Lin Xiao's words are also reasonable. Although Fang Qing's strength is strong, Fu Shaohua is unpredictable. Coupled with a puppet supreme, Lin Xiao is tired of dealing with it alone, and it is obviously unrealistic to take care of others.

Moreover, Lin Xiao has another consideration

Fang Qing is always haunted and has a deep relationship with the Security Bureau. Who knows what she's thinking.

Lin Xiao didn't want to see any accident in this rescue operation.

On Fang Qing's side, after repeated consideration, he felt that staying behind was the best way.

"OK," Fang Qing didn't insist, raised her hand and looked at her eye watch. "Let's meet in two hours. If you don't come out, I'll withdraw with the spacecraft first!"


After the two pair of watches, Lingyun tells Xiaoling to open the permission of the spaceship and let Fang Qing enter.

Three spaceships landed on the ground and hid in the corner of the mountain.

After it was extinguished, the spaceship slowly became transparent and integrated with the surrounding colors.

"It's so advanced that it can be invisible!" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

"It's just a cover for reflecting light. It's not really invisible!" After Fang Qing observed, she said to Lin Xiao, "remember two hours. I'll leave after time!"

"Don't worry!"

Lin Xiao didn't say much. He turned and stepped into the channel.

After Lin Xiao completely disappeared and the secret door was closed again, Fang Qing took a step back and quietly entered the spacecraft.

As soon as Lin Xiao stepped into the passage, he found something wrong.

It's too quiet.

He took a tentative breath, and his heart was half cold.

There is only a very small amount of oxygen in space.

Other martial artists can't breathe this breath alone. I'm afraid they'll have to suffocate in a few minutes.

Confined spaces, deep passages, and oxygen that is thin to despair.

All this mixed up, making Lin Xiao feel that he might have stepped into someone else's trap.

About ten kilometers underground.

Fu Shaohua looked back at the electronic door, and a sneer arose from the corners of his mouth.

"No matter who it is, there is only a dead end after entering the channel!"

Shan Yu subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and once again had a new understanding of Fu Shaohua's ruthlessness.

I don't know how Fu Shaohua is so familiar with the organs here.

After they arrived at this space, Fu Shaohua started the vacuum system.

The previous passage is being continuously pumped out of the air and slowly becomes a vacuum.

This process won't last long, ten minutes at most.

After ten minutes, no matter what creatures exist in a vacuum, I'm afraid they won't leave alive.

Fu Shaohua is confident that no matter who catches up, there is only a dead end.

So now he put all his thoughts on the elder of heaven and earth court hidden in this mystery cave.

The indoor dome is inlaid with countless fist sized night pearls to show the details of the indoor photos.

Each of these night pearls can be sold at a good price.

The space is about 300 square meters, with two inner holes. The rest of the space is occupied by various artifacts.

There are copper tripods, tea stoves, incense burners, and some messy utensils like refining medicine.

However, Fu Shaohua didn't take a look at these at all. His gloomy eyes swept through the corners of the room, looking for places where there might be Tibetans.

"According to the information, people should hide here..." Fu Shaohua pinched his chin and thought desperately about where they were hiding.

Shan Yu was probably too curious. Knowing that Fu Shaohua had already killed him, he couldn't help but ask, "Fu Shaohua, this place is so closed. Where are people hiding? Is it wrong?"

"Shut up!" Fu Shaohua scolded angrily.

"Yes..." Shan Yu smiled and turned his eyes again. "I don't think I have to find talents. I think the baby you said is hidden in this room. Just find something and leave?"

"You know a fart," Fu Shaohua said absentmindedly as he wandered around the room. "Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan needs at least three masters with more than seven sections of the great master to sacrifice Dantian before it can be used. Those three old guys happen to be martial artists of the seventh section of the great master. With them, I can quickly absorb the medicine and reach the peak strength of the tenth section of the great master!"

"I see..." Shan Yu suddenly realized, "you want to catch them and force them to sacrifice Dantian."

"Know and ask?" Fu Shaohua glared at him, "if you have time, go find someone. You don't want to live?"

"Understand..." Shan Yu smiled and hurriedly looked for it in the room.

There are no secret channels and hidden switches. They searched all the spaces and found nothing new.

Just then, Fu Shaohua stared at a mural on the wall.

It was a landscape painting, very bright in color, incompatible with the surrounding gray.

Anyone would find it strange that such a picture suddenly appears in this gloomy room environment.

Fu Shaohua is no exception.

He went to the painting and touched it gently with his hand.

It feels cold and makes people tremble.

"No!" Fu Shaohua frowned, "other parts of the wall are warm because of the underground magma, but the painting is so cold..."

"Fu Shao! I think there must be something wrong with this painting!" Shan Yu said with great certainty, "maybe the secret way is inside. I think it's really possible..."

Shan Yu subconsciously slapped the painting before his voice fell.

With a click, the color painting broke, revealing a big hole.

They were stunned.

They never expected that this secret road could be opened so easily, which was beyond their expectation.

"Really, really have a hole?"

"You go in!" Of course, Fu Shaohua won't take risks. He stared at Shan Yu and said with a smile.

Shan Yu's face was black at that time. He really hated why his hands were so cheap. Why did you shoot it?

Shan Yu, who wanted to cry without tears, carefully gathered in front of the hole. Before anything happened, he was kicked down by Fu Shaohua.


There was still a deep pit in the cave, and he fell down in a free fall with his hands and feet.


The sound lasted about three seconds, then a dull sound was heard, and then there was no sound.

Fu Shaohua shouted, "Shan Yu?"

The echo is very heavy and spreads out a long distance, which is very empty.

"There should be no mechanism!" Fu Shaohua nodded silently and waved to the puppet supreme.

The puppet walked over, picked up Fu Shaohua and rushed into the cave like an eagle.


The puppet trampled directly on the ground.

A dark shadow on the ground dodged in advance and was still screaming.

"Didn't you fall to death?" Fu Shaohua looked suspiciously at Shan Yu, who was sucking the air conditioner, and sneered, "life is really big!"

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