"Rain, rain leaf pioneer, I have caught three old guys. With them, I can threaten Lin Xiao..."

"Hum!" The rain leaf stared at Fu Shaohua and said coldly, "want to die and want to live?"


"If you want to live, just listen to my arrangement. When you see general Ye later, you should say what you should say and don't say what you shouldn't say. Do you understand?"

"See general ye?" Fu Shaohua's pupil shrinks fiercely, "why?"

"Less nonsense!"

When Yuye finished wearing her red armor, her opponent said, "take Fu Shaohua and we'll go back to the Phoenix warship!"


Yuye has decided to let Fu Shaohua head the pot and let him admit that he is just looking for jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan on his own, which has nothing to do with her.

At this moment, barren is on the way back to the first stronghold with the medical module.

In the first stronghold, Lin Xiao and Fang Qing are talking alone.

"What do you mean by driving away?" Lin Xiao is really speechless. Every time he takes action, he will always be a demon and do some inexplicable things.

Fang Qing smiled, "you should thank me!"

"Thank you?" Lin Xiao smiled angrily. "Thank you for driving the car. Did you let me go around in a big circle?"

"I didn't save you halfway. You're dead now!" Fang Qing rolled her eyes. "I've saved you more than once. Is that how you talk to your benefactor?"

"You..." Lin Xiao choked and laughed, "OK! I'm very grateful for your saving me, but can you tell the truth now?"

"Hum!" Fang Qing put her hands on her chest and walked slowly to Lin Xiao, "I'm helping you."

"Help me what?"

"Do you know what baby is hidden in the car?" Fang Qing knows why she asks, just to hang Lin Xiao's appetite.

"Jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan's map! You already know?" Lin Xiao was surprised. How could Fang Qing know such a thing.

The map must be a very secret baby. Even in the car, it will be hidden very deeply and can't be found.

"What do I do?" Fang Qing sneered, "after I got on the bus, of course, I had to get the control authority of the vehicle. After looking around, I found an electronic map in the secret box of the car."

"Secret box?"

Fang Qing said angrily, "why don't you know anything? The secret box is a secret device in the Heisha army technology car, which is similar to the black box on the plane, but it also has another function, that is, storage!"

"And then?"

"Then..." Fang Qing smiled angrily. "What do you think I'm driving away? Of course I'm looking for this!"


Fang Qing directly puts a porcelain bottle in front of Lin Xiao.

The small purple porcelain vase looks like the most exquisite work of art. It is small, lovely and magnificent.

Lin Xiao was surprised, "is this jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan?"

"Nonsense!" Fang Qing said angrily, "what do you think this is? Don't you put it away?"

"Here, for me?" Lin Xiao couldn't believe it.

The treasure that all the people in the four directions want to rob is so easy to get by Fang Qing and give it to herself. It's not very true in any way.

"Hum!" Fang Qing seemed to have no interest in jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. She gave it to Lin Xiao casually, "no? Then I'll take it back!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao grabbed the porcelain bottle in his hand like lightning and asked uncertainly, "is it really jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan?"

Open the lid and smell it. An exciting breath comes to my face.

At least the vitality concentration of this pill is very high, frightening.

This alone can prove that this is a pill to enhance strength.

As for whether there is a legendary divine effect that can make the martial arts master Shiduan become supreme, it is still hard to say.

Lin Xiao carefully poured the pill into his palm and found that the surface of the pill was dense, as if a giant bear was roaring in it.

The nine pill patterns ripple like water patterns with the rotation of the pill, which can almost attract people's mind.

Lin Xiao quickly shook his head, separated his eyes from that confused state, and couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning. "I don't know if it's jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, but the power of this pill is very small."

"I don't know if it's true. I just found the pill according to the map."

"Why don't you keep it?" It's hard for Lin Xiao to imagine that such a precious pill can make people become the supreme divine pill. Fang Qing has no covet.

"What do I want it for? I'm only the third section of the great master, and it's still early to the tenth section!"

Lin Xiao was moved, and his eyes to Fang Qing were gentle.

"Don't look at me with such eyes," Fang Qing deliberately held her chest. "I don't mean anything to you. I just want you to become the Supreme Master as soon as possible and blow up the lost leaf!"

"Cough..." Lin Xiao smiled awkwardly. "I'm amorous, but this medicine is too precious for me to accept!"

"Less ink," Fang Qing smiled angrily. "Do you have anything you dare not accept? Don't pack. I know what you're thinking."

Lin Xiao's eyes looked strange. "What do you think?"

"Are you afraid that I'm asking too much? Am I such a benefit oriented woman in your heart? Do anything in return?"

Lin Xiao said, "isn't it?"

"I bah!" Fang Qing spit on him, opened her teeth and claws and wanted to rob him, "if not, bring it to me!"

"How can you return the things you sent out?" Lin Xiaodi slipped around and dodged aside, "and this pill just touched my saliva. Do you want it?"

"Get out!" Fang Qing knew she couldn't catch up with Lin Xiao. She stopped and pinched her waist. "My mother is for you this time. Don't bend my mother's meaning. If you really want to repay me, promise me one thing!"

"Look, what did I say?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "I knew you must have something! Come on, what's the tricky request?"

"Promise me..." Fang Qing was silent for a few seconds. "Live well!"

Lin Xiao's heart jumped and was amused by Fang Qing's serious expression. "I'm fine. Of course I want to live. Why do you say that?"

"Because..." Fang Qing's beautiful eyebrows squeezed together gently, "forget it, I just don't want you to die too early!"

"My life is very hard. Don't worry!" Lin Xiao stares thoughtfully at Fang Qing's flashing eyes and knows that she has something in her heart. She just doesn't want to say it.

Fang Qing always hides something in her heart that Lin Xiao can't guess.

However, Lin Xiao also believed that Fang Qing would not harm herself.

Otherwise, along the way, Fang Qing had countless opportunities to kill herself, and even caught herself to the Heisha army to receive a reward.

Just catching Lin Xiao's reward can make Fang Qing break through to the top of the great master. This temptation is not big.

"Doctor Lin!"

At this time, Zhang Yue's anxious voice came from the door, "desolation is back!"

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