Lin Xiao and Shan Yu enter the passage and come to the small cave where the three of Zhan Qingyi once hid. After a little identification, they walk along the only down passage to the laboratory.

The battle in the laboratory was long over and the scene was in a mess.

The mechanical puppet was torn apart and even the head was incomplete.

"Puppet supreme!" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

Shan Yu walked vigilantly behind Lin Xiao and said in a deep voice, "it must have been Fu Shaohua's puppet. I didn't expect his puppet to be so powerful!"

"Be careful!" Lin Xiao looked back at him, "act separately and find three predecessors!"

"OK!" Shan Yu took out the short sword. This is the weapon he got in the martial arts association before he left.

Lin Xiao didn't care much at that time, but now he sees that this short sword is very abnormal. There is a kind of fluctuation in the blade.

"Magnetic dagger?" Lin Xiao was a little stunned.

At the beginning, his powerful weapon magnetic knife has been broken. Now only one laser sword is still available, but the laser sword needs energy and has been exhausted after several wars.

Now, Lin Xiao doesn't even have a weapon in his hand.

Shan Yu smiled, "see? This magnetic sword is the best of cold weapons. It can greatly strengthen the attack ability of martial artists!"

"Good eye!" Lin Xiao can only say so.

After talking, Lin Xiao cast his eyes on the transparent glass office on the second floor.

The office had long been destroyed by the puppet supreme battle, and scattered fragments even stabbed into the wall to form dense cracks.

They followed suit and came to the place where the three men in Zhan Qingyi were detained.

The door opened slightly, and there seemed to be a breath coming out of it.

"Be careful!" Lin Xiao's internal power was all over his body, and his momentum rose to the top in an instant.

Shan Yu looked at Lin Xiao unexpectedly. He seemed to be shocked by his suddenly revealed strength, but he didn't say anything. He just moved his short sword out of his body an inch.

Zhan Qingyi was dying. They leaned against the wall and closed their eyes.

After a lifetime, I didn't expect to be framed by traitors and detained in this dark place.

"Hey!" Xueqing suddenly sighed, "Qingyi! You shouldn't tell him!"

"No harm!" Zhan Qingyi said faintly, "what if you tell him? Can he grab the map? It's a joke!"

"I know what Lao Zhan means," Tibetan Dao coughed. "He wants Fu Shaohua to die. After all, desolation is at odds with Yuye. If you know that Fu Shaohua entered heaven and earth city because of Yuye's favor, you must trouble him!"

"Fu Shaohua is very crafty and resourceful to get to this point. If he is desolate, he may not be able to achieve his wish. If he really gets the map..." Xueqing is still very worried.

With their maturity and rich experience, they were calculated by Fu Shaohua. Maybe the boy can really find the map.

Finding the map means that it is further away from jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. If Fu Shaohua becomes the Supreme Master, he will certainly not have the good fruit of heaven and Earth City.

"Man's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation," Zhan Qingyi said in a deep voice. "If Fu Shaohua finds jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, it's also his fortune! Others can't stop it!"

"The catastrophe... Has just begun." Xueqing said with a bitter smile, "I'm afraid the ending of the three of us will not be very good!"

"What are you talking about?" Tibetan Dao said carelessly, "we've all lived for nearly a hundred years, and we'll die sooner or later."

"You can't die so oppressed!" Xueqing said coldly, "the great future of Qiankun city has been completely destroyed by the evil house. The disciples of Qiankun city are still hiding. What should they do if we die?"

"If only the Holy Son were here..." Zhan Qingyi youyou said, "he is our Holy Son and the successor of the king's front hall. Maybe he is the only chance to save our heaven and Earth City!"

"Hey!" Tibetan Dao sighed, "the son of God can't protect himself now. I'm afraid he's being chased by the black evil army all the way. I don't know if he can escape this catastrophe!"

"I have a hunch," Zhan Qingyi slowly opened his eyes. "The son will eventually beat back the black evil army and defeat Ye lost!"

"How is that possible?" Xueqing looked stunned. "Even if Lin Xiao has a very high talent, he wants to become the supreme power in just a few years. He is also a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water."

"Xueqing, you weren't there when Lin Shengzi made a great power in heaven and Earth City and defeated Diwei and other traitors, so I don't know how powerful he is. I believe he will fly into the sky one day!"

"What's the use of saying this now? We don't know whether we can see the sun tomorrow." Xueqing said angrily, "think about how to get out first."

"Huh?" Zhan Qingyi suddenly flashed his pupils, "someone is coming!"

"Fu Shaohua is back?"


"Come near."

The three are a little nervous.

Now they have no resistance at all. If there are other enemies, I'm afraid they will die now.

Lin Xiao, who had touched the door, clapped open the door and flashed in.

The room was dark, but Lin Xiao caught a faint breath and immediately bullied him close.

After coming near, although the light was dim, Lin Xiao recognized who was in front of him at a glance.

"Master Zhan?" Lin Xiao was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, he found Zhan Qingyi for the first time.

"Lin Shengzi?" Zhan Qingyi saw Lin Xiao with a happy face through the weak light, and was also shocked.

The sound of Tibetan Dao also came quickly.

"It's really you, son! Why are you here?"


Shan Yu, who came in after him, turned on the light in the room.

Obviously, Shan Yu heard Zhan Qingyi and others call Lin Xiao, but he was not too surprised.

Lin Xiao untied the three quickly and helped them one by one to the nearby rest place. Only then did he have time to ask.

"You were bound by Fu Shaohua?"

"Hey!" Tibetan Dao angrily said, "Fu Shaohua, a dog bastard, plotted against us and almost killed us!"

"Where is he?" Lin Xiao looked around warily.

Zhan Qingyi said in a deep voice, "Fu Shaohua went to find the map. If he really found the map and finally got jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, it would be bad!"

Lin Xiao was confused and asked in surprise, "jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan? What do you mean?"

He had never heard of this pill. Even though jianwuji had taught him medical skills since childhood and told him the names of many rare pills, he had never heard of "jiuzhuan xiongxi pill".

Zhan Qingyi told everything about Fu Shaohua in the simplest words.

Of course, he didn't let Shan Yu hear what he said.

However, Shan Yu, standing in front of the door, was not curious, but looked at them quietly.

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