Lin Xiao was very strange. He thought Fang Qing seemed to know everything. He couldn't help looking at her and said with a smile, "how do you know?"

Fang Qing said coldly, "today's wind is too strong. I need to wear a pair of eyes to cover the sand. This is a typical simoaxi code from the Security Bureau."

Lin Xiao slowed down slightly. "The secret service?"

Fang Qing was quickly calculating something in her mind and said, "this password means to find a way to hold them down and kill them if necessary!"

"Fu Shaohua is very poisonous. What are you holding us back for? He brought us here for the purpose of being cannon fodder?" Lin Xiao sneered, "is there any other reason?"

Fang Qingchao glanced back and made sure that no one came up. He lowered his voice and said, "I suspect Fu Shaohua is a spy sent by the secret service. Do you remember Mrs. Zhuang when you were in Zhennan martial arts association?"

"Mrs. Zhuang? Isn't that the object of your investigation?" Lin Xiao mused, "what does it have to do with Fu Shaohua?"

"I suspect that the 'destruction' of monitoring Mrs. Zhuang has something to do with Fu Shaohua, and even the people behind Fu Shaohua!"

Lin Xiao's eyes moved slightly. "So, the main purpose of Fu Shaohua's coming to heaven and Earth City this time is not to save people, but to work for the security bureau?"

"You think, what background can Fu Shaohua have to get Ye lost's personally signed pass order?" Fang Qing sneered, "it must be an expert behind him! And this man is stronger and more powerful than Fu Taiyang."

"So, you suspect it's the one?"

"Yes! Otherwise, how could Mie hide in Zhennan martial arts association and monitor others at will?" Fang Qing almost said in a certain tone, "it seems that those Pro Mafia elements in the Security Bureau are taking action!"

"Moreover, this is very mysterious. No one in the Security Bureau knows his real identity. I'm afraid even Zhong wanjian doesn't know!"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. "Zhong wanjian is the head of the Security Bureau. He doesn't know?"

"Zhong Wan Jian was transferred from the army, and the military department had been at odds with the secret office. He used to adjust his past to restrain those who were wanton." before Zhong Wan Jian was transferred, the destruction existed. I believe Zhong Wan Jian should not know his presence! "

Lin Xiao was lost in thought.

"Now it seems that killing these people should already belong to pro Mafia elements!"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "Pro Mafia?"

"Those who are willing to be the running dogs of the black evil army," said Fang Qing unhappily. "If they didn't act, so many people wouldn't have died in Zhennan!"

Referring to the Zhennan tragedy, Fang Qing was angry for no reason.

Although the great revenge is avenged, the dead can no longer be reborn. This pain will remain in Fang Qing's heart forever.

They were chatting and unknowingly walked to the door of Qiankun bar.

Unexpectedly, the environment here is incompatible with both sides, which makes people in a trance.

The two strings of red lanterns at the door are very conspicuous. It's really hard to see if they are far away without the black flags on both sides.

On both sides of the street stood several black evil army soldiers, eyeing with guns, as if they were protecting the military restricted zone.

In short, the whole area gives people a very lively but very serious strange feeling.

In and out of the guests, most of them are members of the black evil army. There are family members or friends of soldiers, and only a few of them are the original residents of the free heaven and Earth City.

The reason why these original residents can enter and leave here freely is also because they are classified as "good people" and are engraved with the mark of humiliation.

But in order to survive, these people's practices are not too inappropriate. After all, living is the most important, and they can get a certain degree of freedom and living space.

When Lin Xiao and his companions approached, they were noticed by the soldiers of the black evil army. They immediately walked out and leaned over vigilantly.

"Huh?" Probably seeing that Lin Xiao didn't have the mark of "good people" on him, they immediately picked up their guns and shouted vigilantly, "raise your hands!"

Lin Xiao took out the pass order assigned by Fu Shaohua and said with a smile, "we have certificates. This is the pass order spontaneously issued by Captain Zhang!"

The pass order is an electronic USB flash disk, which is difficult to imitate.

A soldier received it suspiciously and inserted it into the inspection device he carried with him. He saw the green successful handwriting on the display screen.

"You!" The soldiers of the Heisha army pointed their guns at Fang Qing again.

Fang Qing was very impatient, but she cooperated to complete the other party's inspection.

After confirming their identity, the two soldiers retreated silently, pointed to the bar and said indifferently, "go in!"

Without stopping, they went straight in.

As soon as I entered the bar, something black hit me fiercely.


Lin Xiao smashed the wine bottle with one punch. The explosion made the scene quiet for a moment.


Just for a moment, the room was filled with noise again.

"Shit! Dare to touch my girl and die?"

The drunken man who threw the flying bottle tangled and wrestled with others, and a corner banged and immediately fell into a disorderly fight.

Lin Xiao carefully avoided the fighting crowd and walked deep.

The whole bar is very wide and has six corridors in different directions.

Six corridors are surrounded by a dance floor with a radius of 30 meters. All kinds of men and women are wriggling their hips and releasing hormones.

"When are these guys? They only know how to play!" Fang Qing disdainfully glanced. "It's not unreasonable to be enslaved!"

"Why do you care so much? Hurry to find the connector!" Lin Xiao said as he scanned the bar, "what about the password?"

"I'll change it a little. This password is only known by the senior management of the Security Bureau, so they won't find anything unusual!" Fang Qing smiled confidently.

"To what?" Lin Xiao asked suspiciously.

Fang Qing said strangely, "you'll know in a minute!"

Lin Xiao knew that the girl was full of intrigues and never showed her voice. It was difficult to get some useful information from her.

"Mystify!" Lin Xiao could only hold a deep white eye.


Fang Qing directly rolled up her braid and rolled it behind her head. She tore half of her clothes on her chest to reveal the looming snow-white scenery. She tied the clothes on her waist together and swaggered out.

Fang Qing walked around and immediately attracted the attention of many men. With wolf like eyes, she scanned aggressively.


A whistling sound sounded, and several foolhardy young people came up with a smile.

At first glance, these people are gangsters who have been hollowed out by wine and sex. No wonder they will become running dogs of the black evil army and wander in the bar.

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