From the attitude of scar face, the identity of the people inside is not general, and their status must be very important. Maybe they are the high-level of the black evil army.

There are only a few high-level officials of the Heisha army. Ha Shen is dead, leaving only the general leader of the stronghold desolate and the rain leaf pioneer. In addition, there are several people on the Phoenix warship.

According to Lin Xiao's conjecture, the people here are likely to be the desolate leader of the stronghold.

According to Zhang Sheng, the desolation is very strong, almost no less than the rain leaf pioneer, and it is very vicious and ruthless, showing no mercy to the enemy.

Lin Xiao followed carefully, and didn't want to be calculated because of his carelessness.

The space in the tower extends downward. After walking through about 20 steps, they come to a spacious circular hall with lights on the surrounding walls and beautiful wall drawings.

In the middle, there are two pots of bright potted plants. They look green with bright red, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Next to the potted plants is a pink hairy sofa.

Seeing the sofa, Lin Xiao showed a strange expression.

This kind of sofa is generally a style that little girls like.

"Lin Xiao, this should be a woman's bedroom!"

"True or false?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "A woman's bedroom? How do I feel like a little girl's bedroom?"

"Of course, women's sixth sense told me." Fang Qing smiled confidently and pointed to a pair of cartoon slippers in the corner of the wall. "You can see the size of the slippers!"

Lin Xiao blinked and was about to speak. The scar man next to him spoke in a low voice for fear of being heard by someone. "The one who is taking a bath inside should come out soon. It's inconvenient for me to stay for a long time. You must pay attention and don't say anything wrong!"

Lin Xiao nodded vaguely, feeling that things had become strange.

Before Lin Xiao could react, scar man quickly stepped back and disappeared outside the door.

The door also closed slowly under the operation of the electronic system and locked with a click.

The whole space immediately became quiet.

Lin Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "I always feel strange. Won't something happen?"

Fang Qing approached Lin Xiao a little closer, "I don't know. I'm also the first time to come. In short, it's better to be careful!"

Inside the bar, Fu Shaohua finished laughing with several beautiful women, looked at the time, and said to Shan Yu next to him, "almost. Have you seen Xiao Lin and them?"

Shan Yu always looked around like a mouse. He smelled the speech and said quickly, "just now I saw Xiao Lin and Fang Qing go with someone. That person seems to be the contact person!"

"Found it so soon?" As soon as Fu Shaohua's eyes brightened, he immediately got up and sneered, "well, it's time for us to act!"

"Ah?" Shan Yu was stunned. "Fu Shao, don't we follow up?"

"With what?" Fu Shaohua walked outside the bar. "We don't have much time. Hurry to save people!"

Confused and afraid to ask more, he had to follow.

After looking for nothing in the bar for a long time, brother Wang Yang saw the two leave and looked at each other, so he pulled his legs to follow up.

Out of the bar, Fu Shaohua immediately took out a small communication tool and whispered a signal, "we don't have much time, send a signal quickly!"

Just when everyone was confused, a touch of red appeared in the sky far away from heaven and Earth City.


It seems that someone is putting fireworks.

The red light flashed away and did not attract special attention.


Fu Shaohua pointed in the direction of the red light, "hurry over now!"

On Lin Xiao's side, there was no one in the room, which made them very nervous.

The spacious space was filled with bursts of fragrance. Lin Xiao sniffed hard and didn't find the toxin. He was relieved.

"What's the matter?" Lin Xiao frowned and asked, "lead us to meet people, but no one showed up. Is it delaying time?"

"There's no need to delay? Why did they do that?" Fang Qing began to walk around the room and said with more certainty, "this room must be a woman's room, or an old woman..."

Lin Xiao was even more surprised. "Old woman? How can old women wear pink slippers? And what is this?"

Lin Xiao pointed to something like a suspender vest on the sofa, "can an old woman wear this?"

"You don't understand," said Fang Qing, who naturally studied women thoroughly and knew women best. "This kind of thing is the favorite of old women. They think that only by wearing this kind of thing can they return to their girlhood."

Lin Xiao chuckled. "You know an old woman so well, so you're an old woman, too?"

"Get out!" Fang Qing glared at him, "don't you think it's strange? Scar man led us to this abnormal old woman's room. What's the purpose?"

"How do I know?" Lin Xiao was also a monk Zhang Er. He was puzzled, and his doubts became deeper and deeper.

Just then, the door inside the room opened.

A figure is very enchanting, so that a man can come out at a glance.

The figure should be the owner of the room and the "that" in the mouth of the scar man. He is wearing a bath towel and gracefully wiping his waist long hair.

Her long hair is black as late at night, bright as bright stars, scattered on her shoulders, making her delicate skin whiter and more tender.

Lin Xiao's face turned red.

The figure is not inch wisps all over the body. It can be seen clearly in the secret place. It is so eye-catching and makes men very moved.

Fang Qing stared at her seriously and didn't speak.

While wiping his body, the figure asked calmly, "are you the new experimental object?"


A question mark rose in their hearts at the same time.

what do you mean?

"Huh?" The woman found that they didn't respond and couldn't help looking up slowly, revealing a delicate face.

Seeing this face, Lin Xiao's pupil shrunk slightly. He was the pioneer of rain leaves.

At the moment, the rain leaf pioneer doesn't wear her hedgehog armor or protective helmet. His shining eyes are very Soul-catching.

Seeing Lin Xiao staring at himself so impolitely, Yuye frowned slightly, threw the bath towel aside and said coldly, "ask you something!"

Lin Xiao didn't know how to answer. After thinking about it, he said silently, "yes!"

"Hum!" Yuye turned her body and looked at Fang Qing, "there's a woman this time."

Fang Qing was silent for a long time, bowed slightly and said respectfully, "Sir, I don't know what you mean by the experimental object?"

"Hehe, question me?" Yuye seemed very relaxed and not afraid of being stared at by Lin Xiao. He naturally sat on the sofa, cocked up his legs and asked with a smile, "didn't the snake king tell you clearly before coming?"

Lin Xiao doesn't know who the snake king is, and he doesn't know what the so-called experimental object means. He just vaguely feels that it's not easy to get away today.

Yuye pioneer is the real No. 1 general under general Ye lost, with great strength.

At the beginning, Lin Xiao fought with Yuye only between Bo Zhong and it was difficult to suppress her.

Moreover, this is the territory of Yuye. Once it is found, it will be very difficult for Lin Xiao to escape.

The situation, which was very active, suddenly became difficult.

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