"How do I know?" Shan Yu was also confused. He pointed to the open electronic door and said, "look! The door is still open. I was going to go desperately with Fu Shaohua with a weapon. I didn't expect that the door opened just before I left. You fell in the door and held the door handle."

"Strange......" when Lin Xiao finished acupuncture, he suddenly remembered the call of Xiaoling in the sea in his coma.

"Xiao Ling!?" Lin Xiao hurriedly shouted in his mind.

"Captain, are you awake?" Xiao Ling's surprised voice came out, "are you okay?"

"How did you know something had happened to me?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

Xiao Ling's voice chirped, "I've been contacting you, but the signal was blocked. It took a lot of effort to contact you, and then I found you in a vacuum, so I opened the door!"

Lin Xiao twitched in the corner of his mouth. Xiao Ling said it simply. It was as easy as opening his own house, but he didn't know that it was this simple electronic door, which almost killed him.

"Well, what's going on outside?"

"Nothing! Just now a spaceship flew by." Xiao Ling answered truthfully.

"Spaceship?" Lin Xiao frowned.

The western region is a no fly zone, and there are very few spaceships, unless there are important people.

"Yes! There are many spaceships, about more than 60." There was a little worry and grievance in Xiaoling's voice, "I tried to invade their command system, but I was stopped."

Lin Xiao was thrilled and lost his voice. "More than 60 spaceships?"

Shan Yu accidentally glanced at Lin Xiao, "what are you talking to yourself?"

Lin Xiao couldn't care to answer him. He asked hurriedly in his mind, "are you sure? See clearly?"

"Of course, those spaceships have been wandering around. It seems that they have found something," continued Xiaoling's light voice. "I feel like I'm looking for you, Captain!"

"What are you looking for me for?" Lin Xiao blinked suspiciously, and suddenly his mind flashed, "is it deserted? His car was stolen. Now he's looking for a car, but it's just a car. As for the troops in such a big battle?"

Xiao Ling giggled, and a proud voice came to his mind, "Captain, come out quickly. I'll take you out before their encirclement is completely formed!"

"Not yet!" Lin Xiao looked at his watch. "Has Fang Qing gone?"

He made an appointment with Fang Qing for two hours. It's already a little past now. With Fang Qing's character, she may have run away early.

"Three hours ago, Miss Fang drove towards the way she came!"

"The way you came!?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "Why did she run back?"

"I don't know!" Xiaoling doesn't care about others. She is only Lin Xiao's personal assistant. Everything takes Lin Xiao as the service goal.

Lin Xiao can't care about Fang Qing now. The top priority is to catch up with Fu Shaohua and rescue the three elders.

"You watch outside and follow my orders!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Lin Xiao turned and looked at Shan Yu. "Do you know where Fu Shaohua is going?"

Fu Shaohua followed the three elders into the new secret cave and waited patiently for them to recover their strength.

He has a supreme puppet in hand, and he is not afraid of threats to himself after the three recover their strength.

However, the new secret cave was beyond Fu Shaohua's expectation.

In his imagination, the underground secret cave must be simple and cold, just like a mouse hole.

Unexpectedly, the secret cave brought by the three elders was a well-built laboratory full of a sense of future.

The laboratory is brightly lit, and even robots are among them.

However, due to the shutdown of underground nuclear reactors, these robots also lost their power source and became a pile of scrap iron.

But you can still see that the original laboratory must be very busy.

"It seems like a production line here?" Fu Shaohua was surprised and couldn't help asking.

Tibetan Dao smiled, "indeed, the things produced here must surprise you!"

Like a scanner, Fu Shaohua quickly scanned the room and saw many rare materials piled up on the conveyor track. He tentatively asked, "is it related to the supreme puppet?"

"Smart!" Tibetan Dao praised the place and said, "what is produced here is the core of the puppet, the heart of the supreme puppet!"

Fu Shaohua took a breath of the air conditioner and became vigilant at the same time.

This is the place where the core of puppets is produced. There must be supreme puppets. In case of confrontation between the two sides, there will be big trouble.

"Cough... There must be many supreme puppets? Since heaven and earth city is so powerful, how can it be suppressed by the evil house!?" Fu Shaohua pressed down his heart and asked slowly.

"Hey!" Zhan Qingyi put his hands behind him and stopped next to the production line. Youyou said, "if this production line could operate all the time, there would be no such scene now."


"Although this laboratory is completely preserved, in fact, the real core machine is completely damaged and can not produce puppet core at all. Only some stocks in the past are far from enough to cope with the catastrophe!"

Hearing this, Fu Shaohua breathed a sigh of relief, "I see!"

He was really afraid that a large number of puppets would suddenly appear here, and his plan would completely fail.

"Therefore, in this underground, there are only two puppets supreme as the last guard, which can not be used easily." Zhan Qingyi glanced at Xueqing.

Xueqing nodded slightly, "I'll activate the puppet supreme later. When we fully recover, we'll kill it together!"

"Let's go! Go to the lounge first!" Zhan Qingyi walked forward quickly. There were some weapons and equipment in the lounge to help them fight.

Xueqing walked in another direction and opened a mechanism door, in which stood a motionless shadow.

The shadow is three meters high, just like a robot, giving people a very dangerous deterrent.

Fu Shaohua's pupils narrowed slightly. He knew that the strength of the puppet supreme was closely related to his body shape. The puppet supreme he brought was not a complete product, but a trace of wisdom belonging to mankind.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary people to identify whether the man he is carrying belongs to human or puppet supreme.

Even if someone has doubts, it is impossible to really come forward to confirm.

Because of this, Fu Shaohua's puppet supreme is weaker than the real puppet supreme.

Fu Shaohua brought it only to control the three elders.

I just didn't expect that these three people had backhands and had two puppets as helpers.

He had to find a way to get the two puppets, so that he could be sure.

"Cough..." Fu Shaohua coughed, "master Xueqing, is your puppet supreme left from ancient times?"

"Yes!" Xueqing was very polite to Fu Shaohua and said with a smile, "these two puppets are supreme. They are only original puppets. In terms of strength, they are a little worse than the eight ordinary puppets!"

"Eight puppets?" Fu Shaohua was stunned.

Xueqing explained, "do you know the eight supreme wooden pagodas? The eight puppets suppressed there are the strongest puppets in the early generation. It is said that they also have a function..."

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