
The roar of rain leaves rang through the square.

"Lord Hui, the three spaceships that broke out just now are the attack ships of the desolate Lord!"

"Desolate!" Rain leaf gnashed his teeth and roared, "you dare to betray the black evil army. This time, you're dead!"

After the ship fled, it turned into streamer and disappeared in the sky.

Zhang YUEYE is lost and still practicing in the cabin. He can't receive the news of Yuye for the time being. He must finish the medical cabin before it is deserted, and then evacuate successfully.

Time is tight, desolate and said immediately, "where are you now? Go to the first stronghold to find my confidant venom immediately. He will arrange you to hide and wait for my news!"

"What do you do? If ye lost it, he would do it to you!" Zhang Yue asked anxiously, "haven't you got the medical cabin yet?"

"I'll find a way. You do what I say!" Barren said and hung up immediately.

Now we must race against time. First, we must stop the rain leaf from reporting with the leaf loss.

When he came to the cabin where ye lost his training, he couldn't care so much about the desolation. He directly reported loudly, "general ye, there is an important military report!"

After two minutes, ye lost his lazy voice.

"Didn't I say? I'm practicing. Wait for me!"

"But..." barren hurriedly said, "we found the trace of Lin Xiao. Now we need to wait for your decision!"

"Oh?" Ye's lost voice gave a slight pause, "since I found his trace, I'll catch it directly. Let me decide what?"

"Things are very complicated. I need to report to you face to face!"

"Hum!" Ye lost his cold voice, "wait for me five minutes!"

Desolate heart beat like a drum, can only wait patiently.

After a while, the cabin door opened, and a beautiful woman in exposed clothes came out, glared angrily at the desolation and walked away.

"Come in!"

Barren, hurry to enter.

Ye lost, only dressed in a bathrobe like dress. He could see that his body was not inch by inch. He was lazily leaning on the tiger back chair, glancing at the desolation, "say!"


Barren organized the language and quickly said, "Lin Xiao changed his name to Xiao Lin and went to heaven and earth city to save people with a young man named Fu Shaohua. After I found out, I immediately mobilized troops to catch them, but..."

Ye lost Staring at him, waiting for his post.

"After I caught Fu Shaohua, I was about to interrogate him, but suddenly I found that Fu Shaohua was the man of Yuye pioneer. Yuye sent someone to rob Fu Shaohua without any explanation. Therefore, Lin Xiao escaped!"

"Lin Xiao escaped?" Ye's lost expression became gloomy.

"Hey!" Desolate sighed, "originally I had caught Lin Xiao. I heard that he was a famous miracle doctor and wanted to force him to cure my son Guoguo. Unexpectedly..."

"Go on!" Ye lost and said faintly.

Barren said with a bitter smile, "I coerced three elders trapped in heaven and earth city to ask Lin Xiao a prescription that can cure my son's disease. Unexpectedly, Yuye suddenly sent troops to catch people and wanted to rob Lin Xiao with me and let him escape!"

"Now, my son Guoguo is in danger. The reason why I came to see general Ye is not only to report this urgent military affairs, but also to ask you to give me a medical cabin to protect Guoguo's life. In this way, Guoguo may last until Lin Xiao is caught."

Barren words are true or false, characters and events are true, and only the relationship between them is false.

In this way, even if ye is lost, it will take a long time to find out. Maybe we can find a way to live.

Otherwise, if ye is lost, as long as you ask Yu Ye now and let Yu ye speak out these relations first, Desolation will fall into great passivity.

Ye lost and nodded slightly, "I know there is no medicine for your son's disease except the holy medicine, but this holy medicine is the key to my breakthrough, so I can't give it to you. As for Lin Xiao... I really have the ability to cure your son's disease?"

"Now I can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor," barren said with a bitter smile. "It's a pity that Lin Xiao escaped. It's useless to have a prescription without someone to help. I just hope general ye can give me a medical cabin so that I can save Guoguo's life temporarily."

"The medical cabin is very scarce. On this expedition, the logistics supply ship was destroyed by Duan Yi of the king's front hall, and we left a shortage of medical supplies..." Ye lost began to play an official voice and said with a smile, "but it's not that we can't use one for you."

Barren hurriedly asked, "if general Ye has any orders, just say, I will try my best!"

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