At this critical moment, Lu Yun stumbled over and said in a deep voice, "let me try! Send the position coordinates!"

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. He suddenly remembered the introduction of Lu Yun by barren. He was a very skilled pilot and proficient in the driving and control of various spaceships and shuttle boats.

"I almost forgot you!" Lin Xiao was overjoyed and hurriedly contacted Xiao Ling in his mind.

Xiao Ling is also desperately contacting the disease signal and sending the position coordinates intermittently.

Coordinates are a long string of numbers. Although they are simple, it is not so simple to break through the electromagnetic barrier.

Intermittent numbers and missing data make it more difficult for Lu Yun to crack the location coordinates.

Lin Xiao guided Lu Yun according to his memory and came to the only energy gun control position of the shuttle boat.

Once caught by a spaceship, this energy gun is the only weapon that can resist.

When Xiaoling was, he could also use artificial intelligence to control automatically, but now he can only rely on manpower to control himself.

"Lin Xiao, they are catching up!" Zhang Sheng fell fiercely on the porthole and exclaimed.



Jidian just stabilized the ship, rolled up a blast of air close to the ground, sent out a harsh sonic boom, and rose into the sky again.

In this short period of more than ten seconds, at least 20 spacecraft caught up.

Boom, boom!

The gunfire was all over the sky, completely covering the Jidian.

Poof poof

The energy shield of Jidian splashed beautiful fireworks. It was like a blooming lily, spinning and rushing into the air.


The lightning drill into the clouds.

More than a dozen spaceships pursued did not want to fall behind and chased one after another.


Lin Xiao turned the gun body. The holographic image made him see the space behind the ship. The first chasing spacecraft appeared in the collimation of the energy gun.

"Shit!" Lin Xiao sneered, "let you taste my cannon!"


After a short silence, the energy gun suddenly fired a blue beam.


The pursuit ship was blown to pieces.

"Lying trough!" Lin Xiao was startled. He didn't expect that the energy gun was so strong. He couldn't help laughing and said, "great! I see how these bastards can catch up!"

The whole ship cheered.

Just now, Lin Xiao almost crashed and died. At this moment, Lin Xiao launched a counterattack, showing everyone the hope of escape.


Three more ships appeared within range.

Lin Xiao was a little excited. The feeling of shelling the spacecraft was really great. It was more enjoyable than playing air combat games.

"Come on, bastards! Let you taste grandpa's power!"

Buzzing, buzzing!

Lin Xiao pressed the launch button continuously, and blue beams tore through the space and stabbed the chasing spacecraft.

Boom, boom!

Several spaceships were bombed one after another, turned into a ball of fire and quickly fell to the ground.

However, the destruction of several spacecraft has not changed the situation much.

More and more spaceships rushed into the clouds, like dense locusts, flying ferociously.

Even Lin Xiao could see the proud and bloodthirsty expression of the spaceship pilot.

In their eyes, the disease signal is a meat bun to be rewarded, which is easy to get in their hands.

Moreover, after all, the Jidian is only a sightseeing spacecraft. There is only one energy gun, and the launch gap should be at least one second. Even if Lin Xiao keeps on firing, there is no way that every gun can play a role.

Soon, a spaceship broke through Lin Xiao's blockade and was forced to get close to Jidian.

Lu Yun has rich driving experience and superb technology, but there is still some gap compared with artificial intelligence. He can only ensure that Jidian will not crash easily. It is not so easy to get rid of the pursuers.

"Come and help me!" Lu Yun looked back and didn't know who he was talking to.

Zhang Sheng held his sister and shook his feet. He wanted to help, but there was nothing he could do.

Ye Lao looked blankly. Obviously, he had no experience in spacecraft control.

Only Fang Qing, with an indifferent face, walked over quickly and asked in a deep voice, "what should I do?"

"Power off the electronic dissolver and switch it to manual acceleration mode!" Lu Yun pressed a button under his palm, pointed to the keyboard on the far left of the panel and said professional terms. However, when he finished, he realized that the other party might not understand. When he was about to explain, he found that Fang Qing walked over without hesitation and cut off the power of the contact.


Lu Yun was slightly stunned, but did not think much. He quickly pressed the manual operation button and pulled down the power brake at the same time.


The Jidian speeded up again and opened a short distance from the pursuers.

The energy cannon controlled by Lin Xiao lost his sight. During this time, he immediately charged the cannon.

When he reached the ground, he skillfully shuttled along the valley gap and lost most of the pursuers.

However, such a flight can hide the spacecraft, but the speed is affected and cannot be increased to the maximum.

Above the canyon, in mid air, more and more spacecraft exceeded the lightning and began to establish an interception defense line.

"No!" Lin Xiao noticed this detail and said to Lu Yun, "you must rush out with a breath. If you're blocked in the canyon, it's over!"

Lu Yun certainly knows the result, but now rushing out will only become a target.

He has given the energy of the defense shield to the power system. Now the defense is as thin as a piece of paper and can't withstand a few * * hits.

"Now exposed, there is only a dead end. What should I do?" Lu Yun said anxiously, "otherwise..."

Everyone listened with bated breath and knew that they were facing a huge crisis.

Zhang Yue hugged the child tightly, her bitter face showed a trace of missing, and her eyes looked out of the porthole.

"Sister!" Zhang Sheng hugged Zhang Yue's shoulder.

Lu Yun gritted his teeth. "This shuttle boat has an escape pod, which can only accommodate two people! Lin Xiao, run away with your wife! I'll lead them away!"

Lu Yun's decision is equivalent to sacrificing everyone to complete Lin Xiao and Zhang Yue.

Lu Yun is a desolate confidant and loyal. The same is true for Zhang Yue. At a critical juncture, it is natural to focus on the desolate will.

Lin Xiao is the only one who can protect Zhang Yue, so Lu Yun made such a decision.

Everyone knows that Lu Yun's decision is the most correct. Although he is uncomfortable, no one stands up to refute it.

Boom, boom!

The mechanical shells of the spacecraft have hit the Jidian, making the ship begin to shake violently.

"Let's go! It's too late!" Lu Yun roared, and suddenly looked back at Lin Xiao, "what are you waiting for?"

Lin Xiao hesitated, suddenly looked at Fang Qing and shouted in a deep voice, "you take Zhang Yue!"

"Me?" Fang Qing was slightly stunned.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lin Xiao stepped down from the weapon control chair and dragged Fang Qing towards Zhang Yue. At the same time, he shouted to Lu Yun, "start the escape capsule immediately, and then find a hidden Canyon and throw them down!"

"I see!" Lu Yun licked his lips and constantly touched the console with his fingers. He knew that the most exciting thing was coming. As long as he sent his wife away, he could give it a go.

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