"Captain, there is a military vehicle at the next street corner. You can leave by it!"

Lin Xiao asked suspiciously, "even if we grab the military vehicle! How can we get out? The streets are full of soldiers of the black evil army!"

"Hey, hey, Captain, look at me!"

As soon as Xiao Ling's voice fell, a harsh alarm sounded all over the street.

A large number of black evil army soldiers rushed in the direction of the alarm, and the streets they were in soon became deserted.

"Captain! The Heisha Corps has one response alarm in each block. Only the highest alert state will start! I intruded into their control system and started the alarm. I can buy you three minutes!" Xiaoling said playfully.

"Great!" Lin Xiao was overjoyed. He stepped out of the shadow and rushed in the direction guided by Xiao Ling.

Sure enough, there were no obstacles along the way. The soldiers of the black evil army were led to the alarm area, and no one paid attention to their position.

Quietly came to the military vehicle designated by Xiao Ling, and the electronic door lock had been opened.

This is a technical vehicle from the black evil army. Only specific personnel can start it. Under normal circumstances, no one can drive it even if it is forcibly stolen.

Lin Xiao slipped into the car, and an electronic greeting came out of the cab immediately.

"Welcome, master!"

"Or a nanny car?" Lin Xiao was surprised when he saw the situation in the car.

The appearance looks like a military vehicle, but the layout inside is full of feminization, and the baby's diapers.

"Chinese diapers?" Fang Qing curiously picked up her diaper and looked at Lingyun strangely, "interesting!"

"Stop it! Hurry!" Lin Xiao started the car and said to Xiao Ling, "how do you drive this thing?"


When the car engine started, a steering wheel stretched out from the front desk.

"Captain, tell me the purpose and I'll enter the coordinates!"

Lin Xiao took out an instrument similar to a mobile phone. After opening it, a green dot was displayed on the screen.

"Locator?" Fang Qing's eyes lit up.

"Hey!" Lin Xiao sneered, "Fu Shaohua wants to plot against me? I've been ready for a long time. Look where he is now. Maybe he has found the target position. As long as he is found, he can find the elder Zhan waiting for rescue!"

"There's yours!"

The car turned in place and quietly left the original block.

After a while, a young and beautiful earth woman came out supported by a strong man with a beautiful baby boy in her arms.

"Desolate, you should name our children." The beautiful woman speaks very gently and can't hide the smile between her eyebrows.

Barren said carelessly, "let's call it Xiaohuang! Barren is a powerful creature. When our black evil star is at the top of the food chain, its strength is comparable to the existence of a star Lord. I hope Xiaohuang can become such a powerful creature in the future!"

"Biology?" The woman stared at him angrily, "our son is a human, not a creature!"

"Hey, hey..." it's better than desolation. In the face of his wife's scolding, he also has an embarrassing smile, "right, right, human, human!"

"Come on, let's go back! My brother is looking for you!"


They walked into the street and found the car missing.

"Huh?" The desolate smiling face condensed in an instant and shouted, "where's the car?"

Wow, wow

Just a few seconds later, he immediately threw out several dark shadows from the dark and gathered around the desolate.

"Captain, what's the matter?"

Barren straight Circle, "shit! Where's my car?"


At this time, they found that the barren captain's car was missing.

The barren captain with the status comparable to the rain leaf pioneer, the car was stolen.

The news immediately spread all over the black evil army in Qiankun city.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't know that the car he stole was a deserted car.

The desolate is the general captain of the whole western stronghold, responsible for all security and protection work, including Qiankun city.

In the western regions, there are more barren Heisha legions that can mobilize than rain leaves.

Lin Xiao, who stole the car, hurried all the way. According to the instructions of the locator, he kept approaching Fu Shaohua and others.

However, they are more than 150 kilometers away from Fu Shaohua, and it is difficult to catch up at the first time.

Fang Qing was puzzled that the car they drove had a green light all the way when they met the checkpoint.

"Lin Xiao, it's strange that this car seems to have special access. No one stopped it all the way!"

Lin Xiao also noticed that he asked Xiao Ling to check the information of the car, but he didn't find anything unusual.

"Don't worry about it, as long as it can take us to our destination!" Lin Xiao switched to manual mode and began to gallop on the rugged road.

The bumpy road can't hinder the off-road military vehicle, so the speed of the vehicle is very fast, just like a flash of light in the sky.

The night is getting dark, and the number of patrol ships in the sky is also increasing. Occasionally, several strange cars appear on the road, which are forcibly cut off for inspection. Only Lin Xiao's car will not be stopped for inspection, but will even be led to a smoother road intentionally or unintentionally.

"Lin Xiao, there's something wrong with this car." Fang Qing finally realized the problem. "All the Black Ghost legions give the green light to this car. Do you think it's a good thing?"

Lin Xiao looked at the time and said in a deep voice, "there are more than ten kilometers to go. There is a warning area in front. The guard is more strict. Without this car, it is difficult for us to lurk in!"

"I'm afraid..." Fang Qing hesitated for a few seconds. "If the owner of this car is the car of an important figure of the black evil army, we'll be caught now!"

Buzzing, buzzing!

Just then, several bright blue lights suddenly appeared in the sky. After circling for a moment, they fell quickly and rushed straight to the car.

"Huh?" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.


Three small spaceships stopped in front of the car, lined up in a neat line, and emitted two soft blue lights at the same time.

Blocked by the spaceship, Lin Xiao couldn't hit it, so he had to stop slowly.

The confrontation between the two sides seemed strange.

"What should I do?" Fang Qing saw the gloomy gun barrels at the base of the spaceship, and her back was cold for no reason. She couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, "no, there's really an accident with our car?"

Lin Xiao was silent for a few seconds and suddenly asked, "Xiaoling! Is the positioning system of this car shielded?"

Xiaoling's light voice sounded, "Captain! The vehicle belongs to the encryption level defense system and will not send signals to the outside world, and I have not received the signal request to seek positioning."

"You mean this car won't be monitored by the Black Ghost army, right?" Lin Xiao's heart moved.


Hearing this affirmative word, Lin Xiao's hanging heart slowly fell down.

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