The vibration is becoming more and more obvious.

Wave after wave of bombing from far to near.

His men had just gone out for two minutes when they rushed back in panic.

"My Lord, no, there are many people outside the stronghold, and dozens of spaceships are bombing the peripheral defense wall!"

"What?" The barren thunder was furious and roared, "what do you mean? Who is so bold and wants to die?"

His men muttered for a long time and carefully replied, "OK, it seems that Yuye pioneer is taking the people of the headquarters of the black evil army."

"Rain leaves?" The barren pupil shrinks gently.

Yuye sits on the command chair of the S-class small shuttle boat, wrapped in red armor. She is completely in a combat state and may attack at any time.

"The left wing and the right wing are surrounded by detours. No one is allowed to leave the first stronghold!"

Rain leaves keep ordering.

"The spacecraft formation snatched the air control!"

"The signal tower turns on the signal shielding, and only 4068 lines are allowed to be enabled!"

"The infantry team launched a sharp knife attack and took down the defense wall in half an hour!"

Yuye's eyes were as cold as ice and gave orders without expression, as if attacking hostile forces with deep hatred and slaughtering foreign races on foreign planets.

Desolate did not expect that Yuye would personally lead the troops to attack.

Although the desolation has been psychologically prepared, he just wants to cure the fruit as soon as possible, and then make a defense plan.

Unfortunately, the rain leaves come too fast.

Behind Yuye stood Fu Shaohua.

Just now, he met general Ye lost with Yuye.

Let everything out.

After hearing their statements, ye lost his temper.

But the suspicious leaf lost, did not find the trouble of desolation at the first time, but issued an order to ask Yuye to find the desolation under the pretext of finding Lin Xiao.

Now that ye lost has given Yuye permission, she has no scruples and decides to give desolation a threat first.

Therefore, although the artillery fire was fierce, the bombing was all on the peripheral facilities of the stronghold, just to destroy the defense wall, and the number of casualties was not large, aiming at threatening.

Even if it was only a demonstration bombing, there were still countless deaths and injuries, and a large number of people of the black evil army were killed by their own people.

The desolate Legion is not vegetarian, no matter who you are, since you dare to challenge, you can fight back directly.

For a time, the war raged, and half the sky was dyed red by the fire.

When barren rushed out of the command tower after receiving the news, he saw the dense spaceships in the sky and the troops coming from the ground, roaring angrily, "Yuye! You bitch, really want to die!"

Rain leaf commands the ship.

Fu Shaohua carefully accompanied him and said in a deep voice, "my Lord, Lin Xiao must be in this stronghold. As long as we work hard, we can hand over the desolate people!"

"With your nonsense?" Yuye was in a bad mood. He glared at him when he heard the speech, "do your own thing!"

"Yes!" Fu Shaohua trembled and hurried back. However, his head dropped, but his eyes were ironic and cruel, obviously unconvinced.

Zhan Qingyi was locked up in a cabin with theout restraint.

Fu Shaohua didn't know that the poison on the three people had been relieved by Lin Xiao. The reason why they were caught obediently was to make a plan and help Lin Xiao secretly.

"Old Zhan, the gunfire outside is so fierce. Who fought with whom?" Cangdao's head was full of gunfire. He couldn't help breaking the silence in the room and asked in a low voice.

Zhan Qingyi tilted his head slightly and looked at the camera in the corner. "Keep your voice down and don't talk casually. Even if you fight, we can't control it. Wait and see what happens!"

Xueqing's eyebrows and eyes drooped slightly and said faintly, "Fu Shaohua caught us to threaten Lin Xiao. Maybe this war has something to do with him and should be revealed soon!"

A trace of worry rose in the hearts of the three. From the sound of guns, the scale of the war must be not small. Lin Xiao is likely to fall into a huge crisis.


Small quantum guns also joined the battle.

This kind of destructive weapon, one shot down, the ground was blown out of the pit.

Yuye's vanguard chariot troops were destroyed immediately, and all of them were paralyzed on the road.

The army troops suffered heavy casualties, and hundreds of people were turned into fly ash.

Seeing this scene, Yuye gnashed his teeth and angrily said, "the barren bastard dares to resist. Pass me general Ye's order!"


His men broadcast the whole Corps.

General Ye ordered Yuye to search the desolate first stronghold and catch Lin Xiao. If there is resistance, he will be killed.

This order was issued throughout the army.

Not only the Western legion, but also other legions around the world received this order at the same time.

The regiments stationed in other places have no special authoritative generals, and the main force of the Heisha Legion is still in China.

The western regions and Zhennan are the two most important garrisons.

The reason why Lin Xiao sent rain leaves and desolation to guard these two places respectively is Lin Xiao's reason.

It's just that we never thought that when we caught Lin Xiao, we even caught the barren territory, which is unbelievable.

For a time, with the help of rain leaves, the news of desolation betraying the black evil army spread around like a piece of paper.

Barren's face changed when she got this order.

He thought it was just Yuye who came to make trouble on his own, and the two sides just fought. He didn't expect that the matter had been so serious.

Although it has been expected, the desolation is still a little nervous at the moment.

Looking back at the eye treatment room, Guoguo's treatment is being carried out nervously, while Zhang Yue's expression is nervous and wandering around. In case it is affected by gunfire, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, barren decided to break out and find a place to hide.

The world is vast. There are many places to hide. It's deserted and can't care about anything else.

Three combat spaceships began to bomb, and the power of the small quantum gun was indeed extraordinary, which immediately hindered the attack of the army.

Outside the first stronghold, there was almost a sea of fire, and the desolate legions were lined up to resist the attack of rain leaves under rage.

The two sides began to hand over short soldiers. The battle on the dividing line was like a meat grinder working, and the bodies kept rolling out.

On the Phoenix warship, ye lost, holding red wine, sat on the platform, staring coldly at the ground to fight, and his mood did not fluctuate at all.

It seems that no matter how many people die below, it has nothing to do with him.

"General, let them fight like this?" A housekeeper with a strange appearance came slowly.

This person is not quite the same as the black Shaxing people. His ears are sharper, there are gills on both sides of his cheeks, and his speech is slightly open and closed. He is obviously a different race from the earth people and the black Shaxing people.

"What's the hurry? The people who died below are all rain leaves and desolate headquarters. What does it have to do with me?" Ye lost and sneered, "the more you die, the better!"

"Then... If the death and injury are too heavy, will it have an impact on our rule of the earth?"

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