"Hum!" After all, Fu Shaohua was their team leader. When the team members lost their people, his face didn't shine. He stood up slowly and sneered, "isn't it just a few pieces of animal meat? I don't believe that if I eat more, I can still be supported to death?"

"Oh?" Yuan Shang blinked. "Does Fu Shao despise this Horned Dragon meat?"

"It's not that I despise you, but that you exaggerate the truth!" Fu Shaohua looked at Lin Xiao intentionally or unintentionally and said faintly, "Shan Yu was just unprepared. Although this meat is strange, I can still eat a few pieces!"

Yuan Shang smiled, "then Fu Shao will taste it and see how the meat tastes?"

"All right!" Fu Shaohua directly grabbed the long chopsticks and without hesitation picked them up and fed them to his mouth.

Bravo, Bravo

Fu Shaohua swallowed the meat in three bites and then picked up the second piece

After eating five pieces of meat in succession, Fu Shaohua burped and his eyes gradually brightened. "Sure enough, this meat is more powerful than yuan Dan. I really want to eat a few more pieces!"


Fu Shaohua burped again and his face turned a little red, but he didn't react as much as Shan Yu.

Although he is greedy, Fu Shaohua knows that he can't stand three pieces alone. He can't have more than five pieces, otherwise he will make a fool of himself.

Just five pieces of meat also surprised the expression of Yuanshang brothers.

After observing for a moment, Fu Shaohua did not have any accident. Instead, he sat down calmly.

"Fu Shao is really powerful!" Yuan Shang's eyes were slightly bright. "It's really not easy to have such accomplishments at such an age! An ordinary great master has long vomited earth shaking after eating five pieces of meat. Maybe his meridians will be damaged. Fu Shao is still calm and powerful!"

Yuanlong also praised Fu Shaohua, "Fu Shaohua is light and promising. No wonder he can lead the team to perform the task. It seems that we will have more exchanges with Zhennan Martial Arts Association in the future."

Fu Shaohua said with a smile, "you two adults flattered me. In fact, it's nothing."

"It's very rare to eat five pieces of dragon meat at Fu Shao's age. Even if you put it on the black evil star, it's also an outstanding genius!" Yuan Shang threw out an olive branch to Fu Shaohua, "if Fu Shaohua is willing, he can work for the black evil army. It's just around the corner!"

"This..." Fu Shaohua hesitated for a few seconds. "Talk about it later!"

"Xiao Lin," Yuan long looked at Lin Xiao, "since team Zhang arranged the celebration banquet for you today, you have to taste the meat. Don't you dare?"

Yuan Shang sneered, "he saw that Shan Yu almost made a fool of himself. How dare he eat meat? I guess he didn't even dare to drink soup!"

"Really? Don't say that, brother. He is a great hero. He not only destroyed the rebel forces, but also saved the first stronghold. Can he do so much without some strength?" Yuanlong said strangely, "I see, some people just have their names in vain. In fact, they are just silver guns and candle heads. They are useless!"

"Medium look? Which eye did you see him medium look?" Yuan Shang sneered, "it's just a dog leg behind Fu Shao. He narrowly killed the rebel leader!"

"That's what I said," said Yuanlong in a serious way. "Well, since people don't dare to eat, we can't force it. If something goes wrong, it will humiliate the name of a great hero!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiao, with different meanings.

Fu Shaohua picked up a paper towel, wiped his mouth, and said in a strange manner, "Xiao Lin! Captain Zhang kindly invited you to eat meat. You don't give face? Are you really afraid? The people I brought out are not cowards. Don't embarrass me!"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. Seeing what this meant, Fu Shaohua, Yuan Shang and Yuan Long sincerely wanted to see themselves make a fool of themselves.

No wonder Qi Qi came to the luncheon with this idea in mind.

Although Lin Xiao was not sure whether he could bear the conflict between vitality, he was sure that his Dantian and body were very eager for this higher level of vitality.

As for how many pieces of meat you can eat, according to Lin Xiao's appetite, even if you eat the lower half of the skeleton, it's no problem.

Lin Xiao was already salivating with such good meat in front of him.

Hearing the speech, Lin Xiao slowly got up, rolled up his sleeves and said carelessly, "Captain Zhang entertained me. I naturally want to give face. How can I dare not eat such good meat?"

"Really?" Fu Shaohua sat down calmly and looked at him with contempt. "Aren't you afraid of being burst by vitality?"

"I'm afraid," Lin Xiao shook his head and deliberately annoyed Fu Shaohua, "but with the slight vitality in the meat, it's not worth mentioning to me. But Fu Shao can't eat five yuan?"

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua sneered, "don't talk big first. You see Shan Yu's end. Now you're vomiting and diarrhea. How many pieces can you eat?"

"I can eat!" Lin Xiao opened his mouth and showed his big white teeth. "Such good meat is wasted. I can't live up to captain Zhang's kindness!"

Zhang Sheng laughed a few times and deliberately reminded, "brother Xiao, don't be brave. This dish was originally for fun. We have other better dishes. Look at these dishes..."

"Captain Zhang, what do you mean?" Yuan Shang was uncomfortable and squinted at Zhang Sheng. "Are you disgusting with my meat?"

This meat was brought by Yuan Shang. Knowing that Lin Xiao was invited to dinner at noon, he deliberately asked the kitchen to cook a meal.

His purpose is very simple. It is to make Lin Xiao look bad.

But Zhang Sheng had some intention to protect Lin Xiao everywhere, which made yuan Shang very unhappy.

"Yuan Shang," said Zhang Sheng faintly with his eyes drooping, "we are all our own people. Why be aggressive?"

"What's aggressive?" Yuan Shang patted the table a few times. "I kindly prepared the special dish of black evil star for Xiao Lin to taste. It's not a poison into the intestines. What are you afraid of?"

Zhang Sheng frowned.

Lin Xiao smiled, "then I'll thank captain yuan Shang for his kindness. I don't want to waste such good meat. If you don't eat it, I'll wrap it!"

Lin Xiao stretched out his big hand while talking, and regardless of the greasiness, he grabbed a large piece directly.

This big piece is enough to fill the whole mouth.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lin Xiao unexpectedly.

If you eat such a large piece, you won't choke directly without talking about the conflict of strength?

"This boy, want to die?" Yuan Long whispered, "brother, what is he doing?"

Yuan Shang sneered, "it's just grandstanding. You're looking for death. No wonder others!"

The two brothers had a joking look on their face, and their eyes turned bright when they looked at Lin Xiao. They seemed to be looking forward to the end of his death.

Zhang Sheng was a little flustered. If Lin Xiao couldn't stand the urge, he would really eat it. If something happened then, he would be in trouble.

"Xiao Lin, don't be impulsive. This meat is not ordinary people. Just taste it carefully. Don't..."

Before Zhang Sheng's voice fell, he saw Lin Xiao put the meat in his mouth and chew it.

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