"It's really a pity that your son has a severe illness, but is it worth wasting our precious medical cabin of the black evil army for an earth woman?"

Desolate, take a deep breath, "please help the general!"

"Ha ha..." Ye lost stared at him and said with a premeditated smile, "if you want the medical cabin, you can exchange it with the map of jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan."

Barren's heart jumped. Everyone knew about the map, even ye lost.

Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan has no effect on Ye lost, the master of the second section of the supreme. He completely wants to block the way to become the supreme.

Although barren wants to be supreme, she only wants to have an equal dialogue with Ye lost. The main purpose is to save the fruit.

But ye lost this move, which virtually put the desolation into a dilemma.

Barren has promised to give the map to Lin Xiao, otherwise the other party will not treat his son.

If you hand in the map, it's no use getting it to the medical cabin.

"Why, don't you want to?" Ye lost and smiled, "or do you have selfishness and want to compete with me after becoming supreme?"

"Subordinates dare not!" Barren nervously lowered his head and said helplessly, "to tell you the truth, the map has been stolen! Its whereabouts are still unknown!"

"Oh?" Ye lost and slowly restrained his smile. "Are you kidding me?"

"Subordinates dare not!" Desolation and cold sweat.

"Hum!" Ye lost and said coldly, "I'm sure you dare not lie to me! Who stole the map?"

"It was Fu Shaohua!" The desolate said in a deep voice.

"Fu Shaohua?" Leaf lost, slightly frowned, "rain leaf man?"

"It should be. Fu Shaohua has a pass order authorized by you personally! Can't ordinary people get such a pass order?"

"Oh?" Ye lost his lazy expression and became serious.

There were only a few passes authorized by his personal signature.

A few days ago, Yuye did find Ye lost and asked for a pass order on the grounds of convenient action.

Ye lost didn't know who the pass order was given to, and didn't care at that time.

At the moment, ye lost and faintly felt that there were some problems in it.

Ye lost is very suspicious.

He will doubt not only desolation, but also rain leaves.

According to the idea of ordinary people, desolation and leaf loss snitch. Leaf loss should find Yuye for verification at the first time.

But ye lost, but he likes to be smart. He feels that questioning Yuye in person will damage his identity and is not in line with his identity as a general of the Legion.

I would rather believe my own speculation than ask my subordinates to confirm the truth.

Desolation is the decision made under the blind self-confidence of gambling leaf loss.

Who says that desolation is a martial arts man who only knows to fight and kill. He was forced to be rough and meticulous for his wife.

"Hum!" Ye lost really didn't ask Yuye for questioning at the first time. Instead, he thought he could not leave the pass order whether it was true or false.

When he signed the pass order, no third person knew except Yuye.

Now that barren knows this, it proves that the pass order must have been used.

Even if the rain leaf is innocent, it must have something to do with it.

Thinking that Yuye has done some inexplicable things behind his back, Ye is lost and has no intention to question himself. He believes in his judgment. There must be a problem.

There is a problem.

The problem is that desolation is united with Lin Xiao.

Ye lost, no matter how suspicious or imaginative, would not think that barren would choose to join hands with the biggest enemy for a woman.

It was precisely because ye lost did not calculate this point that he wanted to enter the deviation and felt desolate. Even if there were concealment and falsehood in his words, he did not deviate from the essence of the black evil army.

At ordinary times, desolation and rain leaves are competing, and ye is happy to see them fighting, which is good for his rule.

After thinking about it, ye lost that it's nothing to give a medical cabin, which may make desolate grateful and more loyal.

"I'll check the map. If I find you lying to me, you know the consequences!" Ye lost his eyes and stared at the desolation coldly, "do you understand?"

"Thank you, general!" Desolate kneeling on one knee with a happy face.

At the moment, barren can't manage so much. He just wants to get the medical cabin and save the fruit to make his wife happy. Let's talk about other things later.

"You go to the logistics cabin and get it. Just say it's my order!" Ye lost and waved impatiently.

"Yes!" Barren was overjoyed and immediately turned back.

Ye lost and slowly got up, shook his clothes, revealed his strong muscles, and murmured, "what is Yuye doing? Give my warrant to irrelevant people on earth?"

Yuye has been contacting Ye lost. Unfortunately, ye lost is in a closed state and ignores her at all. She only asks her subordinates to pass an order and let Yuye report about Fu Shaohua.

Yuye doesn't know how much Ye lost knows about Fu Shaohua. Originally, she has selfishness and hopes to get jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan through Fu Shaohua.

"General ye, do you know my purpose?" Yuye was very upset. She was anxious to leave herself out of this matter.

Yuye's mind to become the supreme is no worse than desolation, but she works more obscurely and quietly.

Otherwise, he would not find Fu Taiyang, let his grandson Fu Shaohua come out, and join hands with the dark king to seek jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan.

After walking around in such a big circle, I didn't expect to be inadvertently damaged by Lin Xiao. Yuye was almost angry.

If the barren knows the rain leaf's plan again, she will have to peel off her skin if she doesn't die.

"In that case..."

The cold light flashed in the rain leaf's eyes.

Fu Shaohua came to the broken hole of the power grid again and entered the secret cave skillfully.

Zhan Qingyi sat on the ground as if they were still trapped.

"Three old guys!" Fu Shaohua smiled grimly and waved to the puppet supreme.

The puppet walked over and took out a rope to bind the three people one by one.

Zhan Qingyi and others did not resist. They wanted to see what Fu Shaohua wanted to do.

"Take them away!" Fu Shaohua waved his big hand.

Out of the broken hole in the power grid, Fu Shaohua found that many black evil army came outside, and he couldn't help wondering.

Several chariots stood side by side, and a spaceship floated gently.

Dozens of soldiers of the Heisha army, surrounded by a black armor soldier, stood quietly in place.

He glanced and found that the leader was Yuye's deputy.

"Big..." as Fu Shaohua was about to go to the ceremony, he saw the black armor soldier raise his hand indifferently.


Everyone raised their guns and aimed at Fu Shaohua.

"This, what is this?" Fu Shaohua was a little flustered.

"Take it away!"

Several soldiers of the black evil army rushed out and put their guns on Fu Shaohua's head.

Fu Shaohua looked blankly and didn't understand why Yuye suddenly attacked himself.

"My friend, is there a mistake? I'm from Yuye pioneer. I'm acting on her orders. What are you doing with me?"

Fu Shaohua struggled desperately, but he was waiting for a blow.

The bruised Fu Shaohua was forcibly caught at Yuye's stronghold. The indifferent woman stared at Fu Shaohua and made him angry.

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