The action of the black evil army suddenly slowed down.

Yuye has been waiting for the news that desolate finds Lin Xiao's whereabouts.

However, the action of the black evil army in Qiankun city suddenly slowed down, and even some places have received troops.

After receiving this strange news, Yuye was very surprised and immediately contacted barren for questioning.

"Barren, what the hell?"

The sound of rain leaves is very condensed in the line.

However, desolation did not give her face at all, "what's none of your business? My people, my territory and my own plan, do you need to tell you?"

"Can I tell you that general Ye already knows about Lin Xiao's desolation in heaven and Earth City, and has issued an iron order to arrest him. Are you not afraid of general Ye's crime if you are so lazy?"

"Don't scare me with general Ye. I have my own opinion. Don't worry about it!"


Barren hung up.

"Hum! This lady, mind your own business!" Barren stood on the high tower of the stronghold, staring at the direction of heaven and Earth City, thinking about Lin Xiao all the time.

Catch Lin Xiao's great achievement. Maybe you can get a promotion when you go back, but it's only possible.

The big head of this credit must be taken away by Ye lost. He may not even get a soup.

But if you don't catch Lin Xiao, what if you tell general ye?

Catch Lin Xiao, what about Guo Guo's disease?

While thinking, the barren communicator rang again.

This time, it was Fu Shaohua.

Fu Shaohua is rushing back to the secret cave of heaven and Earth City, ready to take three elders, threaten Lin Xiao and lead him out.

At this time, I called barren to ask him to order his release.

"Captain barren, I have come to the city, but your men need your order to release..."

Desolate silence for a few seconds, light way, "you give the communicator to my men, I tell him!"


Fu Shaohua is standing proudly in front of the black evil army guarding the city. His expression is very proud. There are not many people on earth who can be powerful in front of the black evil army.

At present, tens of thousands of black evil warriors are fully armed, even deserted, and two puppets are dispatched. In such a battle, they can't even fly out.

Fu Shaohua just wants to force Lin Xiao out as soon as possible and let him see his current prestige.

"Yes, I see!" The commander of the black evil army kept staring at Fu Shaohua. After putting down the communicator, he slowly stepped back.

Fu Shaohua asked with a smile, "what did the desolate captain say? When to release? I'm in a hurry."

"Someone!" The garrison commander of the black evil army suddenly shouted, "take these two people down!"

A sudden roar startled Fu Shaohua.

The next second, the soldiers of the Heisha army launched an attack and rushed towards Fu Shaohua.

"What are you doing?" Fu Shaohua was surprised.

His puppet supreme immediately launched resistance, left and right, to protect Fu Shaohua from the battle.

"I'm a friend of the desolate captain. Dare you touch me?" Fu Shaohua didn't understand why the soldiers of the black evil army were suddenly in trouble and came fiercely.

I don't know what order barren gave. In short, the Black Ghost soldiers showed no mercy.

With the help of the two puppets, Fu Shaohua and his puppets were soon knocked down and thrown on the ground like garbage.

The puppet, who was already broken, was also beaten to the point of death and lost the power of World War I.

The unconvinced Fu Shaohua was very angry and roared, "I want to see the desolate general captain!"

"Put him in the dungeon of heaven and Earth City!" The garrison commander of the black evil army had no expression and directly ordered the people to be taken away.

At this moment, Lin Xiao received Zhang Sheng's notice.

"Barren agreed?" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that such a big man in the desolation of the black evil army would really agree to make a deal with the biggest enemy of the black evil army for his own personal affairs.

"Is there a problem?" Lin Xiao asked anxiously.

"It shouldn't be," Zhang Sheng and his sister have determined. Although the desolate man is fierce, he keeps his word and keeps his promise. He shouldn't go back on his word. "I can pick up my sister and children. You can see the situation of the children first!"


Zhang Sheng was silent for a few seconds. "Come to Qiankun bar. There is a basement where I work. It's very safe!"

Lin Xiao hung up his communication and looked at old Ye. "Old ye, do you think desolation is credible? If he's playing tricks, we'll go now!"

"If you don't have a card, you're really passive," old Ye stroked his beard and said in a deep voice, "but I heard Zhang Sheng say that barren loves his wife very much and won't joke about her life. I think I can try it!"

"Once you cure your child's disease, look for jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan immediately after you get the map. As long as you break through to the supreme, even if ye is lost, you can't!"

"Supreme? It's not easy!" Lin Xiao smiled bitterly. Maybe this jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan was really powerful and could make a great master become supreme, but he had a hunch that it was not so easy to break through with his own physique.

"It's almost time. Let's go!" Old Ye stepped out.

After the action of the black evil army was suspended, they came out of Zhang Sheng's secret base and hid near the heaven and earth bar. Now they changed their makeup and strode to the bar.

At this time, they met a team of black evil army soldiers, escorting one person.

The escorted shouted to see the desolate.

Seeing this man, Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing.

"Fu Shaohua!"

When the two sides approached, Lin Xiao looked at Fu Shaohua, waved to him, and deliberately shouted in his original voice, "Fu Shaohua! You're all right!"

Hearing this sound, Fu Shaohua trembled all over. His eyes stared like a bulb at that time. After a few seconds, he shouted, "come on, you catch him, he is Lin Xiao!"

"Come on!" Fu Shaohua jumped again and again. He had surprises, accidents and eagerness in his eyes. He shouted desperately, "what are you waiting for? That boy is the one the leader of the desolate general wants to catch!"

The soldiers of the black evil army were unmoved and escorted him forward without squinting, ignoring him at all.

Lin Xiao stood by the roadside and waved to Fu Shaohua farther and farther away.

Fu Shaohua was mad and hoarse, but he could only watch Lin Xiao disappear at the end of the street.

He now understood that Lin Xiao had joined hands with barren, or had some agreement.

Otherwise, Lin Xiao could not dare to be so swaggering in heaven and Earth City and provoke himself.

"Desolate! You bastard!"

Fu Shaohua clenched his teeth. He knew very well that in the current situation, it would not do any good to face the desolation.

Now the only chance to turn things around is to find rain leaves.

Yuye and barren have always been at odds. If Yuye knows that barren may have joined forces with Lin Xiao, he will fight fiercely. Then Fu Shaohua will get out.

"Can you contact Yuye for me?" Fu Shaohua stopped struggling, approached a black evil warrior and said in a deep voice, "it will certainly benefit you. How about it?"

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