The dark king is a traitor of the heaven and earth court. This time, the evil house led a large number of experts to invade and plunder. The reason why it is so smooth is the credit of the dark king.

How could such a role tell Fu Taiyang the secret of rescuing the three elders?

If the dark king knew that the three were hiding here, he would have killed them long ago. It is impossible to tell others this secret.

The dark king hates the three elders. He won't give up if he has a chance.

"According to my grandfather, it's called dark king. It seems to be the top floor of heaven and Earth City. I don't know! I just saved the three elders according to my grandfather's instructions!" Fu Shaohua said very sincerely.

Three people exchange information with their eyes. Now this situation is very difficult.

Fu Shaohua's arrival was too strange, but there was no suspicious sign from him.

He can't be saved by others, but he makes difficulties everywhere with suspicion.

Zhan Qingyi hesitated for a few seconds and said slowly, "since this is Fu Taiyang's meaning, we'll thank you here!"

Tibetan Dao and Xueqing looked at each other and probably exchanged some information to determine whether there was a problem with Fu Shaohua.

Zhan Qingyi said in a deep voice, "here, I would like to thank nephew Fu Xianyi for his rescue!"

"You're welcome. It's my honor to rescue three predecessors."

"Yes!" Zhan Qingyi nodded approvingly, "it's rare for young people to be as calm as you!"

As soon as Tibetan Dao heard this, he could take medicine, so he immediately poured out a pill and ate it without saying anything.

After eating, Zang Dao gave the other two pills to Zhan Qingyi and elder Xueqing.

After they ate the pills, they really felt a burst of fire in the Dantian, as if a stove was burning in the body, and a steady stream of internal power began to breed, repairing the injury in the body.

At this moment, they finally knew that the medicine was true.

"Sure enough, it's Xiao huandan!" Zhan Qingyi's eyes were bright, and his vigorous internal breathing was like surging sea water, which suddenly churned in his body.

The same thing happened to Tibetan Dao and Xueqing.

The surging internal force even excited indoors, causing a burst of airflow vibration.

Fu Shaohua had bright eyes and hurriedly said, "congratulations on the recovery of the strength of the three predecessors!"

"Not yet..." Zhan Qingyi took a deep breath, tried to look at the Dantian and said in a deep voice, "we are seriously injured and it will take some time to fully recover!"

"Well, just start recovering." Fu Shaohua smiled thoughtfully, "I will plan to leave after my predecessors completely recover!"

At this time, several elders dispelled their doubts about Fu Shaohua.

It is enough to show Fu Shaohua's sincerity to take out three small pills to heal them.

If you want to harm people, why send such expensive and rare pills to treat them?

"Thanks to nephew Fu Xian!" Tibetan Dao said with a smile, "heroes come out of youth. Nowadays, young heroes like Fu Shao in Wulin are rare!"

Zhan Qingyi carefully examined Fu Shaohua. "I think nephew Fu Xianhua should have been the seventh section of the great master?"

Fu Shaohua's pupil narrowed slightly. He didn't expect Zhan Qingyi's eyes to be so vicious. He saw through his cultivation at a glance. He didn't intend to hide it. He smiled at the speech, "exactly!"

"Sure enough, the talent of heaven!" Zhan Qingyi's eyes were bright. "The vitality of heaven and earth has just recovered for a few months. He can break through to the great master in one fell swoop and even become a character in the later stage of the great master. His talent is really great!"

"Thank you, master!" Fu Shaohua was a little proud, and just then a shadow appeared in his heart.

Thinking of Lin Xiao, Fu Shaohua can't help thinking. He doesn't know what cultivation this boy is now. After meeting again, he should be able to suppress him.

"Indeed," Xueqing wrinkled her eyes slightly, "in today's Wulin, Lin Xiao is probably the only one who can hold nephew Fu Xian's head!"

Fu Shaohua's face, which was originally full of smiles, stiffened instantly when he heard this. He smiled and didn't speak.

"Good!" Zhan Qingyi nodded frequently, "although nephew Fu Xian is almost as good as Lin Xiaolin's son, he is already a unique top figure among young people!"

Tibetan Dao sighed, "I don't know how the son is now!"

Fu Shaohua's face twitched violently. After a long time, he said, "how long do you think it will take to fully recover?"

He couldn't wait for the three to sacrifice Dantian. He roared in his heart, you think Lin Xiao is better than me. Well, when I find jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan and use you to sacrifice pills to achieve my supreme position, it's as easy to trample him as an ant.

At this moment, of course, Fu Shaohua will not show this emotion. He is very patient.

Only when all three people recover their strength can they sacrifice in Dantian.

To put it bluntly, it's like raising Gu. Only when you raise fat can you have an effect.

Naturally, the three did not know Fu Shaohua's wolf ambition and were immersed in the joy of recovering their strength and being able to fight to escape.

"By the way, three elders, are there any other places to hide? Since I can come here, I'm afraid I'll provoke others to follow me. It's not good to be found by the enemy!" Fu Shaohua asked with a smile.

Tibetan Dao glanced at Zhan Qingyi, who nodded slightly.

"Yes, yes..." Tibetan Dao frowned, "but it's the forbidden area of heaven and Earth City. According to the rules, outsiders can't enter!"

Fu Shaohua was not worried at all. He smiled at the speech. "It's all right. As long as the three elders are safe, everything else is easy to say. The three elders need a safe space to recover their strength. You can hide in and meet me when they recover."

"I will help you resist the enemy outside. I will never let anyone disturb the three predecessors!" Fu Shaohua said sincerely, with a look of awe inspiring righteousness.

Let alone the three elders who didn't understand Fu Shaohua, even if they knew his nature, they were almost deceived by his serious and just appearance.

Zhan Qingyi has been guarding the heaven and earth court all his life. Although he knows that human nature is dangerous, he is naturally upright. He always believes that human nature is good.

In addition, the serious injury has not healed, and the body and mind are already tired. It is not so comprehensive to think about things. Fu Shaohua is so sincere that there is no reason to doubt.

Even though Fu Shaohua's intention was strange, Zhan Qingyi didn't think deeply.

"Nephew Fu Xiantian, I'm really glad that Fu Taiyang has a grandson like you! But how can the three of us be harsh and sneak into life and let you take risks alone?"

"Yes, yes..." Tibetan Dao patted his chest and said, "nephew Fu Xian, come with me. Let's go to the forbidden area together. As long as our strength is restored, we can kill directly from the forbidden area!"

Xueqing got up slowly and said in a deep voice, "yes! There is our puppet supreme in the forbidden area. After the injury is cured, with the help of the power of the puppet, we will be able to kill a path of blood!"

Fu Shaohua's eyes were bright and nodded immediately, "listen to your elders!"

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