Lin Xiao hesitated for a few seconds. "If I leave, I'm afraid it's difficult to meet you again. If you want to save the child, you can only go with me."

Zhang Sheng knows very well that if he rushes out with Lin Xiao, their brother and sister may not be able to turn back and will also be wanted by Yuye.

Even Desolation will be involved, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Sister!?" Zhang Sheng can only listen to Zhang Yue at the moment.

Zhang Yue looked at the fruit in her arms and looked as firm as ever, "go together! Rush out!"

"If you rush out, I'm afraid you'll have to escape in the future. Have you considered it clearly?" Zhang Sheng asked again.

"Anyway, we are homeless. Run away. As long as you can save my fruit," Zhang Yue looked at Zhang Sheng, "brother! You don't have to run with us. You can continue to stay in the black evil army..."

"You ran away. Do you think Yuye will let me go?" Zhang Sheng said with a wry smile, "with Yuye's character, since she decided to take this step, she will certainly eliminate the root and leave no future trouble. She may have been staring at us!"

"Taking advantage of the desolation, the rain leaves catch us, which is the greatest threat to the desolation." Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, "so we have only one way to escape, and then find a way to contact the barren."

Bang bang!

The gunfire in the bar is more and more frequent. Under the command of Yuye, the black evil army soldiers are more arrogant. They will shoot if they don't cooperate.

The situation became inexplicably tense.

Lin Xiao quickly contacted Xiao Ling, "Xiao Ling, are you sure to rush out?"

"Captain, the other party has set up an electronic barrier nearby, which has a great impact on the ship's signal. It's difficult for me to pick up. You can only get on board when you reach this coordinate point!"

Xiao Ling sent a location message.

Look at the location coordinates. It's about five kilometers away from Qiankun bar.

It's just five kilometers. It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to reach the goal. I'm afraid it will become an insurmountable distance.

The gunfire is getting more and more intense. It's too late to leave. Of course, Lin Xiao has no pressure, but he must be fully prepared with Zhang's brothers and sisters.

"Put this on!" Lin Xiao took off his inner armor and handed it to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yuegang didn't pick it up at first. She knew that she had to risk a lot of wind to rush out, and Lin Xiao was the main force of the battle, but she put it on at Lin Xiao's forced request.

Then Lin Xiao took out a laser gun and handed it to Zhang Sheng, "here!"

Zhang Sheng is just a weak scholar and has never used a gun. Now in order to protect his sister, he has to clench his teeth and hold the gun in his hand.

Obviously, he was nervous and helpless, but he chose to put all his eggs in one basket.

Old ye came over and said in a deep voice, "I'm responsible for breaking the back!"

Old Ye's strength Lin Xiao knew very well that he was no better than himself a few days ago, which was definitely a great help.

Even though Lin Xiao has been promoted to the Ninth Section of the great master, he can compete with the peak of the great master in terms of real strength, but he can't say that he has confidence in Ye Lao.

As the guardian of the king's front hall, old Ye is terrible in both talent and strength.

Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief after he died.

"You Lao Ye is old!"


There were also gunshots and the noise of people running underground.

"Stop, check!"

The black evil warrior grabbed a yellow haired boy and kicked him down without saying a word. After careful inspection, he found that he was not the target, so he pushed him aside without mercy.

The four of Lin Xiao came over as if nothing had happened.

After all, Zhang Sheng is the captain of the sixth stronghold and has some authority.

After seeing him, the soldiers of the black evil army subconsciously wanted to release him.

However, at this time, a small team leader wearing black armor with only one pair of eyes came out and stretched out his hand to stop Zhang Sheng in front of him.

"Captain Zhang, where are you going?"

The other party's deep voice made Zhang Sheng slightly nervous. He made a calm look and said in a deep voice, "how dare you stop my way?"

"Excuse me, team Zhang. Please forgive me for your responsibility!"

"Responsibilities?" Zhang Sheng sneered, "do you even want to check your own people? Believe it or not, I'll report it to the desolate general captain, which will make you feel overwhelmed!"

When it comes to desolation, the other party is obviously afraid, and the tone is eased a lot, but the intention to forcibly check doesn't mean to converge. "Captain Zhang, don't embarrass us. This is the order of Yuye pioneer. Everyone must check, no matter who!"

The other party's tough tone has stopped several people from leaving calmly.

Zhang Sheng looked at Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao shot without hesitation.

The temporary iron sword was waved fiercely, and the sword Qi was fierce. After a startling light flashed, all six black evil army soldiers in the channel gave their heads.


Now that he had started, Lin Xiao was no longer vague. He picked up his brother and sister one by one and rushed out quickly.

Leaf old light flutter after follow.


Rushed to the bar, a team of black evil army soldiers were checking. They reacted quickly when they found something strange.

"Stop them!"

With the explosion, the battle between the two sides began quickly at the next moment.

The blood light spread to the whole bar in an instant.

Lin Xiao's sword Qi flashed in the wind. He was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex with all his strength.

He knows very well that he must rush out in the shortest time at this moment, or he will be surrounded by the black evil army, even if he will be planted here.

The black evil army soldiers in the bar were cut in two by Lin Xiao.

There was no response at all. Lin Xiao had rushed out of the bar with the two.

There are not many black evil army soldiers outside, and most of them are scattered around for inspection.

Lin Xiao's speed was too fast. After rushing out, he rushed out directly according to the line provided by Xiao Ling.

Many passers-by in the streets stopped to wait for inspection. Lin Xiao suddenly rushed into the team and dispersed in an instant.

"Find target!"

The news spread quickly within the black evil army.

More and more black evil army soldiers rushed towards Lin Xiao's escape direction.

The internal streets of Qiankun city were narrow and complicated. Lin Xiao's escape route was strange and tricky. At the same time, there could only be limited pursuers to intercept, so they were easily killed.

And no one can catch up with the old leaf.

At this time, Lin Xiao really found out how terrible Ye Lao's strength was.

Unexpectedly, there is a faint trend of releasing internal power.

On earth, this is the second great master Lin Xiao has seen who can release his internal power.

Even if it is not as sharp and skilled as yourself, there is always a trace of supremacy.

But in the second half of the journey, you will pass through the central square, which has a wide terrain and excellent vision. Once surrounded, it is difficult to escape.

Lin Xiao is trying to get through the square area as soon as possible.

So he killed all the way.

Blood stained the streets and Lin Xiao's eyes.

These black evil stars were enemies and invaders. Lin Xiao had no pity and hesitation in his heart.

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