"The son of God, is already the martial artist of the great master Jiuduan?"

Lin Xiao smiled, "just a fluke!"

Xueqing was moved. "Master Jiuduan is only one step away from the master's peak. If there is jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, maybe the Supreme Master is not a dream..."

Just then, Xiao Ling's voice eagerly appeared in Lin Xiao's mind.

"Captain, I can't hold on. Their information is disturbed more and more frequently, and there are too many shells. I can't avoid them all. How long do you need?"

Lin Xiao looked at the time, bit his teeth and said in a deep voice, "since several predecessors have a plan, I won't advise you. Wait for my good news!"

"Be careful!" Zhan Qingyi said in a deep voice, "if you can't do it... Go away!"

Lin Xiao nodded hard and turned sharply.


Shan Yu followed closely.

The bombing came to an end.

Bleak and gloomy eyes swept around the gap in the power grid. He didn't believe that such intensive bombing could not blow up the spacecraft.

The car was stolen, and even the ship used for the final confrontation was intercepted. It was hard for him to imagine who was blocking it.

The three spaceships are used to break through and escape once the negotiations with Ye lost fail.

It is reasonable to say that the only person who can crack his vehicle security system and spacecraft intelligence system is Ye lost or Yu Ye.

Of course, it is impossible to do such boring things when ye is lost, and the rain leaf is the most likely.

Barren and Yuye have always been at odds. They are all competing for Ye's position as the first general under his command.

This time, barren finally got a chance, a chance to be promoted to the highest, and even a chance to be on an equal footing with Ye lost.

But a mistake made him put an important map on the car.

Now the car has been stolen and deserted. I'm afraid that the map will be found. I'm anxious to speak of suffering and can't tell outsiders.

Now it is certain that the last place where the ship and car signals disappear is in front of him, but he hasn't found any trace for a long time. His mood is getting more and more dry.


The child's cry interrupted the desolate meditation. He quickly changed his smiling face and came to Zhang Yue.

"What's the matter with the child? Is it sick again?" Five big and three thick barren, careful but like a child, people can't help laughing.

However, Zhang Yue glared at him, "the child has been crying. The doctor said that without further treatment, he is likely to die. Now the only chance is lost. What should I do?"

Barren and anxious scratched his ears and cheeks, "wife, don't worry, I will find the map and become the supreme one, and then talk to Ye lost about conditions to let him give me the healing medicine to save the child!"

"How can it be so easy?" Zhang Yue's eyes were red and couldn't help crying. "Ye lost only one holy medicine, which he left to save his life. Even if you become the Supreme Master and have the right to have a positive dialogue with him, that medicine is his life!"

"Even if I rob, I'll grab the medicine!" Barren said fiercely, with unparalleled firmness in his eyes.

Marrying an earth woman is equivalent to marrying a slave as a wife in the eyes of the black Shaxing people, which has made the barren status plummet in the eyes of the black Shaxing people.

Even when she married Zhang Yue, she was pregnant with other people's children.

This matter is even more despised. Although no one dares to laugh at him face to face, there are many rumors against him from the top of the black evil army.

However, barren put the heartless man to death. She not only accepted Zhang Yue, but also accepted the children in her stomach and took good care of them. This moved Zhang Yue and was willing to marry the black evil star.

Originally, the earth people were very hostile to the black evil star people, and Zhang Yue married a senior official among the black evil star people, which caused huge waves and caused a strong commotion in Zhang Yue's city.

Barren will not tolerate the accusations and abuse of those people against his wife. He directly sent troops to suppress it. For a time, he was bloody and dead everywhere.

Zhang Yue's brother Zhang Sheng had no choice but to stand up at this time and bear the burden of humiliation. He became the captain of the sixth stronghold in the western regions. He made a lot of efforts inside and outside, which prevented a massacre.

Unfortunately, no one understood Zhang Sheng's difficulties. He always thought he was a traitor and traitor, stabbing him on the back and scolding him.

At the moment, Zhang Sheng was more anxious. He wanted to talk to barren about Xiao Lin, but barren suddenly had a war, which delayed the whole thing.

Just then, Zhang Sheng received an unexpected text message.

Information from the list.

Seeing the information, Zhang Sheng's pupil contracted slightly, immediately gave up his plan to find the desolate, and ordered the driver to return to the sixth stronghold immediately.

Lin Xiao quietly walked out of the passage and came to the damaged power grid. They hid next to the secret door and listened to the external movement.

When the bombing came to an end, it was probably deserted and adjusting its strategy, so it stopped for the time being.

The quiet environment does not make people relaxed, but makes the atmosphere more tense.

Because Lin Xiao was staring at Shan Yu, he was a little flustered.

"What?" Shan Yu gave a dry smile.

"You already know who I am?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

When he communicated with Zhan Qingyi and others, Shan Yu was nearby, so their conversation was heard clearly.

Xiao Lin is Lin Xiao, which is obvious to Shan Yu.

However, Shan Yu did not show much surprise, as usual.

"Hey, Xiao Lin, Lin Xiao, isn't it so hard to guess?" Shan Yu disguised.

"With one name, you know my identity? It seems that you are hiding deeply." Lin Xiao was alert.

For a long time, Shan Yu has shown a trait that people will not care. He meets the needs of both sides and swings against the wall, which will only make people dislike and not alert.

But now Lin Xiao found that it was not simple.

The strength hidden in the competition of the martial arts association is enough to show that it is only hiding evil intentions.

"Don't get me wrong!" Shan Yu smiled, "I didn't reveal your identity, which means we are friends rather than enemies. Otherwise, at the sixth stronghold, I just need to tell Zhang Sheng about your true identity. The deserted army will be killed soon. Do you still have a chance to escape?"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, "what's your purpose?"

Shan Yu shrugged his shoulders. "There's no purpose. I just want to earn some contribution points. Therefore, this operation must succeed. Only by saving the three elders can I get contribution points!"

"Do you think Fu Shaohua will still give you points in this situation?" Lin Xiao sneered, "if this boy sees us again, he will kill ten times!"

Shan Yu said, "what are you afraid of him doing with you?"

Lin Xiao smiled, "you have so much confidence in me. I can't deal with the puppet supreme. I can only run then!"

"Hey," Shan Yu chuckled, "I'm sure you have a way. Besides, now with the help of three elders, you have a greater chance of success!"

Lin Xiao's eyes moved, "so you had plans!"

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