Rain leaf Pioneer has been paying attention to the trend of desolation.

At this time, someone reported that the deserted ship flew towards the Phoenix warship.

Moreover, barren also ordered that tens of thousands of Black Ghost soldiers inside and outside Qiankun city all stand still and wait for his next instructions.

For a time, the mighty search team stopped, and the chaos in Qiankun city temporarily returned to normal.

Yuye almost died of anger when she got the news.

"What the hell is going on in this desolate place?"

Rain leaves kept roaring in the room. His men didn't dare to approach at all. They had to hang their heads and wait quietly.


Bang bang!


Yuye smashed all the things in the room and angrily said, "desolation is deliberately against me? He asked the Legion to stand still. Did he let me find Lin Xiao myself?"

The western region is a desolate garrison. Yuye has no right to interfere with each other's military actions, and she can only bring some personal soldiers and guards to the western region, so she can't mobilize the army on a large scale.

If the desolation doesn't care about it, Yuye doesn't want to sweep the whole western region. Even if she only searches heaven and Earth City, her hands are stretched out.

"Hum! Find me some local people. I don't believe Lin Xiao can hide like a mouse in heaven and Earth City."

Yuye's men hesitated for a few seconds and suddenly reported back, "Sir, the desolate man just caught a local man and put him in the dungeon. I heard him shouting to see you. I don't know what's going on."

"Oh?" The rain leaf calmed down, frowned and asked, "who? See me? Earth people?"

"It should be," my men hurriedly reported, "should I go and see the situation?"

"Hum! The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since he is a desolate man, I'll see him! Find a way to get him out for me!"

"Yes!" His men were ordered to leave.

Yuye's eyes are very gloomy. She faintly feels that barren is doing a big thing, otherwise she won't stop her good action suddenly.

Catching Lin Xiao is the main task of the whole black evil army. The desolation stops as soon as it stops. This accident makes Yuye's heart gradually lift up and become more excited at the same time.

Rain leaf and barren work under Ye lost's command, which has always been a competitive relationship.

The strength of the two men is between Bo Zhong and Ba Duan. They are both the accomplishments of the great master. They are equally powerful in terms of power. They are trying to become the first powerful minister under Ye lost.

Unfortunately, Yuye is a woman after all, and her influence is invisible.

In extraterrestrial civilizations, women's weakness is more obvious.

It is not easy for Yuye to come to this step today. In addition to her own strength, of course, there will be some other disgraceful means.

In order to achieve today's status, Yuye has paid a lot.

Today's desolation is so abnormal that Yuye sensitively captures an opportunity to deal with him.

"Someone!" Yuye suddenly picked up the communicator and his opponent ordered, "transfer the pro guard to me!"

Yuye's Pro guards are about 300 people outside the city of heaven and earth. They are all experts, at least top gold soldiers. One third of them are super soldiers and great masters.

These people are only loyal to Yuye. Even if ye is lost, they can't command them. It's Yuye's headquarters pulled from the black evil star.


Yuye's Pro guard wants to enter the city. Naturally, no one dares to stop it.

Hundreds of elite troops soon gathered at the door of Yuye, waiting for her orders.

Yuye did not inform the desolate legion of any news, directly ordered to take over the defense system of heaven and Earth City, and asked the desolate Legion to obey her order and start a more rigorous search task.

In the absence of the commander, Yuye Pioneer has the right to temporarily take over the control of the Legion.

At the moment, desolation can't be contacted at all. The vice captain of the temporary management Corps is also very helpless. He can only act again according to Yuye's order.

Soon, Fu Shaohua was brought to Yuye.

"Is that you?" Yuye was slightly stunned. I didn't expect it would be Fu Shaohua.

"My Lord! I know Lin Xiao's whereabouts. He's in heaven and Earth City, mixing with the Zhang Sheng!"

"Zhang Sheng!?" Yuye remembered that Zhang Sheng was the captain of the sixth stronghold and a deserted brother-in-law with a good status.

"Yes! Zhang Sheng betrayed the black evil army and mixed with Lin Xiao. He is plotting to get jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. Don't let him succeed!"

The rain leaves frowned and soon stretched out, "so, Zhang Sheng and Lin Xiao mixed together, probably from the desolation?"

Fu Shaohua didn't dare to guess such a thing. His eyes turned, "Sir, you must not let Lin Xiao escape, otherwise it will be a great disaster! I have his handle in my hand, which may be good for catching him!"

"What handle?"

Fu Shaohua stepped forward and said darkly, "the three elders of heaven and Earth City have been controlled by me. They are very important to Lin Xiao. Taking them as hostages can make Lin Xiao throw a rat's deterrent!"

A Lin Xiao is a headache for Yuye. She thinks she is not Lin Xiao's opponent, but he can't mobilize the puppet supreme in the western regions. If he faces Lin Xiao, she will fall into the wind.

If there was a way to threaten Lin Xiao, it would be great.

"What are you waiting for? Bring me someone right away!"

"Yes!" Fu Shaohua smiled grimly at the corners of his mouth and thought to himself, Lin Xiao, your time of death is coming. If the rain leaf pioneer comes out, you will die without a burial place.

Fu Shaohua led his puppet supreme to the secret cave and arrested Zhan Qingyi.

On the other hand, Zhang Sheng's men who were sent to collect herbs were blocked outside the city of heaven and earth. The reason was that Yuye Xianfeng ordered a comprehensive martial law and no entry or exit.

After receiving the news, Zhang's brother and sister's heart was tightened in an instant.

"Bad!" Zhang Sheng looked at the intelligence information and frowned deeply. "His subordinates reported that a new round of search had begun. This time, it was more strict. Every family and even everyone had to search."

"What should I do?" Zhang Yue holds the fruit, anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Lin Xiao was surprised. "Desolation is not an order to stop the search. Who dares to disobey his order?"

"Rain leaves!" Zhang Sheng said in a deep voice, "she does have the right to take over the command temporarily, but doing so is equivalent to completely offending the desolation. If the desolation comes back now, she must fight with her!"

"So..." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "Yuye, this is a desperate gamble. You should completely solve me before returning from the desolation!"

"It's not safe here. If we're found here, we'll have to finish it!" Zhang Sheng was also a little flustered. In heaven and Earth City, his influence was not big. He had only a few confidants, which was of no help at all.


Just then, gunshots and shouts came from outside.

Even the heaven and earth bar was not spared. The black evil army rushed into the bar, and everyone had to be investigated.

Zhang Sheng's secret room is not tight, and there are loopholes. As long as the other party is a little more serious, he will find out soon.

"It seems that we can't stay here!" Lin Xiao frowned, "it's still time to go now, but..."

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