
The two brothers Wang Yang felt a strange current hitting their bodies at the same time.

At first, they didn't think so.

Ordinary 220V voltage does no harm to them, because the great master's body is strong and can not be urged. Even if the voltage is higher, it can persist for a short time.

But three seconds later, everything changed.

The originally peaceful current suddenly increased in geometric multiples, quickly broke through the critical value that their bodies can bear, and reached a terrible number.


In a short moment, the two people flew into oblivion.

After the bodies of the two men dissipated, the power grid made a violent impact sound of crackling.

The power grid in front of Fu Shaohua and others suddenly scattered into pieces, revealing the blank mountain wall behind them.

At the same time, a crack appeared on the mountain wall, slowly forming a channel for only one person to enter.

"This mechanism is really domineering. The two great masters were annihilated in an instant..." Fu Shaohua smiled grimly.

Fu Shaohua destroyed the power grid mechanism and opened the channel through outrageous means.

The consequence of this means is that the death of brother Wang Yang will disappear.

Shan Yu was stunned. He didn't expect the result.

Now he finally understood that Fu Shaohua had a sinister intention to let Wang Yang and Wang Yang pull the switch.

Fu Shaohua knew what a bad outcome would happen if he pulled the switch, but he didn't make it clear in advance, that is, he explicitly asked the Wang Yang brothers to die.

Looking at Shan Yu, Fu Shaohua said faintly, "what are you waiting for? Go in!"

"Ah?" Shan Yu is stunned. Is it his turn at last?

"Hurry up!" Fu Shaohua scolded angrily.

Shan Yu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a dry smile, "please go ahead, young Fu. You are the leader..."

"There's so much nonsense!" Fu Shaohua directly stepped over, picked up Shan Yu like a chick, threw it directly to the side of the tunnel at the entrance, and said sternly, "go in!"

Shan Yu wanted to cry without tears and screamed, "Fu, Fu Shao! I don't want to die!"

"Don't want to die?" Fu Shaohua said with a smile, "then go in and maybe live! I've broken the mechanism at the mouth of the cave. What are you afraid of?"

If the mechanism at the entrance is broken, it doesn't mean that the mechanism inside is also broken. Who knows how much danger is waiting for him.

I felt the green eyes of the puppet Supreme Master around Fu Shaohua staring at me. Shan Yu only felt the cold air coming from his back, so he had to stand up reluctantly and turn slowly to face the gloomy passage.

After taking a few tentative steps, Shan Yu was relieved to find that the channel was still safe.

"Fu Shao, it's all right inside. Come on in!"

Shan Yu smiled again, and the joy of the rest of his life relaxed his mood. Even Fu Shaohua deliberately forgot that he wanted to harm him.

He knows very well that he is now a fish on the board and can be slaughtered. The more harmless people and animals are, the easier it is to survive.

Fu Shaohua glanced around to make sure there was nothing unusual, and then stepped into the passage.

As soon as the three entered the passage, the mountain wall closed.

However, the peripheral power grid organs have been destroyed and lost their original protective role.

Walking into the passage, Shan Yu carefully explored the way in front and asked tentatively, "Fu Shao, since people are hiding here, why should they forcibly destroy the mechanism? Someone came to save them, can't they take the initiative to turn on the switch?"

Fu Shaohua said lightly, "don't ask if you shouldn't ask. If there's any more nonsense, be careful of your dog's life!"

Up to now, Fu Shaohua doesn't hide and tuck in. The purpose of bringing these team members is to let them be cannon fodder.

Now that the goal is achieved, it is about to be achieved. Fu Shaohua has nothing to hide.

Shan Yu turned his eyes and said with a smile, "does Fu Shao have another plan? It must not be as simple as saving people!"

Fu Shaohua's eyes suddenly became cold and murderous.

Shan Yu quickly stepped back and said with a careful smile, "Fu Shao! Since we have come here, we are also people on board. It doesn't hurt to tell me?"

"Yes, I'm weak. Tell me something and there's no threat to Fu Shao! I'm just curious!" Shan Yu said very sincerely.

Fu Shaohua frowned slightly.

It's still useful to keep Shan Yu.

Because the future is uncertain, there may be any danger.

Keeping Shan Yu is the best cannon fodder.

"Hum!" After figuring out these things, Fu Shaohua didn't care. He sneered, "it doesn't hurt to tell you! It's false for me to save people. It's true to get a baby from them!"

"Baby?" One's eyes shine.

Fu Shaohua impatiently pointed to the road ahead, "keep going!"

"Yes......" Shan Yu bumped his ass and walked in front of him. He turned back and asked a few questions from time to time, which annoyed Fu Shaohua.

However, after a question and answer, Shan Yu also understood Fu Shaohua's real purpose

Lin Xiao and Fang Qing arrived at the target point ten minutes later.

Fu Shaohua's signal disappeared before the damaged power grid.

The disappearance of the signal means that there is something wrong with the signal source. Perhaps Fu Shaohua found that the locator was damaged, or entered a place where the signal was cut off.

"Xiao Ling, can you find the secret way or other secret places nearby?" After Lin Xiao observed, his eyes fell behind the damaged power grid.

Although the mountain wall is as smooth as before, there is always a strange feeling.

It's too bright and clean. It's obviously different from those potholes around.

The next second, Xiao Ling's voice rang in his mind.

"Captain, there is a channel. Let me open it for you!"

After a few seconds, the newly closed channel opens again.

If Fu Shaohua knew that the power grid protection channel he had planned to destroy was so easily opened by Lin Xiao, I don't know what it would be like.

Lin Xiao wouldn't think how much help Xiaoling's artificial intelligence would bring him.

Lin Xiao took a wary look at the channel. After listening carefully, he determined that there was no danger. Then he waved to Fang Qing and said in a deep voice, "Fu Shaohua's purpose is unknown, and there is a puppet supreme around him. At that time, you should be careful and not conflict with him!"

"I'm not stupid," Fang Qing rolled her eyes. "You don't want to leave me alone, do you?"

"Hey!" Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "I'm just worried about your safety, and there must be someone to look after the three spaceships outside? This is the biggest reliance we can rely on!"

"That's nice," Fang Qing said. "Are you afraid I will affect your plan? Do you think I'm a burden?"

"I don't mean that," said Lin Xiao with a dry smile. "After all, the situation here is not very clear. I have to take care of you then. Why don't you stay and meet you at the first time when I save someone? How about it?"

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