"What's going on?" Zhang Sheng's voice came out in a hurry.

Shan Yu took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "fortunately, the map should still be there!"

"Why didn't you do it?" Zhang Sheng said anxiously, "if Fu Shaohua succeeds, our plan will all fail!"

"I'm not afraid. It's not that easy for Fu Shaohua to get the map," Shan Yu said with a smile. "Now I don't know where the map is. Only by following Fu Shaohua can I get real information!"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "what are you talking about?"

Zhang Sheng was stunned. "Didn't you tell him?"

Shan Yu shook his head. "Before coming, I was not sure of his position and intention. But now it seems that he should still be him!"

Shan Yu inexplicably put it on Lin Xiao's head, which was full of question marks.

Lin Xiao was confused about Shan Yu's identity and the relationship between Shan Yu and Zhang Sheng.

"Are you confused?" Shan Yu smiled.

Lin Xiao was very alert, "who the hell are you?"

"Ha ha..." Shan Yu turned around and began to rub his face. A moment later, he changed into another person.

He looks about 60 years old, much older than Shan Yu, but he is hale and hearty.

Seeing this face, Lin Xiao's pupils contracted slightly and became nervous inexplicably.

The old man met him once.

Lin Xiao is the expert who followed Mrs. Zhuang and fought against her after she was found.

At that time, Lin Xiao felt that the old man's strength was unfathomable and was never under himself.

"It's you!"

Shan Yu smiled, "surprised, isn't it?"

"Are you from the king's front hall?" When Lin Xiao heard his conversation with Mrs. Zhuang that day, he always had doubts in his heart.

"That man was really the little Lord that day. I'm afraid only the little Lord had such accomplishments!" The voice as like as two peas, and the voice of the old leaves.

Lin Xiao's face was a little complicated. "Are you... From the Zhamu family in the western regions?"

"My surname is ye, not Lin, but my loyalty to the young Lord can be learned from heaven and earth!" Old Ye suddenly turned around and knelt on one knee. "I was helpless to offend you a few days ago, and I also want to test your sincerity and determination, so please forgive me!"

If he hadn't overheard the conversation between Mrs. Zhuang and Mr. Ye that day, Lin Xiao would think that the other party was talking nonsense.

"Is Ye always a master of master Jiuduan?" Lingyun hurried forward and helped old ye up.

"Yes!" Ye Lao is not vague, "little Lord! It's urgent. We have to find the whereabouts of the map first!"

"No hurry!" Lin Xiao is not in a hurry. He has many questions and wants to find out from old Ye.

Old ye and Zhang Sheng were slightly stunned.

Lin Xiao slowly brought a chair and sat opposite them. Youyou said, "first, what does Zhang Sheng have to do with you? Why does he help us?"

"Zhang Sheng doesn't belong to the front hall of the king," ye Laoshen said, "but he is very disgusted with the invasion of the black evil army and wants to help us. Some days ago, he launched a massacre in the western regions, and many of the Lin family's children died. If Captain Zhang didn't help, I'm afraid the situation would be more serious!"

Zhang Sheng said in a deep voice, "the black evil army kills innocent people indiscriminately. I can't sit idly by. This is what I should do!"

"What about the map..." Lin Xiao took a breath.

Old Ye hurriedly said, "we had discussed with Captain Zhang to find the map and give it to the young master. Only if you become a supreme master can you fight the black evil army."

"Captain Zhang Shengzhang is very credible. He has been secretly informing the news, so that the Lin family's children have avoided a lot of disasters." Ye Laoshen said, "this time he also secretly arranged a retreat, otherwise we don't even have a place to hide!"

Zhang Sheng was worried and reminded them, "don't say that. The desolation has been ordered, and all six strongholds should send troops to reinforce. Now Qiankun has been surrounded by heavy troops outside the city, and there are more than 100000 troops searching in the city. There are so many places in the city, and you will find them soon. You must move quickly!"

"But..." Lin Xiao frowned. "I don't know the location of the map. Now I have two eyes in the dark and have no goal."

Zhang Sheng looked at the time and said in a deep voice, "barren has just held an online meeting. He said something to the captains of our strongholds. Let's secretly pay attention to his car and Spaceship!"

"We stole the deserted car and spaceship. I didn't expect him to pay so much attention. It's difficult now." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "otherwise, destroy the car and return the spaceship. Maybe it can reduce a lot of pressure!"

Zhang Sheng shook his head, "that's not what I mean..."

"Oh?" Old ye turned slowly, "what's your plan?"

"Barren is always careless and doesn't care about anything, only attaches great importance to my sister and children!"

"It's just a car. I don't care if it's deserted. It's strange here. I heard that he is very eager and crazy looking for cars and spaceships. There must be a problem!"

Old Ye's eyes brightened slightly. "According to the Xueqing elder of Qiankun City, she gave the map to Zhang Yue. Then with the feelings of desolation and Zhang Yue, she must know the whereabouts of the map!"

"You say..." Mr. Ye grasped the situation very accurately and made a guess based on all the factors. "Will the map be on the car? Or on the spaceship? So we have to find the car and spaceship at all costs because it is deserted?"

Zhang Sheng nodded, "do not rule out this possibility, the desolation has a greater desire for the supreme!"

"What do you say?"

"My sister's child suffers from congenital heart disease, which is a symptom of continuous failure. She is in danger and urgently needs a drug for treatment. This drug is in Ye lost's hand,

Barren wants to get this medicine, he has to have the right to communicate with Ye lost on an equal footing, so he wants to be the supreme one, just to save the child! "

Lin Xiao said thoughtfully, "if this is true, then this desolation still attaches great importance to friendship."

"If it's not desolate and really good to my sister, I won't let him succeed even if I work hard!" Zhang Sheng said with a bitter smile, "but the key to the problem now is, if we get the map and find jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, what about my sister's children?"

Ye Lao's expression became gloomy. According to his idea, he would never allow the black evil army to produce another Supreme Master, which would make the earth enslaved by the black evil army faster.

But Zhang Sheng is Zhang Yue's brother, and he won't watch his sister's child die early.

But from the point of view of the general idea, Zhang Sheng also didn't want another Supreme Master in the black evil army.

So this seems to be a dilemma.

"Ill, I'll treat it!"

Just then, Lin Xiao said, "I will help your sister's child see a doctor, but I have a condition to exchange it with a map!"

Zhang Sheng was stunned. "Can you cure?"

"Of course!" Lin Xiao smiled confidently.

"But congenital heart failure is still a rare variant. Can you really cure it?" Zhang Sheng can't believe it.

"As long as you give me a chance to try, I'm sure. If I cure my child's disease, can you persuade barren to give up jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan?"

Zhang Sheng was silent. He paced a few steps and said in a deep voice, "if you can really cure the child's disease, my sister may be able to persuade barren to give up jiuzhuanxiong Xidan, but..."

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