The barren generation of generals was trained by his wife and dared not speak. He dared not say. In fact, the things were in the car and were not in the ship at all. That's why he was so anxious. At the moment, he could only command his men and shouted, "blow up, blow up the ship!"

Boom, boom!

After receiving the desolate order, the spacecraft began to join the war and bombard the empty ground.

Although Xiaoling has long moved the spacecraft to an insignificant position and cannot be affected for the time being, it will be completely covered sooner or later within a radius of tens of kilometers. At that time, under such dense fire, the defense cover of the stealth spacecraft will not last long.

When the shield breaks, the ship will appear.

In this way, Lin Xiao had no tools to escape and no way out.

Lin Xiao's eyes were like a scanner, sweeping the mountain wall in front of him inch by inch.

The mountain wall here is different from other places. It looks too smooth and flawless.

Although the surface looks very rough, it is actually very delicate, like putty on the wall.

If you guessed correctly, there were some murals or other decorations hanging in this blank space, and some worn marks were left on the wall.

However, even if Lin Xiao was proficient in the five elements and eight trigrams, strange door and dunjia, he could not see any mechanism on the wall.

"Shan Yu, are you sure you see the route they left?"

Shan Yu said with great certainty, "it must be right. This is the way!"

Shan Yu pointed to the wall and said in some doubt, "I just don't know why there is no road suddenly! I remember there is a passage here. The three elders are cultivating in the cave at the end of the passage..."

"Yes!" Lin Xiao tried to reach out and touch the wall. Suddenly his heart moved.


Lin Xiao wiped it directly with his hand and dropped a layer of earthy powder.

Presented in front of me was a mirror, with a faint blue light flashing out.

"Xiao Ling! Help me analyze the electronic mirror in front of me!"

"Copy that!"

Xiaoling intrudes into the mirror control system by using the wireless signal through the information fed back by Lin Xiao's eyes.

Didi didi!

Soon, red light spots appeared on the mirror, flashing faster and faster. A few seconds later, with a click, a round hole seemed to appear out of thin air, getting bigger and bigger.


A passage appeared in front of us.

"Let's go in!" Lin Xiao walked in quickly.

Sure enough, there is still residual temperature in the cave. The traces of Zhan Qingyi are very obvious.

Another secret road has been opened, which should be the channel to the secret cave.

At this moment, the injuries of Zhan Qingyi and others basically recovered.

The puppet supreme has also been activated and everything is ready, just waiting for them to kill out.

"Three elders, are you ready?"

Fu Shaohua walked into the transparent glass room office on the second floor and looked at the three with a smile.

The three were wearing equipment. Xueqing turned around and said with a smile, "well, you can start right away..."


Suddenly, the puppet next to Fu Shaohua made a move as fast as lightning.

Xueqing didn't react at all, so she was slapped on her chest.


Xueqing spits blood and flies violently.

"What?" Zhan Qingyi and Zang Dao were surprised.

"Fu Shaohua!" Zhan Qingyi shouted angrily.

The two puppets were killed at the first time and intercepted in front of Fu Shaohua's puppet.

The three puppets broke out in a war and were killed in one place. The whole glass room was instantly broken into pieces under the strong airflow.


Fu Shaohua, who had already prepared, quickly stepped back and looked at Zhan Qingyi with a sneer.

Zhan Qingyi looked at Xueqing who was unconscious and fell to the ground solemnly, and shouted to Fu Shaohua, "despicable boy!"

"Don't be angry, master. I have to. Master Xueqing is fine, but I'm in a coma." Fu Shaohua said lightly, "as long as you hand over jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, you can certainly stay alive."

Fu Shaohua has ordered the supreme puppet not to hurt Xueqing's life, so Xueqing was just knocked unconscious, not hurt or worried about her life!

"Asshole!" Tibetan Dao slowly pulled out the Dao and angrily said, "who sent you?"

"It doesn't matter who sent me. The important thing is that there isn't much time now. Do you pay it or not?" Fu Shaohua's voice became cold.

I thought I could find out the whereabouts of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan by beating around the bush. Unexpectedly, the three old friends were very clever and didn't reveal any news.

Fu Shaohua couldn't wait. He had to make such a bad decision. He subdued the three and forced them to ask questions.

Fu Shaohua also knows that the effect of torture on this old guy is very poor.

But he came up with an effective plan

"Hahaha..." Zhan Qingyi laughed wildly. "Just you? A suckling baby, with some skills, really no one can cure you in the world?"

"At least..." Fu Shaohua elongated his voice and joked, "what can I do now?"

"Hum! The little boy of LiuDuan, a great master, is arrogant. Today I'll let you know that there is a day outside the sky!"


The Tibetan Dao pulls the knife and cuts quickly, like a water knife. It draws a startling peak in the air and cuts heavily at Fu Shaohua!


Fu Shaohua didn't make a hard connection and stepped back directly. He didn't seem to have any plans to fight.

"Die!" The Tibetan Dao is furious, and the blade moves faster. It forms a curtain that can cut everything in front of Fu Shaohua. It is very dangerous.


However, after a few seconds, the speed of Tibetan Dao slowed down and his face became very bad.


Just then, Tibetan Dao realized that it was wrong and cried in horror, "is the medicine poisonous?"

"Huh?" Zhan Qingyi's pupils narrowed severely. He was going to stop quickly. After looking at the Dantian, he couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning and exclaimed, "despicable!"

"Ha ha..." Fu Shaohua jumped out a long way, with a sarcastic arc around his mouth. "Now I find out? It's too late!"

Due to strenuous exercise and mobilization of internal power, Tibetan Dao has spread the toxin in the pill to the heart. If you continue to attack recklessly, you may die on the spot.

Zhan Qingyi is fine. It's OK for the time being, but he can't mobilize his internal power, otherwise he will fall into a more serious injury.

Fu Shaohua has long had a hindhand. He kneaded a toxin in xiaohuandan, which can attack at a fixed time, making the martial arts temporarily lose their resistance.

This medicine will not damage the human body, nor cause serious injury, but simply limit the ability to play.

Although the efficacy will last only a short minute, it is enough for Fu Shaohua.

While they were distracted, Fu Shaohua rushed forward and quickly slapped them more than a dozen times.

make love!

Xueqing couldn't survive. She was controlled by Fu Shaohua and couldn't resist.

Fu Shaohua's puppet supreme was ordered to hold on to the two puppets and buy him time.

So the three puppets fought fiercely.

Fu Shaohua's puppets tried their best to contain them, so that the two puppets could not rescue the three elders.

After subduing the three, Fu Shaohua grabbed them and disappeared into the passage.

When he came to the medical area on the negative floor of the laboratory, Fu Shaohua tied the three people together.

Step back slowly and stare at the three with a smile.

"Three, let me make a long story short. Tell me the whereabouts of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, or I will bear the consequences!"

"I bah!" Tibetan Dao angrily said, "I don't know what you're talking about, you despicable and shameless..."


Fu Shaohua pointed out that he was right in the other side's ribs.

The ribs were punctured and the piercing pain made Tibetan Dao's body tremble.


Physical pain will not affect the internal power of Dantian, nor will it affect the sacrifice of Dantian, so fu Shaohua doesn't care to achieve his goal by persecuting their bodies.

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