Xiao Ling is still bragging about how powerful her propeller is. No one on earth can catch up with the shuttle boat.

However, at the next moment, it was found that at least ten spaceships were crazy to catch up, almost behind their hips.

"No..." Xiaoling's voice flickered with some electronic sounds, which seemed to affect the connection signal with the main ship. "These guys are crazy? They are damaging the engine! If this goes on, the ship will be scrapped in less than ten minutes!"

After all, artificial intelligence can't be compared with human thinking, so Xiaoling can't understand the idea of the black evil army according to normal logical reasoning.

The black evil army doesn't care whether it will be scrapped or not. Scrapping is also public property. It's serious to kill the escaped spacecraft and get a reward yuan Dan.

Therefore, these pilots are completely red eyed. It is difficult to encounter such a large-scale action in peacetime combat, and there are few opportunities for meritorious service.

Today, such a battle scene is very rare, and there are such rich rewards, which is rarely called a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Maybe it's such a chance in a lifetime. No one will let go.

More and more spaceships started overload operation, with a sudden increase in speed and frantically pursued behind the hip of Jidian.

"Shouldn't......" Xiaoling's powerful database can't analyze such a scene. Obviously, he can escape calmly, but he has encountered the most unimaginable trouble.

Boom, boom!

Several spaceships were impatient and directly launched laser gun attacks in the hope that they could get lucky to shoot down the Jidian.

Unfortunately, the laser gun is itching for the defense of the disease signal, and it doesn't matter at all.

On the contrary, due to the heavy energy load, the ship launched the attack, and used the ship borne laser gun, which further increased the engine pressure, and the engine was scrapped at that time.

Boom, boom!

Fireworks seemed to be set off in the sky, and several spaceships exploded one after another. It looked very beautiful.

At this time, the pursuit spacecraft did not dare to continue to use laser weapons, so they had to start shooting with ship borne mechanical heavy machine guns, hoping to hinder even a little.

However, there are no laser weapons, and mechanical weapons are useless. They have no effect except to give people a little visual oppression.

People watching the air battle on the ground were stunned by the gorgeous scene in front of them.

This kind of scene is probably only seen in Star Wars movies.

For a time, live broadcast and live coverage spread all over the world, and website platforms, large and small, were reporting the event.

There are various versions of the fighting within the Heisha Legion.

Around the world, many forces are ready to move, and it seems that some action is brewing.

Lin Xiao stared at the radar screen and real-time picture and found that the red spots of the spacecraft were getting closer and more. He couldn't help frowning deeply, "Xiaoling, what's the matter?"

Xiao Ling was a little nervous just now. He wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist humanized. At the moment, he was proud again. "These fools are short. After the engine is overloaded, they dare to use the standard laser gun. It's like looking for death. Are you honest now?"

"Ask you," Lin Xiao shouted angrily, "will it affect our retreat?"

"Er..." Xiao Ling quickly calculated and calculated all kinds of possibilities, and said very firmly, "according to the normal logic and algorithm, they can't intercept us, but for the sake of caution, I have to make some preparations!"

Xiao Ling still smells some dangerous smell, so she doesn't think she should arrange her actions completely according to accurate calculations.

Lin Xiao saw a lot of data and pictures on the screen. Xiao Ling was analyzing the data and providing him with a feasibility analysis.

Others were a little embarrassed, especially Zhang Yue. She kept lying on the string window and looked out. Her palms were tightly clenched together. Her palms were full of sweat. She couldn't help but say, "I don't know what's wrong with desolation!"

The battle on the ground has long been in dire straits.

Yuye's army began to fight the first stronghold, and under Yuye's order, they were not allowed to escape from the stronghold.

Although Yuye suspected that Lin Xiao and others might be sitting in the escaped small shuttle boat, she still kept an eye to avoid desolation and playing the art of beating East and West.

Therefore, the army began to surround the first stronghold.

Yuye directly drove the spaceship and chased the Jidian.

Yuye's spaceship is much faster than ordinary spaceships. It can catch up with the speed of Jidian without overloading the engine.

However, Jidian fled first, leaving little time for Yuye to track.

Yuye's spacecraft formation seems to have been negotiated. Even if it can't catch up, it can't make Jidian feel better.

The electronic equipment of the spacecraft is uniformly adjusted to a frequency band and uses electromagnetic pulse to carry out strong impact.

Buzzing, buzzing!

The combined electronic pulse of hundreds of spacecraft can cover a range of tens of hundreds of kilometers. Even if the lightning runs faster, it is difficult to run out of this range.


"Captain, it's bad..." Xiao Ling's voice was intermittent and blocked by some signal. "My contact with the main ship can't be stable. The coordinate position is set... Something went wrong!"

Lin Xiao rushed to the console, stared at dozens of flashing buttons on it, and quickly asked, "can you switch to manual control? Send the coordinate position, I'll try!"

"No, no, no, no, no, No. It takes at least six months of professional training to operate the shuttle boat. It's too risky for my wife..."

Xiao Ling's voice was infinitely elongated, as if the echo had been repeating, which made Lin Xiao realize that if he delayed any longer, artificial intelligence would fail, and all of them would be finished.

"Tell me how to operate!" Lin Xiao roared.

The whole ship was nervous. It was a moment of life and death. If you didn't pay attention, you might be caught up by hundreds of spaceships behind you and blow them to pieces.

"Captain Chang Chang, I......"


Xiao Ling's voice suddenly stopped.


Xiaoling's replica also fell to the ground and lost its voice.

The connection between the main ship and the shuttle boat was cut off by the electromagnetic pulse, and the spacecraft lost control.


The lightning signal, which went straight up into the sky, suddenly looked like a drunken drunk. It swayed in mid air. It lasted only two seconds and fell down in a free fall.

"Ah!" Zhang Yue hugged Guoguo and screamed out.


The people in the cabin were thrown onto the roof with inertia, and then kept rolling.

Lin Xiao stood on the floor with his feet like nails, his eyes embarrassed, and quickly distinguished the functions of those buttons.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao has never seen this kind of high technology. It is unrealistic to learn how to control it in a short time.

What should I do?

Seeing that the falling speed was faster and faster, and the black evil army spacecraft following him was getting closer and closer, Lin Xiao realized that there would be big trouble.

His inner armor has cushioning function and can escape life, but I'm afraid the others on board are not so lucky.

If you fall at this speed, you will directly become meat mud, and you will not be spared.

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