Nangong brocade looked down at the earth through the porthole.

The identity of Princess of heaven and earth court did not make her proud or excited.

Since she came to the Phoenix warship, no matter how ye lost treated her with respect and courtesy, she couldn't lift any spirit.

She only wanted to make Lin Xiaoping safe and let the war of aggression end early.

About Lin Xiao, Nangong Jin asked Ye lost several times to let Lin Xiao go. However, the response was mild but tough.

Lin Xiao must be arrested. This is the order of the emperor of heaven and earth. No one dares to disobey it.

The earth is full of fire, which is very obvious in the night.

It was the black evil army cleaning up the rebels and carrying out all kinds of burning, killing and looting.

Nangong Jin wanted to stop this kind of unprovoked racial killing, but although she was the princess of the heaven and earth court, ye lost showed her respect, but never took her words to heart.

In Ye lost's view, this kind of war is only an indispensable part of aggression and plunder. He has done so for the past few hundred years, and his actions have been deeply appreciated by the black evil army leader, so he thinks he is not wrong.

Nangong brocade just doesn't understand. Even if it invades, why do you want to kill it all?

Death is a living life.

"Hey!" Nangong Jin sighed and suddenly her eyes moved.


Nangong Jin's expression was a little surprised.

Because she somehow received a message in her head.

"Ah Jin!"

"Who?" Nangong Jin was startled.

Anyone who suddenly makes a sound in his head will be very frightened.

"It's me!"

The sound was just in front of me, but it seemed to come from a very far distance. That feeling was too strange and strange.

This time, Nangong Jin finally heard clearly and determined who the other party was, but he didn't dare to believe this fact.

Subconsciously, she swept around several times to make sure that the person was not in the house.

Since people are not in the house and she has no communication equipment, the voice in her mind can't come out of thin air.

As the number of people transformed by nano robots, nangongjin not only has far better physical quality than ordinary people, but also has an extremely terrible computing speed in the brain.

She vaguely felt that her head, the "central processing unit", seemed to have been tampered with.

After taking a deep breath, Nangong Jin asked tentatively, "grandma?"

Nangong Jin has always kept the title of duanmuyi. After all, she saved her life, and she can't give up her feelings for decades.

"How are you now? I heard you went to the Phoenix warship?"

Duanmuyi's voice is very clear in Nangong jinnaohai.

Nangong Jin was stunned for a while. With her body and brain transformed by nano robot, she finally understood.

"You... Left a communicator in my head?"

The voice disappeared for more than ten seconds, and then a sigh came, "you can also say that! After all, your situation was very dangerous at that time. I need to transform you from inside to outside. Only the powerful repair function of nano robot can make you live again."

Nangong Jin frowned slightly, and his expression became a little gloomy. "Does that mean you can monitor my position at any time, or even what's in your mind?"

"No, no, no..." Duan Muyi quickly explained, "it's just a simple communication tool. Like a computer program, it doesn't mean to monitor you. Moreover, your computer is equivalent to a supercomputer. Just think about it a little, I can't make small moves."

Duanmuyi seems a little flustered and speaks very fast.

Nangong Jin sank down to scan the data in his brain and did not find anything abnormal.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Hey!" Duanmu Yi sighed, "I wanted to tell you in advance, but after you left, the signal was interrupted. I finally repaired the terminal contact machine, which contacted you. Unexpectedly, you went to the Phoenix warship."

Duanmu's explanation is a little far fetched, but Nangong Jin knows that there is no result if he continues to ask. Things have been so, and asking more will only trouble himself.

However, Nangong brocade was also alert to Duanmu at this moment, so he asked faintly, "what can I do for you?"

"I just make sure you're safe. Are you okay?"

"I'm the princess of heaven and earth court. What can I do for you?" Nangong brocade said with a self deprecating smile, "if you want the wind to get the wind, if you want the rain to get the rain!"

"Really?" Duanmu YILENG said, "I thought you were under house arrest. You left too suddenly. I rushed there after receiving the news. You have been on the Phoenix warship and have been repairing the terminal recently, so I delayed contacting you!"

"How's my grandpa?" Nangong Jin asked softly, "I didn't inform him when I left. He must be worried."

"Don't worry, he's fine. He's fine! Now he's the owner of Nangong's family. He's like a fish in water in Kyoto." Duanmu Yi was anxious to change the topic and directly skipped Nangong Fuhu. "By the way, did you see ye lost?"

"Yes, what?" Nangong brocade heard a light sigh in her heart.

Duan Muyi hesitated for a few seconds. "One thing, you know, I used to be the former Saint of the earth heaven and earth Academy. Unfortunately, there were contradictions in the heaven and earth academy and it was separated into two organizations. Now the evil academy has subordinated to the black evil army and called the heaven and earth academy a rebel. It has been suppressing and slaughtering. The disciples of the heaven and earth academy scattered everywhere are in constant panic..."

"Grandma, you have something to say."

"OK!" Duanmu Yi mused, "I want to see general Ye lost!"

"See ye lost?" Nangong Jin was surprised, "why do you want to see him?"

"I don't want to see the heaven and earth court kill each other. Now general Ye is blinded by the evil house and thinks that the heaven and earth city is a real rebel. If this goes on, the foundation of the earth's heaven and earth court will be really over."

Nangong brocade has no sense of belonging to the heaven and earth courtyard. Today, she is passive to bear all this.

Of course, she doesn't want to die, but it's not so easy to make peace with this kind of racial invasion.

Maybe Ye lost just wanted to find a reason to go to war with the earth. The separated heaven and earth court just satisfied his mind.

Duanmu wants to make peace. Nangong Jin thinks it's a fantasy.

"This matter..." Nangong Jin said in a deep voice, "Ye lost and headstrong. He won't listen to you. According to his idea, he wants to treat the earth people as rebels in the heaven and earth court, so that he can send troops to attack at will, which is more unscrupulous than now."

"Ah Jin! I must see ye lost. After all, we all belong to the branch of heaven and earth Academy. He should not want to see his own people kill each other?"

"I need to think about this," Nangong Jin said in a deep voice. "Ye lost is very hard to talk. He is just a smiling tiger. I don't know what idea he has in his stomach!"

"In short, this matter will be handled as soon as possible, and it will change later. I'm afraid both sides will lose in the end."

After duanmuyi's voice disappeared, it never appeared again.

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