Rain leaf's laughter gradually stopped, and youyou said, "you know my subjects, why are everyone willing not to resist?"

Fang Qing said with a dry smile, "of course, you love freedom and equality and give them enough choice!"

"No, no, no..." Yuye smiled faintly, "that's not the reason!"

"That's..." Fang Qing's eyes moved slightly and her face was surprised.

Yuye stared at her funny, like a cat playing with a mouse, "because every unwilling experimental object... Is dead!"

The rain leaf with joking eyes observed their expressions.

Seeing their stunned and shocked look, Yuye couldn't help laughing again.

"Ha ha... Scared?"

Lin Xiao frowned, "you're forcing people to do it!"

"Force people to be difficult?" Yuye looked surprised. "You mentioned 'people' to me? Do you mean people on earth?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao shouted impatiently.

"Tut tut tut... This is the first time I have seen such a tough experimental object," Yu Ye clapped his hand and his eyes flashed a color of approval. "If you dare to resist me, maybe you can really call it 'human'. As for other earthlings... They are just a slightly advanced animal."

The disdain and disdain revealed by rain leaves made Lin Xiao feel very uncomfortable.

The earth man once boasted that he was the center of the universe and the God of the animal world. He was raised high and high. He was good for nothing when he was trampled by the black evil star man as early as he came.

Today's earth people have no living space. What awaits them will be endless darkness and eternal slavery.

Lin Xiao really wants to kill Yuye now, and then kill the Phoenix warship to completely destroy the black evil army.

Unfortunately, all this is just thinking. Even if he kills it with his strength, it will only become ashes. Moreover, it is a problem whether he can rush out of here at present.

Lin Xiao has learned the strength of Yuye for a long time, and this is the other party's territory. You can't tell how powerful the arrangement is in ambush. If you start rashly, you will only fall into a huge crisis.

"How's it going? Which of you comes first?" Yuye saw their silence and thought they had succumbed. She couldn't help smiling and shook the reagent tube in which the green liquid was slightly rippling towards them.

Of course, this reagent can't be injected, but it can't be rejected too obviously. Otherwise, you have to start now. Lin Xiao is thinking about the way out quickly. At this time, Xiaoling's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Captain, do you want to leave here? It's actually very easy!"

Lin Xiao's heart jumped and quickly looked at Yuye. She should not have found Xiaoling's existence.

"Cough..." Lin Xiao covered up his emotions, but he didn't dare to talk.

And Xiaoling continued, "Captain, as long as you think about what you told me, I'll know."

"So magical?" Lin Xiao asked subconsciously in his mind.

"Of course!"

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. The artificial intelligence was so intelligent that it could contact his brain. He quickly asked, "what's the way to get out?"

"Captain, you wait for me to make some preparations!" Xiao Ling's voice is very cute, with a trace of cleverness. If Lin Xiao hadn't known its origin, I'm afraid he would regard it as a real human.

Even if he is not a real human, Xiaoling's IQ is absolutely crushing ordinary people, and there is no flaw.

"What?" Seeing Lin Xiao in a daze, yuyerao looked at him with interest, "don't you want to?"

In the face of such an enchanting old witch, Lin Xiao didn't dare to stare at her. After thinking about it, he asked with a dry smile, "I just want to know what the experiment is for? Why do I need to hold on for ten minutes?"

"You are the first person to question this matter," the rain leaf changed one leg, and the hidden gully made Lin Xiao's throat dry. "I can tell you!"

Fang Qing looked disgusted and thought that the old witch would seduce a man.

"This thing is called metamorphosis fluid. It can change the constitution of people on earth and make them suitable for the environment and climate of the black evil star," said Yuye youyou. "If human beings are successfully transformed, they can survive on the black evil star, okay?"

"Survive in the black evil star?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned and quickly asked, "do you want to take the earth people to the black evil star?"

"Of course, it's no secret," said Yuye faintly, "The earth's billions of people are also a kind of higher creatures. Whether as slaves or coolies, they are excellent resources, much stronger than those who are not fully civilized. However, they are weak and can't bear the pressure and temperature conditions of the black evil star. They can only be used after transformation."

"Moreover, I have added some spiritual reagent to the medicine, which can effectively control people's emotions and brain thinking. At that time, I will get a large number of loyal slave resources!"

"It's just that this transformation is still very difficult, so I have to do experiments to find an effective medicine. Only when it is widely used will I get the results I want!"

The words of rain leaves made Lin Xiao's heart sink.

The black evil army is trying to enslave the whole earth and is implementing it. If this medicine is really successful, I'm afraid all people on earth will become slaves with unimaginable consequences.

"Well..." Lin Xiao hesitated and asked, "have you succeeded now?"

"Of course not, otherwise why should I change the experimental body every day?" Rain leaf's tone gradually became impatient, "hum! It's unprecedented to tell you so much. What? Do you want me to inject you myself?"

Lin Xiao asked anxiously in his mind, "Xiaoling, how's it going?"

"Captain! Still cracking the defense system, give me two more minutes!" Xiao Ling's voice soon disappeared.

Two minutes, it's not so easy for Lin Xiao to get through.

Yuye already saw that there was something wrong and stood up and walked towards them.

"In your Earth's words, you are not proud! You seek your own death! If you die, all kinds of experimental bodies will be sent over!"

Lin Xiao's palm was slightly clenched, and his body hair was pulled up by the air machine. He was about to start.

Just at this time, a voice came from outside the door.

"Master pioneer, here comes the snake head!"

Yuye stopped and said coldly, "hum! Let him report outside the door. Why is today's experimental body so disobedient!"


Ten seconds later, the snake head's frightened voice came in.

"Lord Xianfeng, I told the experimental body everything as you ordered, and got the consent of the experimental body. He can't be obedient..."

"Since you have told me everything, why do these two subjects still have so many problems? I don't want to encounter such defects in the future!" Yuye attaches great importance to the details of things.

Today, two subjects are questioning, and then more subjects will have questions, which will have a great impact on her experiment.

"Two?" The snake head was slightly stunned and asked tentatively, "do you mean that two experimental subjects were sent here?"

The rain leaf's eyes sank slightly, "isn't it?"

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