"Less nonsense!" The soldier stared at him, "what qualifications do you have to see the rain leaf pioneer? Do you want to die?"

Fu Shaohua was patient and said in a deep voice, "as long as you communicate with Yuye Xianfeng, say that Fu Shaohua wants to see me. She will certainly meet me. I'll give you a yuan Dan then!"

Yuan Dan is a hard currency on earth. Even the soldiers of the black evil army need it very much.

Ordinary black evil army soldiers can only get a yuan pill a month. Fu Shaohua is equivalent to Xu ruo's salary for a month.

"Do you have yuan Dan?" Although the soldier of the black evil army was greedy, he also knew that this man was a criminal that the desolate general captain asked to arrest. He couldn't easily believe it. He searched Fu Shaohua directly, but found it empty. He couldn't help but say angrily, "dare you deceive me?"

"How dare I lie to you," Fu Shaohua said anxiously. "As long as you inform Yuye pioneer, she will reward you yuan Dan!"

"Hum! Nonsense! Let's go!" The soldiers of the black evil army pushed him fiercely and stopped listening to his nonsense.

"If one doesn't work, just two. Trust me once!"

Fu Shaohua was unwilling and continued to be earnest and kind, but no one paid attention to him.

When the escort team goes away, Lin Xiao winks with old ye, and they quickly enter the heaven and earth bar.

No matter how chaotic and tense the situation is outside, the heaven and earth bar is in full swing and noisy.

Even many soldiers of the black evil army joined the carnival every day.

The smell of alcohol and hormones mix together to form an exciting vortex.

Someone picked up Lin Xiao and led them into the basement.

After waiting for about half an hour, Zhang Sheng came with his disguised Sister Zhang Yue holding the dying fruit.

As soon as she saw Lin Xiao, Zhang Yue flopped and knelt down.

Not to mention Lin Xiao's deal with the desolate, now Zhang Yue is focused on saving the child's illness.

Since Lin Xiao has this ability, Zhang Yue will not miss this opportunity.

"Doctor Lin, save my child!"

The wailing Zhang Yue made Lin Xiao feel a little embarrassed. She hurried forward to help her up, "Miss Zhang, don't cry, let me see the child's illness first!"

Zhang Yue hurriedly stood up, wiped away her tears and looked at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng came over with the child in his arms.

Maybe the two month old child cried when he saw a stranger.


As soon as the child cried, Lin Xiao recognized something wrong.

The child has not only a heart problem, but also a head problem.

I'm afraid he would have died if he hadn't been barren and rich and collected a large number of rare drugs for fruit.

Lin Xiao reached out and touched the child's chest, input an internal force to calm his mood, and sure enough, he stopped crying.

Seeing Lin Xiao frown, Zhang Yue's heart immediately mentioned her throat and said urgently, "Doctor Lin, is there any way to save Guo Guo?"

"There is a way to save, but her congenital heart disease is extremely rare. She lacks parts in her body!"

"What?" Zhang Sheng's brother and sister exclaimed at the same time, "lack of parts? What does that mean?"

"I can't explain. The structure of the human heart is extremely complex. It involves thousands of blood vessels and related components. One less may cause major problems. Your son's heart is naturally lack of components. If you want treatment, you have to have surgery!"

"Doctor Lin, what exactly do you mean? Is my son still saved?" Zhang Yue's heart beat like a drum, and her whole body was sweating.

"I can try!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "if you can get the medical operation cabin of the black evil army, it's best. I've seen that kind of operation cabin. The equipment is very perfect. It only needs one person to complete the operation."

"In addition... I need some medicinal materials!" Lin Xiao quickly calculated the type and quantity of medicinal materials needed, "find a pen and paper!"

Zhang Sheng quickly found the pen and paper.

Lin Xiao thought and said that there were more than 20 kinds of rare medicinal materials.

After recording, Zhang Sheng said, "I'll buy it right away. If there is a medical cabin, this kind of thing is very scarce and needs to be solved!"

"I told the desolate!" Zhang Yue immediately took out the communicator and connected the barren.

"Deserted, I need a medical cabin..."

Before Zhang Yue's voice fell, the desolate surprised voice rang, "medical cabin? That kind of thing is very difficult to do. You need to apply to general Ye. He may not be willing to give it!"

"What? What should I do? Now Guoguo needs medical cabin for treatment. You can think of a way!"

Barren fell into silence. After a moment, he bit his teeth and said in a deep voice, "I need to go back to the Phoenix warship and see ye lost in person. Maybe I can get one."

"Must go back?" Zhang Yue knows that the recent practices of desolation have made Ye lose very dissatisfied. If she meets in person and asks for the medical cabin, ye lose may be angry. If she deliberately obstructs it at that time, it will be over.

"Well, I can only go back. You wait for my news!"

After the desolation hung up the line, he ordered the Legion to stand still, and no war was allowed without his order.

Then, barren flew to the Phoenix warship in his spaceship.

Zhang Yue was worried and uneasy. Although Lin Xiao promised to treat Guoguo, she just couldn't calm down and couldn't help asking, "Doctor Lin, can Guoguo's disease really be cured?"

"I'll try my best." Lin Xiao didn't dare to say too much. After all, it was difficult to add short lost artificial organs to the heart.

"Sister! Since it's no use worrying, just trust Lin Xiao. I think he can succeed!" Zhang Sheng smiled and comforted, "if he's not sure, he won't make a deal with us!"

"I hope so!" Zhang Yue smiled bitterly, her eyes fell on the sleeping fruit, and she couldn't help crying again.

"Now wait for the equipment at ease. When the medical cabin is in place, I can start the operation! In addition..." Lin Xiao smiled. "What about the promised map? Can you show it to me now!"

Zhang Yue was slightly stunned and couldn't help looking at Zhang Sheng.

Before she came, she told Zhang Sheng that she would confess to Lin Xiao about the map.

As for Lin Xiao's reaction, it was beyond their control. They could only try their best to make him believe that his brother and sister were not lying to him.

"Lin Xiao, there's something I have to tell you," Zhang Sheng said with a bitter smile. "The map does exist, but now the map is not in barren hands!"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao's smiling expression slowly closed, and his eyebrows wrinkled with the trend. He asked unhappily, "what do you mean?"

"Cough! Listen to me," Zhang Sheng explained slowly. "The map is actually on the car you stole!"

Lin Xiao's heart moved and couldn't help looking at old Ye.

Ye Lao speculated about the map and was recognized by Lin Xiao. He just didn't expect that such an important thing as the map was really put in the car.

"So now as long as you find the car, you can find the map!" Zhang Sheng said in a deep voice, "I heard that your teammate Fang Qing drove the car. Do you know where she went?"

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