt looked a little flustered when she saw the blood on the landing clock. She hurried to wipe it clean.

Jian Wuji scratched his nose and looked a little unnatural. "Ah Zhai, after all these years, why don't you find someone to marry?"

A Zhai paused for a moment. It was obvious that her body trembled slightly. It took three seconds to return to normal. She said carelessly, "you care about me? I like being single. What's the matter? Besides, I haven't finished the beauty medicine you gave me. When I'm 80, I'll see if anyone wants me..."

"Those pills are only foreign things. You have to practice Kung Fu if you want to be young..."

"I don't like practicing martial arts. I can live as long as I can. After practicing martial arts, I have to fight and maybe kill people. I don't like killing people!" A Zhai began to wipe the tables, chairs and cabinets. He looked sharp.

Jian Wuji shook his head helplessly and said after a long silence, "I may have to go for another period of time."

"Let's go. Remember to leave the key this time. Last time I pried the door in, I was almost caught by the police. I'll help you clean up when I'm free!"

"Anyway, you're used to walking. You can rest assured in this family."

A Zhai seems to be used to walking back and forth without care, and she enjoys this feeling, as if a wife is always looking forward to her husband's return home.

Unfortunately, she has no intimate relationship with jianwuji.

She did everything willingly.

"No, I mean," Jian Wuji doesn't know how to speak. "After a while, I may go far, far away! I may not come back!"

Zhai's movements stopped again. This time, she raised her head and looked at jianwuji seriously. With a slight pick of her eyebrows, she suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, "giggle... Every time I see you so serious, I want to laugh! Far away, how far is it, the moon?"

Jian Wuji also smiled and said in a relaxed tone, "it's farther than the moon!"

"Cut!" Ah Zhai said, "do you still want to go to the sun? Don't burn you!"

Jian Wuji lost his smile. He smiled naturally and easily.

He doesn't know why he wants to go back to this watch shop every time he is tired.

Even if you just stay for a day or two, if you can tease ah Zhai for a few words, you will feel exhausted.

But this time he really has to go.

The vitality of heaven and earth soared, the eight towers gathered, and even the strong cloud was to be born, which means that the strength of jianwuji will recover soon, and he has more important things to do.

He wants to find a way to take Lin Xiao back to Qiangyun star, and then turn to the front hall of the king.

When the king left, he just wanted Lin xiao'an to spend his life on earth safely.

However, it backfired, and the gear of fate finally turned to the right place.

I don't know how long it will take to go back to earth.

He can't tell ah Zhaiming about this kind of thing. Even if he does, the other party may not understand and believe it.

"I want to say, where I go is farther than the sun?" Jian Wuji seldom makes a joke. He deliberately pulls his face like an old urchin.

A Zhai slowed down, turned back slowly, turned his back to the sword limitless, and youyou asked, "are you kidding again? Can't you be serious at such an old age?"

"Cough..." Jian Wuji coughed several times, "I mean if!"

"If you go farther than the sun, then... You have to leave the key, otherwise who will clean the house for you?"

Ah Zhai then turned around and took a deep look at Jian Wuji.

This eye let the heart of sword limitless shrink slightly.

He has lived for thousands of years, and his state of mind has long been as firm as a rock.

But ah Zhai's resentful and affectionate glance made his scalp numb.

"It will delay you!" The sword sighed.

"What's the delay? I'm more than 50 years old this year. It's estimated that I won't live for a few years. Anyway, I'm idle. I'll help you clean it!"

Jian Wuji thought for a moment, took out a emerald green medicine bottle, stood up, walked to a Zhai and handed it to her. "There are three medicines in this bottle. Although they can't bring back the dead, most serious diseases and serious injuries can be cured. Keep it safe!"

Ah Zhai was also impolite. He reached for it and said jokingly, "it's another lie. There are so many rich people in the world. Three pills are equivalent to three lives. They are very precious!"

"Hehe... It's no use asking for money. Take it. Remember not to tell outsiders, okay?"

"OK!" A Zhai was very forthright. He put the medicine bottle away without taking it seriously. He turned and continued to clean the room. "What do you have for lunch? I'll buy some crabs later to improve your food!"

"Good!" Jian Wuji's eyes lit up and his whole body was tired. I don't know when it had long disappeared.

Phoenix battleship.

A document was placed on Ye's lost desk.

That's a detailed piece of information.

About the limitless sword.

Ye lost picked up the information, glanced at it, and asked in a deep voice, "are you sure? It's in hamu city?"

"I can't be wrong! My men saw someone fall from the sky and fall into hamu city. The specific location is still being investigated!"

Ye lost and sneered, "you are hidden in the city. The sword is limitless. As expected, the skilled people are bold. They hide so blatantly in the county city."

"General, I have ordered the local black evil army to find it secretly and report back as soon as there is news!"

Ye lost nodded slowly, "well, remember not to scare the snake. Find out all his information, including his friends, acquaintances, colleagues, companions, or his wife and children. All these should be made clear!"

"I see!"

"As long as you can hold the limitless sword in your hand, Lin Xiao can't escape my palm!" Ye lost and clenched his right fist.

"Please rest assured, general!" Lei Yun quickly took command.

Ye lost, took out a token and threw it out. "In addition, the princess's itinerary is set. As long as the next moon tide opens, send her to sail!"


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