"Shit!" Shan Yu bared his teeth and stood up, rubbed his ass and shouted, "I almost fell to death. Fu Shao, you're not authentic? You've been together until now. It's better for you to keep me than to have no men?"

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua looked at him with some disgust and was almost amused by him, "take care of yourself!"

Shan Yu respectfully stepped back and showed a very clever appearance again.

At this time, Fu Shaohua began to examine the scene in front of him.

Some kind of gas lamps were lit on both sides, and some pungent smell diffused out.

Fu Shaohua took out his handkerchief, covered his nose and said in a deep voice, "Shan Yu, it's time for you to show. Go ahead and explore the way. I believe the three old guys are hiding below!"

"Yes!" Shan Yu was obedient this time. He probably felt that there was no danger ahead, so he walked forward recklessly.

The passage is very quiet. The front twists and turns, as if leading to an endless abyss. The ground is painted with twisted symbols, which looks terrible.

"Cough, cough..."

Several people walked more than 100 meters and suddenly heard a weak cough in the channel.

Fu Shaohua's eyes brightened, "I found it!"

Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, it was six minutes.

Lin Xiao's passage was almost completely empty of oxygen, and even the air was becoming thinner and thinner.

"It's not easy to do!"

After arriving at the end of the passage, Lin Xiao was really worried when he saw the steel gate in front of him.

He doesn't have much time. He's estimated to have up to five minutes.

When the whole channel was evacuated, Lin Xiao's life was estimated to be over.

Even the Supreme Master can't last long in a vacuum, let alone a great master.

There is not much time left for Lin Xiao.

The steel gate is controlled by the electronic system. After it is locked, it cannot be opened unless the correct command is input.

Breathing is getting harder and harder.

Lin Xiao quickly mobilized his internal breathing to protect the periphery of his body, so as to balance the air pressure of the whole body.

But this state will not last long. After his internal breathing is exhausted, waiting for him will be an extremely tragic outcome.

Of course, Lin Xiao's internal skill is incomparably strong. Although he has only master baduan, he is no worse than master Shiduan's master in terms of internal breathing intensity and quality.


After Lin Xiao adjusted his internal breathing again, he tried to contact Xiao Ling in his mind, but the information sank into the sea without any response.


I thought Xiaoling had a way to open the electronic door. Unexpectedly, even Xiaoling's information was blocked.

At this moment, Lin Xiao realized that he was really in danger. If there were no miracles, he had little chance to live.


Lin Xiao hit the door with his fist, and the mountain wall shook slightly, but there was no damage.

This kind of electronic door is extremely solid. I'm afraid there are no materials and metals on earth. It is a scientific and technological product left over from ancient times for defense.


Boom, boom!

Lin Xiao punched down one after another, but the steel electronic door wire showed no sign of shaking. The only feedback was the cold echo and dull vibration.

The more internal force is used, the lower the oxygen content left in the body and the more difficult it is to maintain balance.

After a dozen simple punches, Lin Xiao spent a third of his internal power, making his situation one step closer to the desperate situation.

Progress has been made in the process of finding people for Fu Shaohua.

After hearing the cough, Fu Shaohua flashed out and rushed in the direction of the sound.

At the end of the passage is a simple and narrow cave, but the layout inside is quite exquisite.

Three tired and dying old men were leaning against the wall and staring warily at the door.

Fu Shaohua walked in slowly with a smile on his face.

But the smile, no matter how you look at it, is a little sinister.

"Who?" Zhan Qingyi sat up, his eyes shining.

The other two men also grabbed the weapon nearby vigilantly, but their hands trembled badly. After three seconds, they fell to the ground with a bang.

"Three elders, don't be nervous. I'm here to save you!" Fu Shaohua quickly changed his expression, took out a small medicine bottle and looked nervous.

The three looked at each other, but they didn't mean to be too nervous. Instead, they flashed a light color in their eyes.

After all, those who can enter the secret cave at this time are their own people. Even if they are not internal personnel of heaven and Earth City, they are also rescue teams.

"Brother, you are..." Zhan Qingyi's cold face flashed a look of gratitude.

Fu Shaohua explained, "I'm Fu Shaohua, the grandson of Fu Taiyang. This time, I'm ordered by my grandfather to save the three elders!"

"Fu Taiyang?" Zhan Qingyi was stunned for a moment, and then showed a sudden color, "the Chinese martial god in those years, it's a pity..."

Fu Shaohua was stunned, "what a pity?"

"Hey! Fu Taiyang was also a famous expert at the beginning. He was badly injured once and fell into a state. After all, he is a great master. If he can send his grandson to rescue us today, he will certainly repay his kindness!"

"Heroes are teenagers." The Tibetan Dao beside him smiled happily, "I didn't expect Fu Taiyang to have such an excellent grandson. It's really not easy to find this place and successfully break in!"

With a faint smile, Fu Shaohua opened the medicine bottle and put it in front of the three people. "Don't say more, three elders! Take this medicine quickly. It's the healing medicine xiaohuandan. My grandfather went to ask Master jueyang, the new abbot of Shaolin!"

"Little Dan?" Tibetan Dao's eyes stared round, and even his Adam's apple began to stir violently, "is it really Xiao huandan?"

They suffered serious internal injuries. After fleeing to this shelter, the injuries have been deteriorating due to the lack of drugs.

According to the current situation, it is estimated that it will not last for three days.

If Fu Shaohua had not come in time, they would have been desperate.

Like a drowning man who caught the last straw, Tibetan Dao struggled to stand up, trembled and took the medicine bottle, and said excitedly, "I thought I would die this time, but I didn't expect to survive!"

When Tibetan Dao was about to take medicine, Zhan Qingyi suddenly said, "wait a minute!"

The plain voice of Zhan Qingyi made everyone slightly stunned.

"Lao Zhan, what's the matter?" Tibetan Dao was impatient. "This is Xiao huandan. Just eat one of our wounds."

Zhan Qingyi coughed softly, looked at Fu Shaohua and asked in a deep voice, "nephew Fu Xian, how did you find this place?"

The third elder, who had been closing his eyes, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Fu Shaohua for a moment.

"Oh," Fu Shaohua said with a smile, "my grandfather told me the location here and how to decrypt the mechanism!"

"There are only a few high-level people in Qiankun city who know the secret cave of Qiankun city. How did your grandfather know?" Zhan Qingyi continued to ask. This time, his speech speed became a little faster.

Tibetan Dao and another elder realized that there seemed to be a problem and raised their vigilance.

Fu Shaohua patted his forehead and seemed to be thinking about the answer. After a long time, he smiled and said, "I heard from Grandpa that he learned from a high-rise in heaven and earth city that the high-rise seemed to be called dark king!"

"Dark king!?"

The three elders frowned at the same time.

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