
Another row of heads fell to the ground.

The soldiers of the black evil army were scared to be killed by Lin Xiao.

If it were not for the desolate puppet supreme who only listened to his orders, and Yuye came to heaven and earth city without a puppet, it would not be easy for Lin Xiao to get away.

Even so, Lin Xiao felt the pressure.

Especially after Yuye's Pro guards joined the battle, Lin Xiao's movement speed decreased.

"You go first!" Old Ye noticed something was wrong, and more and more experts were joining the battle.

One third of the Yuye guard group are great masters. As super soldiers, their combat effectiveness is beyond doubt. Moreover, after years of fighting, they have their own tacit understanding, and their combat effectiveness has risen sharply.


Lin Xiao split one person with one hand, and then rushed up again.

Two people were cut off with one sword, and four people came forward one after another.

These people are not afraid of death, one by one, just to intercept Lin Xiao.

The blood stained the ground red, and the broken limbs and arms were everywhere. The scared faces of Zhang Sheng and his sister were white. If Lin Xiao hadn't been supporting all the time, I'm afraid they would have been scared to the ground.

"That won't work, brother Lin. there are more and more black evil spirits." Zhang Sheng tried his best to stop the black evil army with a laser gun. He was powerless.

Lin Xiao's eyebrows were frowning all the time. The tenacity of the black evil army was beyond his expectation. If he were alone, he would have broken through the encirclement face long ago, but he brought two burdens.

Even with Ye Lao's help, the situation is not optimistic.

After all, thousands of these people can't be killed or destroyed.

In the distance, the black evil army is encircling.

Many armored combat vehicles even drove over, narrowing the narrow space again.

"They can't run!"

"Rain leaf pioneer said, catch alive!"

Yuye Xianfeng, who received the news, has seen Lin Xiao and Zhang's brother and sister through on-site monitoring.

Even though Lin Xiao was refitted by Yi Rong, his posture in battle still made Yuye conclude that he was the person he was looking for.

The excited Yuye rushes out of the stronghold directly. She wants to capture Lin Xiao personally and escort him to Ye lost to ask for credit.

The black evil army began to encircle but not attack, which slowed down Lin Xiao's pace even more.

The eyes around were covetous, emitting bloodthirsty light.

Stared at by these eyes, the Zhang brothers and sisters, who had never experienced bloody, looked dead gray.

"No!" Zhang Sheng's eyes were filled with despair, "brother Lin, you go, we can't go!"

Holding the crying child, Zhang Yue sat down on the ground with despair in her eyes. She knew that in this case, she couldn't escape with them.

"Doctor Lin, can you... Take the child away?" Zhang Yue resolutely pushed the child over.

Lin Xiao knew that trying to take all the people away in this situation was tantamount to a fool's dream.

With only children, there may be a chance to escape.

"Good!" Lin Xiao sighed and was about to take over the child.

At this time, the change happened suddenly.

Outside the battle, the mechanical engine roared like an angry dragon.

Then, a black Shaxing cross-country combat vehicle rushed out of nowhere.


The battle array was torn open in an instant.


The car stopped in front of Lin Xiao and others, and the electronic door opened with a brush.

Fang Qing's nervous expression appeared in front of Lin Xiao and made him slightly stunned. Then Fang Qing shouted to him, "what are you doing? Get in the car!"

As soon as Lin Xiao's eyes lit up, he immediately grabbed Zhang Sheng and Zhang Yue and threw them into the back seat. He turned over and jumped in from the front window.

Ye Lao followed closely.


Hiss, hiss

The car moved sideways in place, making a dazzling sound of wheel hub friction.

The deserted car naturally has powerful functions. Although it can't be compared with the stealth ship, it still has a certain defense ability.

"You can't let them run away!"

"Stop the car!"

The soldiers of the black evil army began to launch a crazy counterattack.

A large number of bullets and laser beams were shot on the body and were resisted by powerful protective covers.

The warning sound is constantly emitted in the vehicle.

"81% remaining energy of vehicle defense hood"

"75% remaining energy of vehicle shield"

"Switch battle mode!"

Fang Qing's seat quickly fell back, the front steering wheel quickly retracted, and then extended a simple combat handle.


There are more than ten buttons on the handle. Fang Qing presses one at will, and a high-speed missile flies straight out.

A building in front of me instantly turned into pieces and blew up a ruined route.


After a slight pause, the car galloped out like a runaway wild horse.

"Go here!" Lin Xiao asked Xiaoling to send the positioning to the car, and a flashing red dot appeared on the navigation.

The distance of two kilometers is usually a blink of an eye, but at this moment, even with the blessing of chariots, it is still very difficult to walk.

"81% remaining energy of vehicle defense hood"

"Vehicle defense hood energy remaining * * * *%"

Boom, boom!

The black evil army was also angry and began to use large combat weapons.

"37% remaining energy of vehicle shield"

Fang Qing stared at the front.

Five hundred meters from the target point.

"24% remaining energy of vehicle defense hood"

Three hundred meters from the target point.

Boom, boom!

Dada dada

Zhang's brother and sister were in a panic. They watched the shield of the vehicle being broken little by little.

Once the shield is broken, even the refined steel body can't bear much gunfire.

"11% remaining energy of vehicle defense hood"

A hundred meters from the target point.

The final sprint.

Xiao Ling's voice rang out, "Captain, the stealth ship has completed its breakthrough preparation. You are about to rush out of the signal shielding area! I will pick it up at any time."

Fang Qing operated on the handle several times and stepped on the power plate to the bottom with another foot. The car speeded up instantly.

"1% remaining energy of vehicle defense hood"

Fang Qing spent all the energy used for the defense cover on the power output.

The moment the shield was broken, the car turned into a streamer and rushed straight out of the signal shielding area.


As soon as the shield broke, the car suffered a devastating blow.

Several people were thrown out of the car at the same time and thrown in midair.

Lin Xiao was in the air, but he didn't panic. He took Zhang's brother and sister in his arms one by one and turned over one by one.


The ship that had been here for a long time quickly revealed its body, opened the cover of the receiving cabin and took everyone in.


The three spaceships sent out quantum shells at the same time and blasted the besieged black evil army.

There was a wail at the scene.

Flesh and blood, how can you stop the power of the quantum gun and blow up a channel in an instant.


The three spaceships were in a pin shaped queue and roared away from the head of the black evil army.

The gate of heaven and Earth City did not block the three spaceships for a moment.

A minute later, three spaceships escaped into the sky.

After Yuye arrived at the scene, she found that most of her elite men were killed and injured, while Lin Xiao ran away with Zhang Sheng's brother and sister.

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