"To be honest, my place is a warship, Qiangyun!"

"Strong, strong cloud?" The desolate was stunned and paused for a long time before he lost his voice. "The strong Cloud Star left on the earth? The overlord class warship from the star demon battlefield?"

In terms of grade, the overlord class battleship is more than one grade higher than the S-class battleship such as Phoenix battleship.

Unfortunately, the Qiangyun was damaged that year and was transformed into an S-class sightseeing ship. Its combat effectiveness is much lower than before.

Even so, the strong cloud's defense system is enough to resist the Phoenix warship.

Moreover, Qiangyun has room for further transformation in the future. Its foundation is very thick. As long as there are appropriate materials, it can restore its hegemonic dignity.

Of course, this kind of thing is still far from Lin Xiao. It will not happen overnight to want Qiangyun to restore the power of the overlord class warship.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao said quickly, "I've got the control of the strong cloud. Let's go to the strong cloud. No one can help us!"

Desolation was stunned.

The matter about the strong cloud has always been a secret in the black evil army.

Moreover, ye lost specially sent ha Shen, a senior general, to find the news of the strong cloud.

However, there was a sudden unrest in Hanshen's stronghold, the whole place was almost wiped out, and the news about Qiangyun disappeared at the same time.

No one knows what happened at the Hassen stronghold.

Now desolate understands that God HA was killed by Lin Xiao.

Of course, it is impossible for barren to investigate this matter. He just suddenly realized that Lin Xiao is far from as simple as he imagined.

Having a strong cloud number means having the confidence to compete with Ye's loss.

"Can the strong cloud be started?" Barren asked quickly.

Lin Xiao shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "lack of operators, unable to fully start for the time being!"

"Artificial intelligence alone is not enough. It takes hundreds of professionals and at least a dozen elite staff to start an S-class battleship," desolate mused. "We can't start without anyone!"

"But simple defense is still possible. We don't need to start. If the leaves are lost, we can't do anything!"

Feeling desolate, the head said, "indeed, Lu Yun is an expert in controlling warships. He can save a lot of things. You take them first!"

"Desolate! And you?" Zhang Yue asked eagerly.

Barren smiled, "I'll hold them, or no one can leave. Don't worry. I'll rush there as soon as possible. Just send me a coordinate at that time."

Lin Xiao seemed to see something wrong with the desolate expression, but he didn't think deeply. After all, he couldn't be too distracted at this moment.

Time does not wait. Xiaoling has informed Lin Xiao that the small shuttle boat has come near.

This shuttle boat is a sightseeing ship on the Qiangyun. It has absolutely no problem in terms of defense, and it is more than enough to resist small quantum guns.

However, the shuttle boat can only accommodate about ten people and can't take too many people.

Carrying Lin Xiao, Fang Qing, ye Lao, Zhang Sheng's brother and sister, Lu Yun and several of his confidants was stretched.

"Sister, desolation has said so. Don't insist. Let's go with Lin Xiao first!" Zhang Sheng advised aside.

Zhang Yue hesitated for a long time. Knowing that staying would only distract the desolation, she had to reluctantly agree to the retreat plan, "OK! I'll go first with my children. You must keep up with me alive, otherwise I won't finish with you!"

"I know, wife!" Barren grinned.

"Captain, the small shuttle boat has arrived. It's at the back door of the high tower of the stronghold. There's no one there. You can board safely!"

Lin Xiao waved his big hand, "go!"

A group of people rushed out of the high tower of the stronghold and ran towards the meeting point.

After seeing the small shuttle boat, Lu Yun was stunned and said, "what kind of shuttle boat is this? It's different from our black ghost army!"

Xiaoling flew out of the small shuttle boat and said proudly, "this is the ship based shuttle boat of Qiangyun. The S-class shuttle ship can resist the three guns of the small quantum gun, isn't it powerful?"

"Awesome..." Lu Yun's face twitched unconsciously.

It can block three small quantum guns, which is close to the S-class battleship.

If it's three shots in a row, the shield will break.

However, after the shield is broken, it can continue to be charged as long as a certain time is given.

Therefore, it can prevent three small quantum gun shells and has enough self-protection ability.

After all, not every quantum gun can hit accurately.

"Go!" Lin Xiao began to board the ship.

The others logged in gradually.

After getting on board, Zhang Yue sent the news to desolate.

When he learned that his wife had successfully entered the small shuttle boat, his desolate heart finally put down and immediately ordered the Legion to launch a comprehensive counterattack.


The small shuttle boat set sail quickly.

Due to the electromagnetic blockade around, it is impossible to directly increase the speed to the shuttle speed. Its appearance immediately attracted the attention of Yuye.

Suddenly a inexplicably small shuttle boat appeared. Yuye felt something was wrong and immediately ordered to intercept it.

More than a dozen gunboats began to gather around, launched an arc attack formation and rushed towards the small shuttle boat.

Xiao Ling's voice echoed in the cabin.

"This small shuttle boat is called Jidian. As the name suggests, its speed is fast enough to compare with photoelectric!"

Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing, "just blow! Isn't it comparable to the speed of light?"

"Hey..." Xiao Ling smiled shyly. "I'm just making an analogy, which means that no spacecraft can catch up with it on earth!"

"Really?" As soon as Lin Xiao's voice fell, he found that the airspace ahead was blocked, and the Jidian was blocked by more than a dozen gun ships. He couldn't help laughing, "Xiaoling! Look ahead, our road has been blocked, and you said that no spacecraft can catch up with the Jidian? Isn't that bragging?"

"Ah?" Xiao Ling was embarrassed. "I forgot to start the propeller!"

People couldn't help smiling. They felt that the artificial intelligence was a little cute, and the tense atmosphere was relieved.

After the thruster started, the people only felt a slight meal on the ship, and then quickly jumped into the air.

The lightning was as fast as lightning. It broke through the blockade in an instant.

"Huh?" Yuye has been paying attention to the situation here. Seeing that the lightning is so fast, she was stunned and immediately ordered, "you can't let the shuttle boat run away!"


More and more spaceships are flying high into the sky.

Barren looked at the situation and was worried. He ordered three attack ships to intercept these pursuit ships at any cost.

The three attack ships drew three arc blue lights in the air and fiercely inserted them into the spacecraft array. Their participation really disrupted the spacecraft array.

Yuye was angry and said angrily, "this is desolate. It's hard to protect yourself. I still want to help others. I'll take the people you want to help!"

"Follow my orders!"

The sound of rain leaves came out on the Legion channel.

"If all spaceships turn around, you must beat down the small shuttle boat. Those who complete the task will be rewarded with ten yuan pills!"

No matter where Yuandan is, it is hard currency. Yuye directly promises ten rewards, which immediately makes the Legion soldiers boil.

Immediately, several spaceships began to accelerate, put all their energy on the thruster, and quickly approached the Jidian.

Buzzing, buzzing!

I saw the blue light flashing in the sky, and hundreds of spacecraft scrambled to catch up and gave up the first stronghold directly.

Desolation is a bad thing at first sight. Similarly, at any cost, order those who can take off. In a word, try their best to intercept the air legion of rain leaves.

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