Seeing that they were silent, Yuye's face became slightly gloomy. He stared at Lin Xiao and asked in a deep voice, "all the experimental subjects I need are willing not to resist. Didn't the snake king tell you these things?"

Lin Xiao didn't know how to answer. Now he began to think about how to get away.

"What the hell is this snake king doing?" Yuye got up slowly, picked up the communicator on the table and shouted, "call me the snake king!"

The snake king is the chief in charge of defense in heaven and Earth City under Yuye's command. He is also an expert in the black evil army.

The snake king usually guards several important places in Qiankun City, and today is no exception.

Just now someone reported that something was different in the area under his jurisdiction. For the sake of insurance, he was going to investigate in person when he received a call from Yuye Xianfeng's assistant.

At the mention of Yuye pioneer, the complacent snake king becomes very cautious.

"Get ready right away and go with me to see Lord pioneer!"

The two men did not dare to neglect, so they immediately informed them to go down, prepare cars and people, and set off immediately.

The location of the snake king is about 30 kilometers away from the residence of Yuye Xianfeng. It takes at least half an hour from action to departure and arrival.

Soon, the snake king set out with the team.

At this time, not far from the snake king's residence, several heads were exposed and were looking over there.

"Sure enough," Fu Shaohua sneered. "It seems that the plan over there has succeeded!"

"Fu Shao, which game are we playing?" Shan Yu hesitated for a long time before he dared to ask, "don't wait for Xiao Lin?"

"Wait a fart!" Fu Shaohua glared at him. "It's the best chance for us to take action. We don't have much time. Let's go quickly!"

"Fu Shao, what's going on?" Shan Yu chased him and asked, "who is the snake king? Who led the snake king away?"

"I can't tell you clearly," Fu Shaohua said as he walked quickly. "Xiao Lin is dragging Yu Ye Xianfeng and snake king now. This is our chance to save people!"

"Ah?" Shan Yu's face shook fiercely, "fight with rain leaf pioneer? Don't they have death and no life?"

"What?" Fu Shaohua looked at him with a sneer. "Do you want them to come back and be bait yourself?"

"No, no, no..." Shan Yu smiled. He finally understood that the reason why Fu Shaohua asked them to find the contact person separately was not to hide people's eyes and ears, but to let them be cannon fodder.

Whoever comes into contact with the contact person will become the bait.

The real purpose of Fu Shaohua is to distract the snake king, which is equivalent to the role of security captain.

Brother Wang Yang also saw Fu Shaohua's means clearly and thought it was lucky that he didn't find the contact person, otherwise it was his two brothers who were used as bait now.

Now they have understood that Fu Shaohua has long known that the hiding place of the rescue target should be within the area controlled by the snake king, but it has not been made public.

Now that the snake king is led away, the nearby security forces will immediately weaken a lot, and the success rate of the operation will be greater.


Another red light flashed through the air.

This time, the position of the red light is about two kilometers away from the one just now.

"Go!" Fu Shaohua showed a happy face and immediately spread his body and flew over.

Others followed.

At this moment, Lin Xiao and Fang Qing are a little nervous.

Being stared at by a fruit woman, Lin Xiao was not only nervous, but also embarrassed.

No wonder Fang Qing said this was the old woman's room.

According to intelligence, Fang Qing looks like a mature woman of 30, but his real age is already over 200.

Lin Xiao felt a chill at the thought that the old witch was two hundred years old, still flirting and in such a good shape.

Being stared at by the rain leaves, Lin Xiao was very uncomfortable. He was ready to rush out by force.

Just then, Yuye received a call.

Fang Qing took advantage of the situation to pull Lin Xiao and said in a low voice, "don't worry, look what the hell this woman is doing!"

"The longer the delay, the harder it will be to get away. We have been calculated by Fu Shaohua," Lin Xiao said in a deep voice. "Don't do it now. Let Yuye react. We all have to stay here!"

"First listen to what she said on the phone." Fang Qing whispered.

After Yuye connected the phone, she looked very impatient and said coldly, "hum! How do you do things? This kind of mistake will also be made? Where is the snake king?"

I don't know what the other side said. Yuye said coldly, "give him ten minutes, or you won't have to come!"

Throwing the phone aside, Yuye looked at Lin Xiao again, "since the snake king didn't explain it to you, I'll say it again!"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The subjects I need should obey unconditionally. You have to do whatever I ask you to do. Of course, before that, I will give you a certain reward and compensation."

Lin Xiao asked subconsciously, "what kind of experiment is it?"

Yuye smiled mysteriously, turned slowly and walked towards the cabinet, revealing the slender and sexy hip lines. Lin Xiao's pupil shrunk slightly.

"Isn't it great?" Fang Qing squeezed Lin Xiao's eyes and asked teasingly.

"OK!" Lin Xiao gave a dry smile.

In front of the cabinet, Yuye took out a metal needle tube with slowly rippling green liquid.

Just listen to her youyou said, "inject this liquid and wait for its reaction. If you can persist for more than ten minutes without side effects, I will give you a richer reward."

"What if you can't hold on?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"Ha ha..." Yuye laughed and said the most terrible words in the softest tone. "If you can't hold on for ten minutes, there will be only one way to die. Your whole body will fester, your death will be very miserable, and your bones will not exist!"

Even Lin Xiao and Fang Qing were frightened and cold.

"Of course," Yuye turned around and said lightly, "even if I die, I will make enough compensation for your family or relatives, and I won't let you suffer a lot!"

When Yuye spoke, he had sat back on the sofa, "I have always advocated freedom and equality, so whether I should become the object of my experiment completely depends on the willingness of the other party!"

Fang Qing and Lin Xiao looked at each other and thought for several seconds before asking, "is there no limit to this kind of experimental object? Anyone can try?"

"Of course not," Yu Ye glanced at her. "It's not so easy to be my experimental object. You must pass the examination of the snake head. Didn't the snake head say anything before you came?"

At this time, Yuye already had some doubts. She didn't understand why the snake head made such a big mistake.

"Yes," Fang Qing explained vaguely, "I just said I could come and get some money, but I didn't say it would be life-threatening. In that case, we don't want to, can we?"

"Ha ha..." Yuye smiled more brightly, his chest was more turbulent, and Lin Xiao's eyelids jumped, "yes, of course, I said, I like freedom and equality!"

"Then can we go?" Fang Qing asked tentatively.

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