"Afraid of farts." Ye lost sneered, "I have thirty puppets. What are you afraid of as long as I go out and sweep the world? At this moment, let them make a little fuss, just let me see something!"

"I see, my Lord!" The housekeeper pondered for a few seconds and continued with some worry, "but Duan Yi's Legion in the front hall of the king will immediately conflict with the shackles of time and space. Once he comes to the earth..."

"It's all right," Ye lost took a sip of wine and sneered, "my uncle's army will arrive soon. The army in the front hall of the king won't be faster than him!"

The battle on the ground became more and more intense. The two sides were really angry and began to spare no effort to launch a fierce attack.

Finally, the rain leaves could not hold their breath and communicated with the desolate.

"Desolate! General ye asked you to hand over Lin Xiao. If you continue to resist, you will only die!"

Barren fought back impolitely, "Yuye! You took chicken feather as an arrow and framed me. You sent a large army to kill each other. General Ye knows you can't forgive you!"

"Still arguing!?" Yuye angrily said, "what benefits did Lin Xiao give you? Did you betray the black evil army for him?"

"I bah!" Barren will not be fooled by rain leaves. He knows that this communication is a public channel, and all generals can hear and see.

Yuye just wants to force barren to admit it.

"Rain leaf! Don't talk so much! If you want to add sin, why don't you have no words!"

"Desolate, you don't see the coffin and don't cry." The rain leaves winked back.

Fu Shaohua immediately came out and began to state all the events, especially the events of Zhang Sheng and Zhang Yue.

Yuye's move is to let Fu Shaohua tell the truth in public and publish his barren behavior in front of everyone.

Within the black evil star legion, he was very clear about barren marrying an earth woman and knew that he loved this woman very much.

Therefore, it is not impossible for barren to do some incredible things for this woman.

In addition, this attack was ordered by general Ye lost.

Although Ye lost only ordered a search, he did not let Yuye launch a military operation.

But since Ye lost and didn't stop it at the moment, it means acquiescence in this behavior.

The emergence of Fu Shaohua made desolate think clearly of many things.

Ye lost this is to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, let the desolate fight with Yuye's legion, and reduce their power.

"Barren, what else do you have to say?" Yuye's expression is very cold.

She doesn't have much military power to mobilize in the western regions. In front of her, it's just a small fight. Her legions are coming from all over the world and Zhennan.

As a pioneer general, Yuye controls 60% of the air force of the Heisha army expedition, and the number of spacecraft under her is the largest.

In just a few hours, hundreds of spacecraft have gathered to take full control of the airspace of stronghold No. 1.

Barren has the largest number of army and ground troops. The first stronghold is guarded by tens of thousands of elite and thousands of tanks and chariots. He is not afraid of a frontal attack.

However, in the face of air power, desolation only feels great pressure.

"Start the ground air defense tower and establish a power grid blockade!" Barren did not answer Yuye's question positively, but showed his attitude with practical actions.

That is to fight to the end.

With a barren temperament, even if you make a mistake, you can't bow down and admit defeat.

What's more, he has made psychological preparations this time. Now that he has reached this step, he has no way back.

"Lu Yun!" Barren hung up the call and gave a cold drink behind him.

"Yes!" The desolate first deputy general, a powerful soldier fully armed and a warrior of the great master's seventh section, stepped out.

"When Lin Xiao's treatment is over, you take two puppets supreme! Escort madam and Guoguo to break through!"

Lu Yun was slightly stunned, "how about you?"

"I'll stay at the first stronghold!" The desolate said in a deep voice.

"Won't you come with us?" Lu Yun thought, "how can we do this? Let's go together and find a place to hide and wait for the opportunity. I believe general Ye won't just listen to Yu Ye's words. Then..."

"Don't say," desolate sneered. "Yuye is threatening this time, and is mobilizing the army. He must want to have a decisive battle with me!"

"Ye lost hasn't appeared up to now, which proves that he just wants us to lose! This is an opportunity and an adventure! If I kill Yuye, maybe I have the opportunity to talk to Ye lost about conditions. If I lose..."

Lu Yun deeply knows what will happen if he is defeated. Yuye will swallow up all the barren forces, then announce that he is a traitor and completely commit his crime.

In this way, Yuye becomes the most powerful minister under Ye lost, under one person and above hundreds of millions of people.

The whole earth will also be monitored by rain leaves.

As for ye lost, although he lacked the help of desolation, he would be more at ease.

Therefore, this battle is barren and cannot be lost. If you lose, you will be doomed.

Even if Lu Yun knows the result of the matter, he is still unwilling to stay desolate and take risks.

The barren Army Corps was naturally suppressed by Yuye's air power, and it was hard to please.

"It's almost time!" Desolate looked at the time. It was only more than ten minutes from the two hours Lin Xiao said. Zhang Yue had been waiting at the door, anxiously looking forward to the results.

The war outside has reached a white hot stage.

At first, it was just the temptation and threat of rain leaves. Now, both sides are completely desperate.

Barren can't stay in the stronghold. He wants to go outside and direct the battle himself.

"Remember my words and escort madam and Guoguo away!" Barren ordered again, then wore armor and walked out with big steps.

The deserted convoy began to gather, and the elite team of hundreds of people was enough to resist the army of 10000 people.

Boom, boom!

The explosion almost never stopped, one after another. The fire is more like the light of fireworks and firecrackers.

Laser beams falling from the sky hit the ground forces, killing and injuring the desolate army.

The bombing area of the spacecraft began to spread towards the interior of the stronghold, and the air defense forces were being gradually eliminated.

If the barren three S-class small attack ships had not played a great role, I'm afraid the periphery of the stronghold would have been broken down.

Even so, Yuye's legion is still shrinking the siege and oppressing the barren army back.

The barren man in armor was taken out by the S-class attack ship and flew directly into mid air to confront Yuye's command ship.

"Rain leaf! Below are all my black evil star compatriots. You are really crazy!"

"Hum!" Rain leaves sneered across the air, "desolate, you betray the black evil star and plot to rebel with the enemy. Your crime should be punished!"

It was a boundless shame for him to be so calculated and targeted by rain leaves.

Especially others can't refute.

In fact, he did betray the black evil army.

Cooperating with Lin Xiao means standing on the opposite side of the black evil army.

However, barren did not regret it. He slowly stretched out his arm, pointed to the rain leaves from a distance, and his lips moved, "if you want to deal with me, it depends on whether you have that ability!"

At this moment, desolation is equivalent to a battle for rain leaves.

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