Lin Xiao was not even interested in taking a look at these people.

Instead, Fang Qing warmly welcomed her and said with a smile, "how many little brothers, have a drink together?"

"Yo? Such a beautiful little sister has come to the heaven and earth bar. Our place is becoming more and more lively!"

Lin Xiao was speechless, little sister?

Fang Qing is at least in her thirties. You young people call her little sister. I'm afraid there's something wrong with her eyes.

"Little sister, what to drink? Brother, please!" A few punks came up and wanted to do something.

Unfortunately, Fang Qing usually mingles with various circles. She is familiar with this scene, quietly avoids the salty pig hands of several people, points to the bar and says, "what's the hurry? Drink first!"

"Cough!" Lin Xiao coughed and reminded, "Fang Qing, what are you doing?"

At this time, several gangsters noticed that there was a man around Fang Qing.

In such a place, there are no rules. As long as you don't provoke the black evil army, no one cares about the life and death of others.

Their gloomy and joking eyes swept Lin Xiao and determined that he was not from the black evil army. Their eyes immediately became fierce.

"Little sister, this is your boyfriend? It doesn't look very good. Why don't you let him go?"

Fang Qing giggled and joked deliberately, "OK! I happen to annoy him!"

"Hey! I'd be happy to serve beauty!" A little gangster came out and pushed Lin Xiao very savagely, "boy, you hear me? My little sister asked you to get out!"


Lin Xiao's tattoos didn't move. His strong pectoralis major muscle was like a rock. He looked at the weak gangster opposite indifferently and faintly spit out a word, "get out!"

"You, what did you say?" The little gangster smiled angrily. "You're afraid you're not looking for death? Do you know where this is?"

Lin Xiao was very impatient. "Why do people like you always have the same tone and line? I'm tired of hearing it. Get out of here right away!"


Next to him stood a few strong men, all of whom were murderous.

Lin Xiao is naturally not afraid of fighting. Let alone these little gangsters. On today's earth, unless the supreme person comes, there is no enemy Lin Xiao can't defeat.

He can kill the whole bar.

However, sometimes fighting may not be useful

"Ouch! What's the noise? Isn't it good to drink?" Fang Qing took the initiative to walk between Lin Xiao and the others and said with a charming smile, "you stinky men always fight and kill. What's the meaning? Aren't you afraid to scare my sister?"

The leading gangster licked his lips, "Hey! Little sister doesn't like fighting? OK! Brother, listen to you, let's drink! Let's go! Don't have the same experience as this boy!"


"Boy! For the sake of my little sister, spare your life!"

"Or you will look good!"

A group of people cursed in front of Lin Xiao, and then surrounded Fang Qing to the bar.

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry. He knew Fang Qing had a plan. In order not to destroy her plan, he had to bear the impulse to beat people and follow up.

The two brothers Wang Yang came in after him, but they were a little confused at the sight of such a chaotic bar.

"Where can I find someone here?" Wang Yue's eyes were dull and her mind was confused.

"Hum!" Wang Yang's hot temper made him unable to find someone calmly. He came directly to the group and pushed them away, "I ask you, have you seen a man without a left arm and a scar on his face?"

The group were drinking. Hi, they were disturbed and were angry at that time.

"Fuck, you want to die?"

"Where's the garbage that makes us drink?"

In addition to the black evil army, those who can drink in this bar are local Pro underworld elements. They are arrogant one by one. Fighting is common, and it is common to kill people and see blood.

Wang Yang stared and directly stretched out his hand to fight out.


The swearing guy was beaten unconscious.

At first glance, the others saw the cruel character, opened their teeth and claws, and were severely put down by Wang Yang.

Then he stepped on a man's head and Wang Yang leaned down, "do you understand what I asked you?"

"Shit! I don't know!" The man was also cruel. He didn't let go at all. He pulled his neck and scolded, "let go of me!"

"Grass!" Wang Yang picked him up and threw him against the wall. After playing for a long time, the other party still didn't spit.

Everyone is not surprised at the fight, and no one pays attention to the things here.

Wang Yang fought for a long time and found several people, but no one told him.

"Brother, all right!" Wang Yue saw the problem and knew that these people were not afraid of being cruel. It was useless to fight.

Wang Yue pulled her brother aside and said in a deep voice, "it's too complicated here. If you ask, if the other party is careful, he will choose to hide!"

"Then let's just say the password? People who know the password will come out to us!"

"Are you stupid?" Wang Yue smiled angrily. "What if the enemy knows how to find someone so obviously? Since there is a password, it means to guard against others and be careful!"

Wang Yang rubbed his big nose and said impatiently, "I've seen at least a few hundred people here. Where can I find them? If the contact person is there, I'll tell you when to find them?"

After Wang yuechao took a quiet look, he found that Fu Shaohua came in with Shan Yu and others. He took his brother to hide in the dark and said with a smile, "let's follow Fu Shaohua as long as he finds someone?"

"Huh?" Wang Yang was stunned, "why didn't I think of it?"

Wang Yue sneered, "Fu Shao asked us to act separately. He kept saying to avoid exposure. I think there is another purpose. We have to be careful to drive a ten thousand year ship!"

"That's right! My brother is still smart! It's up to you!"

The two brothers mingled in the crowd and began to closely observe Fu Shaohua's movements.

However, to their surprise, Fu Shaohua didn't mean to find anyone after he came in. He directly found a seat, sat down, ordered two bottles of wine and called several girls.

Judging from Fu Shaohua's performance, he has no intention of looking for someone at all.

Shan Yu didn't dare to sit down, so he had to stand beside Fu Shaohua and accompany him carefully. Seeing that he didn't intend to find someone, he couldn't help asking, "Fu Shao, don't we find the contact person?"

"What's the hurry? Aren't there them?" Fu Shao took the wine bottle and flirted with the beautiful woman next to him. He didn't mean to find someone.

"But..." Shan Yu scratched his head, "more people will always be more efficient?"

"Then go," Fu Shao glanced up at him, "you have given you the characteristics and password. Why don't you look for it?"

Shan Yu smiled and carefully retracted, so that he would not act alone.

On the other hand, in a corner of the dance floor, the atmosphere suddenly became warm. Fang Qing was hot, and there was nothing else for women.

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