"Don't say that. In troubled times, I want to make a living. I earn contribution points, but also to change some Yuan medicine from the martial arts association to improve my strength and self-protection." Shan Yu said quietly.

"Moreover, today's armed forces association is growing day by day, which is the only strength for the official to confront the black evil army. All countries have sent elites to participate, which has formed a huge force!"

Shan Yu said faintly, "therefore, there will only be more and more resources within the martial arts association, and their contribution points will become more and more important. With such a good opportunity to earn 100 contribution points, doesn't he smell?"

"I'm afraid I have a life to earn and no life to enjoy!"

Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly. He was thinking about Shan Yu's real purpose.

At this moment, Lin Xiao found that he could not see through Shan Yu's real strength. All the other party's performances were only external, and he knew nothing about his real connotation.

Xiao Ling's voice rose abruptly.

"Captain, they're about to launch a second attack. Where are you?"

Lin Xiao's heart tightened. He immediately opened the mechanism and flashed out of the secret door, "come right away!"


As soon as Lin Xiao appeared, he was locked by the black evil army.

Buzzing, buzzing!

More than a dozen chariots and several nearest spaceships quickly adjusted their direction and rushed at Lin Xiao.

Dozens of small wheeled micro robots rushed out of the spacecraft, rolled to the ground, smashed big pits and killed the generals.

The ground was destroyed, the air was scorched, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder in all directions.

Lin Xiao's scalp was numb. He didn't dare to stay. According to Xiao Ling's hint, he ran desperately towards the invisible spaceship.

Boom, boom!

In just three seconds, Lin Xiao's route turned into a sea of fire.

"Catch him!" Staring at the desolation on the ground in the command ship, he shouted desperately.

A large number of black evil warriors were in a fan-shaped formation and surrounded Lin Xiao.

From the sky, the whole formation is airtight, the land and air are completely blocked, and Lin Xiao can't escape.

Seeing that he was about to form a siege, Lin Xiao suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The scene was instantly quiet.

Without the target, the black evil army seemed to be in a panic and patrolled aimlessly.

Barren rushed to the porthole. His gloomy eyes scanned the battlefield, and his breathing gradually became urgent. "Shit! Where are the little insects? What the hell are they doing?"

"Did you find it?" Zhang Yue held the baby and stared nervously at the ground.

"They can't run!" Barren bit his teeth, pressed the army communication button and said in a deep voice, "not a fly can be released! Also, I want to catch alive!"

The whole army began to move and formed a more dense formation.

All the ships separated from a safe distance and began to release their shields to guard against the sudden attack of the enemy.

Because they know that there are three stealth combat ships hidden around.

These three ships are the most sophisticated combat ships of the Heisha army, which can be called higher dimensional combat weapons.

As time went by, the atmosphere on the battlefield became more and more tense.

The black evil warriors approached step by step and gradually approached the place where Lin Xiao disappeared.


Suddenly, a violent energy wave came out of thin air, and the shock wave rushed in the face, making the black evil warriors stagger back.


The glare rose suddenly.

The three combat ships started instantly, revealing their ferocious faces.



The small quantum gun issued a call sign.

Boom, boom!

The battle array of the spacecraft was instantly torn open, and a vacuum area was formed where the quantum gun passed.


The three spaceships were arranged in a zigzag shape and flashed out.


The ship blocked head-on was smashed without even holding on for a millisecond.

In the blink of an eye, the three combat spacecraft broke through the anti lock and ran away.

"Fuck!" Desolation is crazy.

The enemy broke through his blockade with his ship, which was the irony and ridicule of chiguoguo.

Barren knew the configuration of his three combat ships, so he mobilized all the legions to encircle, chase and intercept.

Only when all the crew are out can it be possible to intercept three S-type combat spacecraft.

The firepower on this kind of spacecraft is extremely powerful. Although the small quantum gun is not as powerful as the shipborne cannon on the Phoenix warship, it can instantly tear the protective cover of ordinary spacecraft.

Although I prepared so much, I failed in the end.

The angry desolate ordered a comprehensive search in heaven and earth city to find the whereabouts of the spacecraft.

Only by finding the whereabouts of the spaceship can we find the whereabouts of the car.

Heaven and earth city is such a small place, and the three spaceships can't break through the air. The hiding space is effective.

As long as we seal the city gate and send enough troops to search, we can certainly find it.

Just as barren was preparing to return, she received a communication request from Yuye.

For rain leaves, desolation is very afraid, not only strength, but also the pressure from leaf loss.

"Yuye, what are you looking for me for?"

In the video picture, Yuye lazily leans on the red and bloody sofa and wears black pajamas, which is very dazzling in the video picture.

"Desolate, Lin Xiao appears!"

"Huh?" The barren pupil shrinks gently, "where is it?"

Lin Xiao is the biggest and most important goal of the black evil army. Even if he has another mind, he has expectations at the moment.

Catching Lin Xiao may be more confident to negotiate with Ye lost than becoming the Supreme Master.

"In heaven and Earth City!"

"Impossible!" The barren big hand waved, "my army is in heaven and Earth City. He doesn't dare to come in!"

"I saw it with my own eyes. Will it be false?" Yuye leaned slightly and said in a deep voice, "this boy rushed directly to my stronghold and wanted to spoil my good deeds, but now he ran away!"

"Will you tell me such a good thing? Come on, what's the purpose!" Barren didn't believe that Yuye would share the credit for catching Lin Xiao. He couldn't help laughing, "what tricks do you want to play?"

Rain leaf suffered a loss in Lin Xiao's hand, and heaven and earth city is a desolate place. She dare not slack off in this matter, so she can only find desolate cooperation.

"Hum! Lin Xiao ran to your territory. If you escape and general Ye knows, you won't be able to make a job?" Rain leaf sneered, "only if we cooperate and join hands to capture him, it is the right solution!"

"I can catch him alone. Why cooperate with you?" Barren sneered, "there's no need to share credit with you?"

"Do you know his details?" The rain leaf smiled faintly, "you know nothing, how to catch!?"

Desolate frown, now he really has no way to start with his eyes in the dark. Coupled with the map, he is very upset.

"I have an informant," Yu Ye said in a deep voice. "His name is Fu Shaohua. He has been in close contact with Lin Xiao. He knows a lot about him. Let him help. He has a great chance of success!"

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