Shan Yu admired Fu Shaohua.

In a few words, it's really wonderful to turn three elder level masters around.

Fu Shaohua looked at Shan Yu and said with a smile, "you pick up outside. If you find anything abnormal, you don't have to tell me what to do?"

"Me?" Shan Yu was stunned, "but... How can I leave?"

Fu Shaohua said faintly, "I'll inform you when you leave. Don't worry!"

"Why don't I go with you? I think the three elders need someone to take care of them. I'm very experienced in taking care of them. My mother has been ill for several years. It's all me..." Shan Yu said as he approached Zhan Qingyi and others.

"No need! It's inconvenient to have many people, and what the three elders need is rest, not care!" Fu Shaohua said in a deep voice, "you'd better stay here and pick up!"

Shan Yu still wanted to refute, but Fu Shaohua stepped forward directly and shouted coldly, "if you dare anything wrong, I'll kill you now!"

Shan Yu is sweating cold.

Then, Fu Shaohua pointed to the entrance passage and said, "you go and guard the entrance. In case someone breaks in, you know what to do?"

"You've vacuumed the channel, can ghosts come in?" Shan Yu was also angry. He didn't believe that Fu Shaohua dared to kill himself in front of the three predecessors.

"I don't care! In short, this is your task. If it's completed, maybe I can really take you out!" Fu Shaohua said with a smile.

"You!!!" Shan Yu's pupil shrinks hard.

Fu Shaohua didn't care what Shan Yu was thinking. He patted him on the shoulder and said with a faint smile, "there are mechanisms at the entrance and a set of weapons and equipment for high-level soldiers of the black evil army. It's enough for you. As long as you don't come in, you should be able to stop each other in case of a sneak attack."

Up to now, Shan Yu can't continue. After all, he still wants to live and tear his face with Fu Shaohua. It's not good for him.

"OK!" Shan Yu bit his teeth, "I hope you can keep your promise!"

"Of course!"

Fu Shaohua turned proudly and immediately changed into a humble appearance when facing the three elders.

"Three elders, are you going now?"

Tibetan Dao has been assembled. He puts his big Dao across his waist, while Zhan Qingyi holds Xueqing. They stand side by side.

Fu Shaohua looked at Xueqing curiously, especially Xueqing's hand, gently holding Zhan Qingyi. This action was very unexpected.

"Obviously it's a man..." Fu Shaohua muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to ask such a question. If he made a taboo, his previous achievements would be wasted.

He had to find a way to ask the whereabouts of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. Before he got the pill, he had to be respectful to the three old guys.

"Let's go!" Tibetan Dao took the lead and walked right in front of the cave.

Although there is no road in front of him, Fu Shaohua knows that there are many secret channels under the ground, and each one is very secret. It is made of special materials. Even the most advanced detection equipment can't detect it.


Lin Xiao's last punch was already sweating.

Dantian's internal power is almost trickling down. It's very difficult to maintain balance.

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly had an illusion that his life would end here?

His life experience, the whereabouts of his wife, and the brothers who are hiding are still struggling to support. Are all these things going away?

He is really unwilling.

The vacuum is terrible.

Even Lin Xiao can hardly hold on.

However, at this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly had a clear understanding and made a new breakthrough in his understanding of cultivation.

He believes that as long as he is now exposed to the air, he can directly break through the Ninth Section of the great master and approach the tenth section infinitely.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao thought he probably didn't have a chance.

Is the supreme state really a nightmare for the descendants of the king's front hall?

Even if he has survived the curse of 30, he still can't resist the arrangement of fate.

I was in a trance.

There was no sound in the vacuum environment, and Lin Xiao couldn't even feel his body.

It was vaguely possible to hear the steel gate shaking slightly, but Lin Xiao just couldn't lift his spirits to inquire.


Finally, Lin Xiao fell to the ground.

The last glimmer of clarity left to him was Xiaoling's urgent voice in his mind.

"Captain, captain..."

Unfortunately, the sound is getting farther and farther away.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Xiao suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, he felt a little cold under his body. Subconsciously, he was about to turn over, but he found that his hands and feet were tied.


The next moment, Lin Xiao finally saw everything in front of him.

This is a very unique cave with all kinds of indoor facilities.

In front of him stood a man he was familiar with.

Shan Yu.

"Are you awake?" Shan Yu stood with a smile and leaned down to look at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao struggled for a while and found that he was in pain and couldn't mobilize any internal power. He couldn't help tightening his heart.

"Why tie me?" Lin Xiao frowned.

"Don't be nervous!" Shan Yu hurriedly approached Lin Xiao and said, "you seem crazy just now. If I don't bind you, I'll probably kill myself!"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao had a splitting headache. He couldn't remember what had happened just now. He asked subconsciously, "how long have I been in a coma?"

"About half a day," Shan Yu said after meditating for a few seconds. "Fu Shaohua, they are estimated to have escaped. If you want to catch up now, I'm afraid you can't catch up!"

"He found someone?" Lin Xiao's heart jumped.

"Yes!" Shan Yu was silent and said, "your body is very poor. The vacuum state has caused great damage to you. It's not so easy to recover!"

Lin Xiao moved his limbs a few times and resolutely found that his whole body was aching as if it was about to crack, so he took out the silver needle and began to apply acupuncture to himself.

Shan Yu just chattered, stared at Lin Xiao and asked, "I'm very strange. Isn't that channel in a vacuum? And the door has been locked by Fu Shaohua. How did you get out?"

Lin Xiao, who closed his eyes slightly, was also stunned and asked suspiciously, "didn't you open the door?"

"Where did I open it? Fu Shaohua is a ghost. He knows all the mechanisms here and pretends not to understand. How can he tell me the password of the electronic door?" She was full of resentment.

Speaking of it, Shan Yu would also like to thank Lin Xiao.

If Lin Xiao hadn't opened the door from the outside, Shan Yu would still be trapped here and would never have a chance to go out again.

You can at least get out of the channel now.

As for Fu Shaohua, he had already escaped from another secret way with three elders.

"How on earth did you open the door?" Lin Xiao was very surprised.

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