"Stop!" Zhan Qingyi yelled, "shameless child, what do you want to do?"

Fu Shaohua slowly took out the dagger and shook it in front of Zhan Qingyi. Then he turned the blade tip and put it on Xueqing. He said with a smile, "where is jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. There's no nine turn bear Xidan in the world!" Zhan Qingyi roared.


Fu Shaohua didn't hesitate at all. The dagger was directly inserted into Xueqing's shoulder.

"Er..." Xueqing was awakened by the pain and suddenly raised her head.

"Stop it!" Zhan Qingyi struggled hard. Unfortunately, his muscles and veins were made and he couldn't use any strength. The struggle was just futile.

Blood trickled from Xueqing's shoulder, and red stabbed Zhan Qingyi's eyes.

At this time, Fu Shaohua gently put the dagger on Xueqing's neck and looked at Zhan Qingyi. "I only need someone who knows the whereabouts of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. Others can be killed. Do you say or not?"

Fu Shaohua, who has long found the unusual relationship between Zhan Qingyi and Xueqing, wants to see the importance of Xueqing to Zhan Qingyi.

When the blade touched Xueqing's neck, the cold touch made Xueqing tremble slightly.

Zhan Qingyi, who has always maintained a calm expression, also looked flustered in his eyes at this moment.

Fu Shaohua's eyes lit up and there was a play.

Find the weakness of the other party and control it. This Xueqing has always been the object of Fu Shaohua's attack. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong.

"Hey!" After thinking about this, Fu Shaohua was more unscrupulous. He swept the back of the blade and fiercely cut off Xueqing's hair.


The green silk behind the head slipped down in an instant, sprinkling long hair as thick as a waterfall.

It was found that Xueqing had a problem. Fu Shaohua is now sure that she is a woman disguised as a man.

But Xueqing looks neutral and has no obvious gender characteristics. Ordinary people can't see whether she is male or female.

But this long hair still well exposed Xueqing's gender.

"Stop!" Zhan Qingyi angrily said.

Of course, Fu Shaohua would not stop. He gently shook the dagger, put it on Xueqing's chest, and said with a smile, "I really want to know whether Xueqing is a man or a woman. Do you want to cut open your clothes and show you?"

"Bastard!" Xueqingqi's face was pale, "how can I say that I am also your predecessor? In terms of age, I can be your grandparents. If you treat me like this, you are not afraid of thunder and lightning?"

"Tut tut tut...... the sky is thundering?" Fu Shaohua sneered, "what is heaven? Now the Phoenix warship in the sky is heaven, and the black evil army is heaven. They can split whoever they want."

"Why are they so arrogant? In addition to weapons and equipment, it is because they have a supreme master, ye lost."

Fu Shaohua sneered, "so, in this world, there is no shit God, only strong strength is his own day!"

"Nine turn Xiong Xidan, I'm determined to get it. If I don't take it out, don't blame me for urging flowers!" Fu Shaohua put the dagger against Xueqing's chest, glanced sideways at Zhan Qingyi and said in a cold voice, "I won't give you much time. You'd better figure it out for me!"

"Qingyi! This boy is crazy. Leave me alone!" Xueqing angrily said.

Zhan Qingyi gnashed his teeth. His resolute face was full of indignation. He didn't expect that Fu Shaohua was so well prepared. Now he is trapped in the hands of a wolf and there is no room for resistance.

"Old war!" Tibetan Dao narrowed his eyes. "This boy doesn't know from which hearsay that jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan will be in our hands. It's ridiculous!"

Zhan Qingyi was slightly stunned and said in a deep voice, "we really didn't, but who leaked the news of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan?"

"Who can there be? It's not the old man of the dark king." Tibetan Dao slowly looked at Fu Shaohua. "Boy, you've been fooled by the old bastard of dark king. If we had jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, he would have taken it by himself. How could he give you the benefit?"

"Fu Shaohua! Don't be fooled by dark king. He's not so kind!" Zhan Qingyi said earnestly, "think about it, jiuzhuan xiongxidan is a precious divine medicine. Supreme, who doesn't want to be greedy? If we had it, we would have eaten it long ago and tried our best to go with Ye lost!"

"Be careful to be a gun envoy. The gains will not be worth the losses!" The voice of Xueqing is cold to cold.

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua sneered, "I don't care! In short, if you don't give me nine turns of Xiong Xidan today, no one will come to a good end!"


Fu Shaohua directly stabbed through the Xueqing coat, revealing most of his white skin.

"You..." Xueqing is in her seventies and eighties, but her maintenance is excellent, just like the twenty-eight girl. At the moment, her face is red with shame. She just wants to cut Fu Shaohua thousands of times.

Zhan Qingyi angrily said, "Fu Shaohua! Can't you understand what I said? We don't have jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan at all!"

"All right!" Fu Shaohua helplessly spread his hands and said in a flat tone, "since you don't have nine turns of Xiong Xidan, it's useless to keep you. I'll cut from master Xueqing first and let her see the king of hell!"


Without hesitation, Fu Shaohua raised his knife and stabbed Xueqing in the heart.

This knife is as fast as lightning, and it doesn't stop. You can't stop it if you want to stop it.

With this knife, Xueqing will disappear and die.

Zhan Qingyi was stunned. He didn't expect Fu Shaohua to be so heartless and didn't give him any chance.


However, just as the tip of the knife was about to pierce into his chest, Fu Shaohua resolutely stopped and only let the tip slightly pierce the skin.

Zhan Qingyi was stunned and his legs were soft. The master of Qiduan, a great master, was scared and burst into a cold sweat all over his body.

"The next knife won't be so lucky. After all, it's not so easy to stop at such a close distance..." Fu Shaohua licked the blood on the tip of the knife, "say, where is jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan!"

"Boy!" Zhan Qingyi heaved a sigh, restrained his soul shaking emotion, and asked in a very hoarse voice, "do you really want to know the whereabouts of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan?"

"Tsing Yi! Don't tell him!" Xueqing angrily said, "this boy is ambitious. Keeping it is a disaster. Even if we die, we can't do what he wants!"

"Die!" Fu Shaohua's joy just rose. He was bored for no reason. He raised his hand and slapped him.


Half of Xueqing's cheeks became red and swollen.

"Beast! Stop it!" Zhan Qingyi was really concerned about this Xueqing and completely lost his square inch. "Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan is not in our hands at all, but I know where it is!"

Tibetan Dao sighed.

He knows that Xueqing is the weakness of Zhan Qingyi.

Anyway, today Zhan Qingyi will compromise for Xueqing.

"Where is it?"

"You let them go first, I'll tell you!" Zhan Qingyi shouted.

"Let them go?" Fu Shaohua sneered, "do you think I'm stupid?"

"Hum! If you don't let them go, let me say, you think I'm stupid?" Zhan Qingyi fought with Fu Shaohua, "you worked hard to come here, and you don't want to give up halfway? Let the people go, and I'll naturally tell you the whereabouts of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan!"

"Ha ha..." Fu Shaohua laughed wildly, fiercely picked up the dagger and stabbed Xueqing. "If you don't drink, you'll feel the pain of losing your lover!"

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