Lin Xiao looked at Fang Qing and suddenly said with a smile, "since this car has not been monitored and located, what are we afraid of? Just find a way to rush over!"

"You're going to rush out from under the eyelids of the three combat ships? What are you thinking?" Fang Qing was surprised, "will it be blown to pieces in an instant?"

Lin Xiao pointed to the hovering ship outside and said with a smile, "if they really wanted to do it to us, they would have done it long ago. They wouldn't wait so long!"

"What do you mean?" Fang Qing was slightly stunned. "Do you mean that these spaceships didn't know that the car had been stolen and thought the owner of the car was inside?"

"Probably so," Lin Xiao thought for a moment and suddenly sounded the horn, "otherwise it wouldn't be the case!"

Although Lin Xiao didn't quite understand why the three spaceships blocked the way, he still guessed some possibilities.

At least, the three ships did not attack them.


The harsh sound of the horn cut through the night and rushed into the night sky, breaking the silence of the night.

The blue light of the three spaceships flashed faster and faster, and then there was a broadcast.

"Lord desolate, the three spaceships you need are ready. Do you need to call them now?"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "barren adult?"

He looked at Fang Qing and asked in a low voice, "who is desolate?"

Fang Qing thought for a few seconds. "It seems that he is a big man of the black evil army? It is said that he is on the same level with Yuye. He is a general under Ye lost. He should be the general captain mentioned by Zhang Sheng!"

"The car we robbed... Is it his?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

It's a coincidence that you robbed a car casually and it turned out to be a deserted car.

Fang Qing looked out. "The height of heaven and earth city is not enough. These spacecraft can't speed up. If we leave, we still have a chance to leave them!"

"If you escape, doesn't that mean you don't recruit yourself? I think there are no pilots in these three spaceships. Maybe you can fish in troubled waters!"

"You really want to receive these three ships?" Fang Qing said unhappily, "as soon as you appear, don't you reveal your stuffing? You don't look like barren?"

Lin Xiao turned his eyes and said with a smile, "I see that these spaceships are controlled by artificial intelligence. Is it feasible for us to let Xiaoling come out and pretend to be desolate?"

Before Fang Qing spoke, Xiao Ling spoke first, "Captain, I can imitate the desolate treatment, maybe I can disguise his identity."

"Do you know barren?" Lin Xiao asked expectantly.

"I don't know, but the video system in the car has his work traces and sound files, which I can imitate!"

Lin Xiao and Fang Qing looked at each other and said in unison, "what are you waiting for?"


The electronic system in the car is completely taken over by Xiao Ling. She is rapidly processing relevant data.

A few seconds later, a cold and steady voice came out of the car.

"Transfer control to on-board intelligent system!"

The three ships have no doubt.

Because they are commanded by artificial intelligence.

"Good Lord barren!"

Xiaoling's intelligence is obviously higher than them, even far beyond them. After receiving the authority, he immediately summarized and fed back the actual situation to Lin Xiao.


Thirty seconds later.

The three spaceships turned the bow neatly and uniformly, suspended above the top of the car, arranged in a font like a patron saint.

Lin Xiao stared at the status of the spaceship displayed on the screen, his eyes shining slightly.

"These are three attack ships, with powerful firepower, mobile forts, and even... Light quantum guns!"

"What?" Fang Qing was stunned. She had been collecting information about heishaxing's scientific and technological equipment. When she heard the three words of quantum gun, she was stunned, "that's an attack weapon only available for the main ship. How could it be installed on three small ships?"

"This is the information provided by Xiao Ling, and I don't know why," Lin Xiao continued to check the information. "However, this light quantum gun is far less powerful than the main ship quantum gun, but it is also equivalent to the power of missiles on earth! If this gun goes down, the whole building will have to be turned into pieces!"

"Why does barren have to mobilize three attack ships? In the western regions, there are things that can threaten him?" Fang Qing frowned slowly, "I always feel strange!"

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, "there is something strange in it!"

"You think," Fang Qing continued his analysis, "there are 10000 black evil army soldiers and millions of puppet troops in the western regions. With such a huge military force and the weapons and equipment of the black evil army, no one can resist. Why did he suddenly transfer three attack ships from the main ship?"

Lin Xiao glanced and said casually, "I probably don't feel safe!"

"Joke," Fang Qing turned her eyes, "this is desolate, but it has the same strength as Yuye. Yuye can compete with you. There are almost no opponents under the Supreme Master! Such an expert will have no sense of security?"

Lin Xiao also thought about this problem. He just didn't want to waste time on this boring problem. "So what? Maybe he was bored! Look, there are baby things in the car, probably for fear that his children would be hurt?"

Fang Qing was slightly stunned. "His child? Is it also the child of Sister Zhang Sheng?"

"Why do you care so much?" Lin Xiao looked at Fu Shaohua's position on the locator and was moving rapidly. He said in a deep voice, "the top priority is to get in front of Fu Shaohua and save senior Zhan and others!"

Fang Qing is a woman. Her mind is very sensitive. She just thinks that desolation is strange, but she doesn't know what's strange.

"Well, don't think too much. Let's go quickly!" Lin Xiao said to Xiao Ling in his mind, "move forward according to your goal!"

"Yes, Captain!" Xiao Ling's light and clever voice rang, "start moving forward immediately!"

The vehicle started quickly and galloped along the highway that was not a highway.

The three attack ships, following the vehicles side by side, approached the ground slowly.

The city of heaven and earth has its own heaven and earth. The boundary between night and day is obvious. The whole city looks ancient and deserted. In fact, it is wrapped by powerful technology.

Fang Qing sat in the car and looked at the stars in heaven and Earth City. She sincerely sighed, "I haven't had time to enjoy the scenery here. Now it looks like a fairyland!"

Lin Xiao lost his smile. "Are you still in the mood to enjoy the scenery at such a tense moment?"

"Of course," Fang Qing said with emotion, "the heaven and Earth City has its own system. Even the stars are virtual and so real. With the technology on earth, I don't know which year it will be realized!"

Lin Xiao looked out at random and said with a smile, "the development time of the earth is still too short. Compared with those civilizations that do not know the existence of ancient times, it is too far away! Qiankun city is something left by Qiankun hospital thousands of years ago. Of course, it is unusual."

Some boring Fang Qing turned on the on-board video system, and a strange picture appeared on half the glass of the co pilot.

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