
Barren doesn't believe Yuye's words, because he knows how sinister the women are. Maybe he will bury a trap somewhere and wait for himself.

"He will go to the first stronghold to find you soon. If you want to catch Lin Xiao, meet him!"

Yuye didn't give barren the opportunity to continue asking, so she hung up the communication directly.

"This smelly lady!" After thinking for a long time, I decided to take a risk.

If Lin Xiao is really in heaven and Earth City, catching him is a great achievement.

"Parkin!" The desolate man shouted in a deep voice.

Deputy general parkin came out, "sir!?"

"You take over my command. Be sure to find the whereabouts of the ship and car. I'll go back to the first stronghold!"

"Yes!" Parkin takes orders.

Anxious Zhang Yue came over, "what's the matter? I can't find a car?"

Barren smiled bitterly, "wife, I'll take you back first. Don't worry, the heaven and Earth City has been blocked. They can't escape. It's only a matter of time to find the car and spacecraft."

"How can I rest assured? The child's illness can no longer be delayed." Zhang Yue's eyes were red and almost shed tears again.

"Well, well, I'll get it done as soon as possible!" Desolation is more nervous than Zhang Yue. He is most afraid that Zhang Yue will cry. Whenever Zhang Yue cries, his heart will be tight and he can't do anything well.

Pacify his good wife, desolate and immediately take a team of his men out of heaven and Earth City and fly to the first stronghold.

Fu Shaohua is waiting for desolation at the first stronghold.

Under the arrangement of Yuye, Fu Shaohua has a so-called informant identity.

Moreover, he also knows the information about Xiao Lin is Lin Xiao.

"Unexpectedly, Xiao Lin is Lin Xiao. It's really careless!" Fu Shaohua stood in front of the window, staring into the air, hating his teeth itching.

Since he first met Xiao Lin, he felt strange, but he couldn't tell his mood at that time.

Now I think of it, it was the fear of Lin Xiao's soul.

He was defeated and humiliated by Lin Xiao several times, and the scenes were recorded in his mind.

In fact, a large part of the reason why he spared no effort and risked his life and death to get jiuzhuanxiong Xidan is due to the pressure given to him by Lin Xiao.

Although he knew that he was only a chess piece of the dark king, the chess pieces should also control their own destiny and turn the table at the last moment.

"Lin Xiao, ah, Lin Xiao, the enemy's road is really narrow. This time, I see where you're going!"


Outside the tall fortress of the first stronghold, the deserted spacecraft quickly approached, and then slowly hovered on the take-off and landing pad at the top of the fortress.

"Coming!" When Fu Shaohua saw the strong and tall desolate get off the spaceship, he couldn't help but cheer up. After finishing his clothes a little, he hurried out.

Barren is not interested in this so-called informant, let alone know Fu Shaohua's identity. The reason why he came to see him is to know Lin Xiao's whereabouts at the first time.

In the conference room, the barren Damascus golden Dao sat in the first place, looked down at Fu Shaohua, and asked in a deep voice, "come on, where is Lin Xiao now?"

"If you return to the desolate adult," Fu Shaohua behaved very skillfully. Even if he had a supreme puppet escort, he would not dare to make a mistake in front of the desolate general captain. He knew that behind the desolate, there were many supreme puppets, and sending a few at random was enough for him to drink a pot, "I came from Zhennan martial arts association to complete the task. One of the team members is Xiao Lin. now it is certain that he is disguised as Lin Xiao!"

"Oh? Cut the crap. What about him?" Desolate Leng hum, "come with you? Since I come with you and get along day and night, you can't find his true identity until now. What a waste!"

Fu Shaohua's face was blue and white for a while, but he couldn't break out. He had to laugh and say, "it's my negligence. Now he ran away and took away a secret!"

"What secret?" The desolate cold voice shouted, "mother-in-law, can you finish it at one time?"

"Yes, yes..." Fu Shaohua was startled and hurriedly said, "he seems to know the secret about jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. Now he is looking everywhere. It is said that he is hiding in Qiankun city!"

Desolate slightly frowned. The news of Xiong Xidan spread so fast that even the informant in front of him was clear.

Thinking that his vehicle and spaceship had been stolen, it might have something to do with Lin Xiao. Coupled with the "information" provided by Fu Shaohua, he felt that perhaps Lin Xiao knew that the map was in the car, otherwise why did he steal the car?

It happened that Lin Xiao accidentally stole a car, but it became an opportunity for the outbreak of desolation, which made Fu Shaohua's nonsense become a capital.

"Shit, it was Lin Xiao's ghost!"

The barren roar made Fu Shaohua at a loss.

"Lord desolate, do you know Lin Xiao's whereabouts?" Fu Shaohua asked tentatively.

"Hum! It's this bastard who stole my car and spaceship. It turns out that his goal is nine turn Xiong Xidan. He's really bold!" Barren's face became gloomy. His head had begun to think about how to torture Lin Xiao after he caught him.

Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan is what he is determined to get, because only by becoming the supreme one can he have an equal dialogue with Ye lost and ask for the holy medicine.

On earth, only holy medicine can cure Zhang Yue's child.

Even if the child is not his own flesh and blood, it is the bone and blood that Zhang Yue loves for it.

The child is innocent and desolate. She won't watch Zhang Yue cry all day because of the child.

"Order immediately to mobilize troops from all strongholds in the western regions and guard outside the heaven and Earth City. No fly is allowed to fly away!"

The barren opponent roared.

Not to mention the whole heaven and Earth City, even the whole western region was boiling under the desolate order.

Hundreds of thousands of Heisha troops, millions of puppet troops, countless chariots, tanks and spacecraft formations are approaching Qiankun city.

I don't know. I thought the black evil army had begun its military activities of invading the earth.

Only a handful of people know why.

Lin Xiao was trapped in heaven and Earth City. The news didn't go straight.

Even ye lost knew the news and issued an order in person. Who can catch Lin Xiao alive and reward 100 yuan pills!

The value of hundred yuan pills can no longer be measured by money. It is something that can make all martial arts crazy.

Of course, these hundred yuan pills are not easy to take.

Not to mention whether we can successfully enter the heaven and earth city to search for Lin Xiao's whereabouts, even if we can enter, we have to compete with the six deserted stronghold teams. It is difficult to imagine.

However, many killers began to gather outside Qiankun city and consciously set up ambushes around. Once Lin Xiao narrowly escaped from Qiankun City, he would become their prey.

Lin Xiao didn't know that a big net was slowly covering his head.

Under the guidance of Xiaoling, he drove the spaceship to the small base of the sixth stronghold in Qiankun City, next to a pool behind the mountain.

Although it is rockery and fake water, the scenery is also extremely gorgeous.

A variety of lighting lights make the scene strange and strange, showing an alien scene.

After the spacecraft became invisible, Lin Xiao followed Shan Yu into the pool, followed the foothold hidden in the pool, and slowly walked into the cave.

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