Everyone was stunned to see Lin Xiao swallow the meat without hesitation.

"Just eat it?"

"This boy..."

Even the two brothers Yuanshang, who were ready to gloat, opened their mouths in surprise.

"It's not like that to want to commit suicide, is it?"

"Such a big piece of meat, even our great master of black evil star doesn't dare to gobble it up like this..."

Everyone talked, and Lin Xiao took advantage of this gap to swallow two large pieces again, and swallowed them like a whirlwind.

Three big pieces are equivalent to nine small pieces. People's eyelids jump when they see this way of eating.

"It's over!"

Zhang Sheng sat down dejectedly, "still not calm!"

Lin Xiao was not happy to eat, and others were stunned.

If it's just meat, a warrior can't eat too much. Even if he eats all the meat on the table, it doesn't matter.

But now the meat is like the poison of scraping bones. If you eat it, you will die.

Lin Xiao is joking about life.

Lin Xiao patted his stomach and said with a smile, "the meat tastes really good!"

Zhang Sheng quickly stood up and watched Lin Xiao anxiously. "Brother Xiao Lin, are you really okay? No food, come on, let's drink..."

"I'm not full yet," Lin Xiao said with a provocative look at Yuan Shang. "Yuan Shang, thank you for your delicious food. Do you have any meat? Give me a few more meals. I'm afraid I can't eat enough!"

"Hum!" Yuan Shang sneered, "OK, as long as you can eat, how much you want!"

"That's what you said," said Lin Xiao with a smile. "I want a whole adult Horned Dragon. Can I do it?"

A whole adult Horned Dragon, which needed thousands of tons of meat, Lin Xiao was like a lion and laughed at everyone.

"Hahaha... Xiao Lin, should I say you are ignorant or you are fearless? Can you stand and go out today?" Yuan Shang burst into laughter.

Yuanlong sneered and said half jokingly and half seriously, "would you like the meat of a whole Horned Dragon? OK, as long as you finish all the meat on this half skeleton today, I'll get you one tomorrow!"

There are more than a dozen adult horned dragons on the Phoenix warship, but they are reserved for logistical supplies and will not be used easily.

Even if the two brothers of Yuan Shang have the authority, they are not qualified to use the meat of an adult Horned Dragon.

However, Yuanlong doesn't care. He knows that Lin Xiao can't eat the veterinary drugs in front of him. The reason why he says so is just to embarrass Lin Xiao.

"Everyone heard," Lin Xiao's eyes brightened. "Captain Yuanlong said it himself. Won't you go back?"

"Less nonsense!" Yuan Shang shouted impatiently, "what my brother promised is what I promised. Naturally, you won't go back. What do you think now? Do you feel abdominal pain like a knife cutting, and the Dantian seems to be rising."

Lin Xiao smiled and grabbed a large piece of meat, slowly stuffed it into his mouth in the meat man's dull eyes, and said vaguely, "now I just feel like I want to eat all the meat..."

After Lin Xiao put the first piece of meat into his mouth, he felt the smell of Dantian boiling. It was like a long drought with showers. He couldn't wait to absorb the vitality of these meat.

I'm afraid it's hard for others to bear the strong impact after eating these meat, but for Lin Xiao, these meat is a great tonic.

Not to mention the half of the young horned meat in front of him, even if he could eat the whole young horned meat without blinking.

Lin Xiao's mouth was full of oil, but there was no abnormality except that his face turned red.

One, two, three

When Lin Xiao stuffed the meat into his mouth one by one and wolfed it down, the room was quiet.

"What's going on!"


"He, why doesn't he feel at all? Is this meat fake?"

"Won't he explode and die?"

Lin Xiao's eating appearance was even scary, which made people worried and raised a creepy feeling at the same time.

"Xiao, brother Xiao Lin, you..." Zhang Sheng didn't know how to dissuade him. If he ate like this, he would die. What strength conflict would he use.

Lin Xiao made a sign to Zhang Sheng not to worry, and ate happily.

Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at him with shock in their hearts.

In just ten minutes, Lin Xiao had eaten half of the skeleton, leaving only meat residue.

Although a lot of meat was removed from the skeleton, the rest was twenty or thirty kilograms.

Lin Xiao ate so much meat.


Lin Xiao made a loud belch, and the sound waves scattered and blew up everyone's hair.

"Comfortable!" Lin Xiao felt his round belly and was excited to find that the bottleneck of the great master baduan was slowly loosening, and the new Dantian breath was slowly injecting into the eight meridians.

Lin Xiao thought that if he had another half skeleton, maybe he could directly break through to the ninth paragraph of the great master.

"Brother Xiao, are you okay?" Zhang Sheng asked cautiously. He was afraid that Lin Xiao would only reflect on him, and the real result would be a sudden explosion.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "What can I do? I have to thank captain Yuanshang for eating such delicious meat."

Yuan Shang's face was as ugly as eating a dead child. He didn't understand why Lin Xiao didn't have an abnormal reaction after eating these meat.

"How does this bastard's body structure consist? How can he hold on until now?" Yuan Shang's eyes narrowed fiercely. It seemed that the situation was not so good.

"I think someone is playing tricks?" Yuan long looked at Zhang Sheng viciously and asked, "Zhang Sheng! Is that you?"

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Zhang Sheng was glad that Lin Xiao was all right. He was suddenly questioned and confused.


Yuan Shang understood his brother's meaning, patted the table and stared, "did you tell Xiao Lin in advance and let him prepare?"

"Ready? What ready?" Zhang Sheng was confused. "What are you talking about? Is it interesting?"

"Zhang Sheng! You know what happens when you eat too much meat, but you also know that we have a medicine that will neutralize vitality and dryness after taking it in advance. Didn't you steal our medicine and give it to Xiao Lin?"

They wanted to see Lin Xiao make a fool of himself, but now the other party is not only fine, but also seems to have received great benefits.

This made them a little angry and immediately thought of Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng turned green with anger at the two brothers and said angrily, "what are you talking about? I prepared in advance? Who knew you would force Xiao Lin to eat meat? If I knew your vicious thoughts in advance, I really had to prepare well!"

"So you admit it? OK! I'll report it to general ye and let him decide!"

"Elder brother! I said Zhang Sheng was an alien and unreliable!"

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