
Zhan Qingyi was worried and roared loudly, "there is only one map. With the map, we can find jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan!"

Fu Shaohua's knife hovered at Xueqing's throat and looked slightly sideways at Zhan Qingyi, "what map?"

"Jiuzhuan xiongxidan, a divine object, can't be easily obtained, but there is a map that can guide you to the place of medicine collection!"

"Where is it?" Fu Shaohua approached slowly and showed his fierce eyes, "don't play tricks with me, or I'll make you regret!"

Zhan Qingyi has never been so oppressed as today in his whole life.

If only he was caught and captured, his character would not compromise at all.

But with Xueqing, Zhan Qingyi can't be cruel at all.

Xueqing is his biggest weakness.

Now Fu Shaohua is threatening Xueqing, and Zhan Qingyi has nothing to do.

"I won't lie to you. That map is on a woman!" Zhan Qingyi glanced at Xueqing.

Only a few high-level officials in Qiankun city know the importance of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan.

The rest of the insiders are dead. Now only Zhan Qingyi and the three of them know.

"Woman?" Fu Shaohua was very impatient. "Where did a woman come out?"

"Her name is Zhang Yue!" Zhan Qingyi said in a deep voice, "the black evil army, the stronghold of the western regions, the woman of the barren captain!"

Fu Shaohua was angry at this and roared, "shit! Dare you play with me? Want me to fight against the black evil army? Die!"

"Don't worry," said Zhan Qingyi coldly. "I won't lie to you about this. Zhang Yue is Xueqing's niece. The map was sealed in a piece of jewelry and sent out as a dowry!"

"Will you give such an important thing? Cheat the ghost?" Fu Shaohua is running out of patience.

"Hum! Ignorant boy," said Xueqing with a contemptuous smile, "the most dangerous place is also the safest place. I put the map in Zhang Yue. There is desolation. Who dares to doubt her?"

Fu Shaohua frowned. He didn't believe each other's words, but now it's difficult to ride a tiger. It seems that more coercion can only ask these news.

He was also afraid of being forced. Several people broke cans and directly asked for death, which really outweighed the loss.

Xueqing continued to sneer, "only in this way can the map be safe!"

Fu Shaohua stepped back, his eyes flickering with wonder. After a few seconds, he immediately took out a small communicator and didn't know whose number he got through.

"Hey! Things have changed! Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan is not on these three old guys. They said there was a map..."

As Fu Shaohua's voice became lower and lower, his expression became more and more gloomy.

A minute later, he hung up the call and Fu Shaohua walked silently in front of the three.

Aware of the ferocity flashing in his eyes, Zhan Qingyi's pupil shrunk slightly, "jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan's whereabouts, I've told you, don't let people go?"

"Let people go?" The corners of Fu Shaohua's mouth slowly turned up and began to tease. "Do you think I'll let you go before I get the things? Besides, I still need the help of several predecessors!"

"Fu Shaohua! Why are you so mean when you are young?" Tibetan Dao roared, "aren't you afraid of retribution?"

"I bah!" Fu Shaohua stepped forward, grabbed Tibetan Dao's throat, pressed him against the wall, took out a pill and threw it into his mouth, "wait until retribution comes!"

"What did you give me?" Tibetan Dao roared.

Fu Shaohua didn't care so much. He took pills for Zhan Qingyi and Xueqing one after another. Then he stepped back and said with a smile, "this poison can block your elixir field. Only I have the antidote. Stay here honestly. When I get jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, I'll come back to you for help!"

Three people are bad, but there is no way.

In the face of Fu Shaohua, who had the upper hand, the three could only keep their grievances down, and then try to find a way to escape.

"It's no good to annoy him. Wait and see what happens!" Zhan Qingyi lowered his voice and said to them.

Fu Shaohua retreated to the door of the secret room and observed the battle outside.

The supreme puppet he brought had the upper hand and beat the two puppets.

In fact, the two puppets in the heaven and earth court are in disrepair for a long time, and most of the materials used are metal products. They simply can't resist the bombardment of puppets made of biological materials.

Seeing this, Fu Shaohua was determined, opened the door and went out.

Before long, Fu Shaohua's puppet supreme has torn the two mechanical puppets apart. Although it has also suffered a lot of damage, its combat effectiveness is at least half, which can be regarded as the combat effectiveness of a top great master.

"I'm going to see the general leader of desolation. Can you arrange it?" Fu Shaohua made another call.

The dark king's magnetic voice came as if with some kind of metal friction. "Arrange a fart! Who do you think desolation is? He had a disagreement with rain leaf pioneer. It took rain leaf pioneer a lot of effort to arrange you to enter heaven and Earth City!"

"But..." Fu Shaohua frowned. "The map is on a deserted woman. How can I get it if I don't get close to him?"

The opposite side was obviously silent for a moment. It seemed very surprised, and a surprised voice came, "are you sure the information is right? Those three old guys are very cunning, don't be fooled!"

"Hum! I don't think it's wrong." Fu Shaohua glanced back. The three elders were sitting cross legged. It seemed that they wanted to detoxify themselves.

However, Fu Shaohua got the poison from his second grandfather Fu Taiyin. As a poison user, Fu Taiyin has made a breakthrough recently, and the poison is very dangerous.

"You'd better think clearly. It's very dangerous to be close to desolation. I heard that he seems crazy and is transferring troops to heaven and Earth City. I don't know what happened. It won't have anything to do with you?"

"Huh?" Fu Shaohua was stunned. "Dispatch troops to heaven and Earth City? What does he want to do?"

"How do I know? About this, I can only recommend one person for you. Whether you can get close to the desolation depends on your ability. If it can't be done, you'd better not expose my existence! Hum!"

The dark king hung up the phone impatiently.

Fu Shaohua looked gloomy. "Shit! This old man! When I get jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan to become the supreme, I'll kill you first!"

They have their own calculations, and they are planning something in their hearts at the moment.

After a while, a number appeared on Fu Shaohua's communicator.

"This is the contact person of the encrypted line. He will meet you in heaven and Earth City. Then he will find a way to take you to the desolation!"

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua wrote down the number. At the same time, he came to a control platform in the room and quickly clicked on the keyboard.


There was a faint sound of elevator taking off and landing.

A few seconds later, a door opened behind the console.

Fu Shaohua quickly walked in.

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