The snake head didn't dare to guess Yuye's mind. He was silent immediately after being asked a rhetorical question. He was thinking about the meaning of Yuye's sentence quickly.

"Have two subjects been sent here?" The snake head lowered his voice and asked a black evil army soldier nearby.

He was expressionless and stood still, as if he hadn't heard what he said.

"It's impossible," said the snake head to himself. "I asked scar to send a 40-year-old middle-aged man, only one. But why did rain leaf pioneer ask such a strange question?"

"Snake head! What are you doing? Answer my question." Rain leaves across the door, shouted.

The snake head was so frightened that he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he had to truthfully answer, "if you return to master Xianfeng, I ordered scar to escort a male 40-year-old experimental body to come according to your orders and daily habits..."

"There is only one male subject at the age of 40?" Yuye's eyes narrowed and looked at Lin Xiao fiercely.


The room suddenly changed. The cold and dark barrel stretched out from four corners of the room, and the infrared aiming system locked them all.

"Who are you?" The rain leaf snapped.

Lin Xiao and Fang Qing quickly get together and concentrate on the alert.

Up to now, the whereabouts have been exposed and can only break out.

Whether the indoor defense system or the strength of Yuye itself, Lin Xiao was extremely afraid.

"Xiao Ling, have you finished?"

No sound came out.

"Die!" Yuye gave a loud drink and quickly punched Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao stepped forward and hit him with a blow. The fierce impact rolled up around them, making them back lightly at the same time.

"Huh?" Yuye was stunned. Unexpectedly, the strength of this humble boy was so strong.

Yuye has made another breakthrough recently, and has reached the level of master Jiuduan. Even if he fights with ordinary master Shiduan, he will not fall behind.

But after a fist fight, Yuye faintly felt that the other party's strength oppressed him.

Just at the moment when his strength was revealed, Yuye had determined that he was an expert of master baduan, but his real strength was close to the peak of master Shiduan.

"Are you Lin Xiao?" Yuye was surprised.

People on earth can have such strength. Yuye only thinks of one person, that is Lin Xiao.

It's really a broken iron shoe. There's nowhere to find. It takes no effort to get it.

After the rain leaves were frightened, they were ecstatic, "you're throwing yourself into the net!"

Lin Xiao could neither admit nor refute at the moment, so he had to be silent, which seemed more mysterious. At least Yuye couldn't catch any flaws.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao started to grab the power. He couldn't let Yuye start all the defense systems. At that time, he had no chance to escape. He rushed forward in an instant. The limitless power worked with all his strength, and his internal breathing rolled up like a storm.


Lin Xiao rolled up his Qi explosion, and the strong wind visible to the naked eye roared and completely shrouded the rain leaves.

The rain leaves without inch wisps were very excited, and the scissors legs fiercely pressed against Lin Xiao's head.

Mao Cao's black hole was right in front of Lin Xiao's eyes, which made his breath stagnant and made his blood flow.

But this was not the time to imagine the beautiful scenery. Lin Xiao took a deep breath and clapped it without hesitation.


Yuye's legs were sealed, and his body stung in the air. He directly rotated 360 degrees to break Lin Xiao's blockade. His hands turned their claws and grabbed at his throat.

"I don't know anything about pity and cherish jade!" The rain leaf smiled.

Bang bang!

The two of them beat fast, and their energy was around them. The furniture decoration was swept and smashed, and the room became a mess.

Fang Qing can't help. She can only avoid it frequently. She's looking for flaws in the indoor mechanism.

"Miss Fang Qing, go to the corner of the front left wall!" Just then, Xiaoling's voice sounded in Fang Qing's ear.

Without hesitation, Fang Qing quickly came to the corner.

There is an electronic switch painted black on the wall at the corner under the wall.

"Pull it off!" Xiaoling commanded.


Fang Qing pulled hard.

The sound of furniture moving came from deep inside the room.

A channel appears.

As soon as Fang Qing's eyes lit up, she immediately shouted, "Lin Xiao! There's a way out!"

Lin Xiao had noticed the passage over there. After he pushed back the rain leaves, he rushed over in two steps.

Yuye was forced to take a few steps back. She only felt the fluctuation of her chest breath. Her internal power was connected in all directions in the meridians. She was almost possessed.

Just now, Lin Xiao gave her all-out slap and hit Yuye almost disordered her meridians. This strength made her tremble.

"How did Lin Xiao get stronger again?" As soon as the rain leaf bit her silver teeth, her feet trampled on the ground and rushed out like an eagle, "want to go? Since you're here, stay!"

Wow, wow!

The gun barrels around also moved, aiming at Lin Xiao's direction.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was about to escape into the channel, Yuye roared, "leave him!"


Gunfire rang out.

The bullets poured out wildly.

Poof poof

The next second, there are several more holes in the rain leaf.

The hard hit rain leaf tried to twist her body and fled indoors.

Blood dyed the ground red and sprinkled everywhere.

"Asshole! What's going on?" The rain leaf, who tried hard to avoid, was disheartened. She finally hid in the dead corner of the fire blockade and found that she was shot by more than a dozen guns. It seemed that her delicate body was beaten. If it weren't for her strong physique, she would have died long ago.

Lin Xiao has left with Fang Qing and disappeared into the channel.

The bullet emptied, and the room returned to calm, leaving only the sound of blood dripping on Yuye.

"Master pioneer!"


When the gate opened, a group of Black Ghost soldiers rushed in and found Yuye lying in a pool of blood, one by one scared.

They haven't seen the rain leaf pioneer hurt like this. They rushed to the rescue and hurriedly helped her aside.

"Chase! Chase me!" Yuye shouted reluctantly, "they're in channel 2. Stop them for me!"

Under the guidance of Xiao Ling, Lin Xiao avoided many mechanisms along the channel and jumped out of an abandoned wellhead.

Originally, the buildings here were part of the inner secret road of heaven and Earth City, but they were slightly transformed by Yuye.

Unfortunately, Yuye's modified electronic defense system was controlled by Xiaoling. Instead, she was caught off guard and almost killed her.

This is a big loss. The rain leaves are very bad. The underground order blockades the heaven and Earth City and forbids anyone to go in and out.

When Lin Xiao and Fang Qing escaped, they just met Yuye and ordered martial law. All around them were the soldiers of the black evil army.

The streets and alleys were full of blood, and many sad cries came out.

"Our whereabouts have been found. It's not easy to do." Lin Xiao hid in the dark, quietly looked at the situation on the street and wanted to escape quietly. It was as difficult as heaven.

Xiao Ling's voice appeared again.

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