Fu Shaohua's expression moved slightly. He vaguely felt that maybe it was a big secret and hurriedly asked, "what function?"

"I don't know much about the specific. I only know that these eight puppets can be combined into a bigger puppet supreme. They are called the second generation of puppets, and their strength is close to the master..."

"Lord, master!?" Fu Shaohua was surprised. "Why have I never heard of such a thing?"

While controlling the puppet supreme, Xueqing said, "I'm also hearsay. It's said that there was a century war that year. This puppet supreme played a vital role. Then it was dismembered by an expert and divided into eight parts to make another eight puppets. Of course, it's not necessarily true, but it may also be something invented by predecessors."

Fu Shaohua was thrilled to hear that eight puppets formed the largest puppet. When you think about that picture, you have a thrilling feeling.

At this time, Xueqing has awakened the puppet supreme.

Surprisingly, the puppet's movements seemed a little stiff, which was different from those seen by Fu Shaohua.

Squeak! Squeak! Click! Click!

"Transformers?" Fu Shaohua was stunned for most of the day, staring at the puppet supreme, and exclaimed inconceivably.

"What transformers?" Xueqing is stunned. She hasn't seen TV. She doesn't know transformers. It's just an alien creature virtual in TV.

But Fu Shaohua grew up watching TV and knew transformers very well. He found that the puppet in front of him was really like those Cybertron people.

Of course, it's just like, but the theory of structure and function is completely different.

"Nothing!" Fu Shaohua swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said with a dry smile, "it seems that this puppet supreme is not quite the same as usual!"

"Ha ha..." Xue Qing said with a smile, "it's just that the structure is different. It's just a product in the laboratory. All the metal objects used are weaker than the ordinary puppet supreme."

"I see!" Fu Shaohua breathed a sigh of relief. In front of him, the puppet looked powerful, and his strength was about the same as his puppet.

As long as it didn't have much impact on his plan, Fu Shaohua was relieved. He took advantage of Xueqing's full conversation and asked with a smile, "Xueqing elder, I heard that there is a nine turn Xiong Xidan in the world, which can greatly improve the strength of martial artists. The reason why the evil house attacked Qiankun hospital is also to rob the pill. Is it true?"

Xueqing had walked forward. When she heard this, she gave a slight pause at her feet, glanced back at Fu Shaohua and said calmly, "jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan? The pill only exists in the legend. How could it be in the heaven and Earth City? Who did you listen to?"

"Now it's all spreading outside," Fu Shaohua said with a dry smile. "When I came, I heard my grandfather mention it. After all, I also want to know something about heaven and Earth City."

"Oh!" Xueqing's expression changed slightly and said in a deep voice, "it's all nonsense of others. Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan can make people ascend to the supreme level. How can we have such divine medicine? If so, why should we be bullied by the evil house? Besides, there has never been a real supreme in Chinese history. If there is such divine medicine, how can it be so?"

"That's what I said..." Fu Shaohua didn't dare to go deep into it. He was afraid that more questions would arouse Xueqing's suspicion.

Xueqing went to start another puppet supreme. At this time, Fu Shaohua didn't follow up, but wandered around in the laboratory.

Zhan Qingyi and Zang Dao sat cross legged in the transparent manager's office on the second floor, overlooking Fu Shaohua wandering on the first floor. They didn't know what they were thinking.

"This son has something in mind!" Zhan Qingyi said stiffly.

Tibetan Dao said coldly, "Fu Taiyang was seriously injured when he sneaked into Xueqing that year, so that his realm fell. Fu Taiyang has always been bitter about this revenge. How can he send his grandson to save us?"

"Maybe Fu Taiyang doesn't know Xueqing is still alive?" Zhan Qingyi frowned.

"Even if Xueqing really encountered an accident, Fu Taiyang put down his words and drew a clear line with us. He didn't mention it. Do you think that the kind of person who will repay us will send his grandson to save us?"

Zhan Qingyi stopped talking and said in a deep voice, "do you mean he has another intention?"

"The heart of preventing people must be strong!"

"But the pill he gave us is a real small pill, and our strength will recover soon." Zhan Qingyi is not slow and filled with a kind of self-confidence. "Moreover, we still have the puppet supreme. Even if he takes a semi-finished puppet supreme, he can't turn over any waves. What are you afraid of?"

"I always think something's wrong," Tibetan Dao sighed. "Maybe I'm worried too much? I hope nothing happens. After all..."

Boom, boom!

Suddenly, there was a slight vibration in their laboratory.

The sound comes from above.

"Huh?" Zhan Qingyi and Zang Dao turned their eyes at the same time and looked at the top of their heads in an instant.

Continuous bombing took place near the damaged power grid on the edge of Qiankun city.

A large number of combat vehicles and tanks gathered here, and dozens of spaceships flew in the sky, completely blocking the sky and the ground.

"Captain! I can't last long. Their electronic attack system is very powerful. How long do you need?"

Xiao Ling's voice appeared in Lin Xiao's mind again.

According to Shan Yu's memory and Xiao Ling's information, Lin Xiao is tracking the hiding place of Fu Shaohua and others.

"What's going on?" Lin Xiao stood in front of a wall, thinking about the strangeness in front of him. He was stunned when he heard the speech.

"The black evil army is coming. They seem crazy. They can't find the target and are still bombing. They have been trying to contact the electronic control systems of three stealth ships, but they have been intercepted by me. However, their electronic attack system is very powerful, and I can't last long!"

Lin Xiao frowned, "desolate man?"

"It should be. I think they are all regular legions of the black evil army. It seems that many garrisons have come." Xiaoling's voice of panic for the first time is not that she is afraid, but an emotion expressed by artificial intelligence to the external situation.

For artificial intelligence, even if three stealth ships are found and blown up, there is no damage to herself. It is just that an electronic defense system program has been broken.

But Xiaoling is too realistic. Maybe she has evolved to the point where she can confuse the false with the true. Her intelligence is ahead of human beings, and even is getting closer emotionally.

Influenced by Xiao Ling, Lin Xiao was also a little nervous, "how long can it last?"

"Two hours at most!"


Lin Xiao took a deep breath. After adjusting his breathing, he began to concentrate on observing the wall. He believed that the secret way of the mechanism was here.

Boom, boom!

The explosion became more and more violent.

Outside attacks don't have accurate targets. They're just testing.

In a main ship in mid air, he was desolate and his face was blue. He roared loudly, "blow it up, I don't believe it can't be blown out!"

The woman next to her hugged the crying child and scolded angrily, "I asked you to put your things away. Why did you put them in the spaceship? Now, your car was stolen! The identification system on people's family car stole your spaceship again. Isn't it funny?"

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