"Why don't you go?" Fang Qing suddenly shook off Lin Xiao, looked at him unexpectedly, and suddenly lowered her voice and said, "we can go together. Why bother others?"

Lin Xiao smiled and didn't explain much, "let you go. I have my own way out!"

Lin Xiao knew very well that among the people present, he and ye always had the best chance to survive after the ship was bombed. Although the probability was not high, there was a chance for him to fight.

"I'm not going!" Fang Qing was stunned. She suddenly stepped back and said in a deep voice, "I can help Lu Yun control the spacecraft and help you delay time!"

Lu Yun was worried, "don't be so fussy. Go! The air has been fortified. In a few seconds, no one can fucking go!"


Lin Xiao directly pulled Fang Qing up, rushed to Zhang Yue, dragged them to rush towards the escape capsule, and shouted, "Lu Yun! Start the escape capsule!"

Lu Yun raised his hand and pressed the start button of the escape pod.


Suddenly, there was a dazzling light in the sky.

Then there was a violent vibration, roaring like water ripples.


Under the influence of this energy, Jidian turned several somersaults in the canyon and almost hit the mountain wall.

"Hmm? What's going on?" Lu Yun's pupils narrowed fiercely. He saw an incredible scene on the radar picture.

More than a dozen spaceships that were building a defensive network in mid air were blown to pieces for no reason, and the whole airspace was emptied instantly, as if it had been washed clean.

"What's going on?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

At the same time, the short frequency radio of Jidian came a hissing sound of current.

"Lu Yun, I'll show you the way and rush out with me!"

Hearing this forthright voice, Lu Yun's eyes brightened, "barren adult!"

"Desolate?" Zhang Yue shouted nervously, "he escaped!"


Two S-class attack ships came out of the battle array and hovered over the Jidian.

"It's desolate!" Lin Xiao hurried to the porthole. Suddenly his heart jumped and couldn't help asking, "aren't there three attack ships? Why are there only two left?"

The desolation probably heard Lin Xiao's question and said very firmly and heavily, "ship No. 3 sacrificed her life and chose self explosion to stop the enemy. We don't have much time. Let's go!"

Self explosion!?

"What, what?"

The thought of a possibility gave everyone a fright.

In order to buy time for the escape of Jidian, ship No. 3 directly increased the engine power overload, causing the engine to explode and play a power comparable to that of a nuclear missile.


"Don't talk nonsense! Don't let my brother's death go in vain!"

The barren horse took the lead, and the two spaceships went up and down like arrows into the air.

Lu Yun quickly followed him with crazy electricity, and the three spacecraft broke through the clouds again and came to high altitude.

Yuye has been chasing. She also saw what happened. The color of uncontrollable anger filled her eyes. "Be sure to stop the green boat at any cost!"

Among the many spaceships, Jidian is like a bird in a large group of eagles. It looks very thin and helpless, but it is very clever.

The desolation is so desperate that she forgot to cover the Jidian. Yuye has guessed that there must be an important person in the spaceship. It can't be said that Lin Xiao is inside.

It was confirmed that Lin Xiao had ten * * in the disease signal, Yuye relaxed instead, his gloomy eyes flashed like a wolf, "Lin Xiao, ah, Lin Xiao, I see where you're going this time!"

"At my command, Falcon team 1, team 2, team 6, team 8 and team 12 launch a siege formation, start the energy link and seal the airspace for me!"

As soon as Yuye's order came out, a spacecraft formation separated from the large army and flew supersonic in all directions.

They did not choose to chase after the Jidian, but swept away in the distance in both horizontal and vertical directions. The purpose is very simple to create an energy network and block the whole airspace nearby.

Yuye wants to play the game of cat and mouse, and she is full of confidence.

Just now it was her contempt that allowed the Jidian to escape. Now she was absorbed and all command loopholes were corrected.

"The third Corps stops attacking, guards the periphery of the first stronghold, and is not allowed to let anyone go!"

"Full speed!"

Rain leaves give orders.

Her car, rain god, has all 16 engines turned on, and all energy is used for power, as fast as streamer.

A blue light flashed in the air, and the rain god broke through all the spacecraft arrays and took the lead.

Barren took the lead. Lu Yun reported, "Sir, I'll send you the location coordinates."

Barren, his face was very gloomy. He had been paying attention to the movement of rain leaves. He found that the rain god was faster and faster, some beyond imagination. He couldn't help clicking in his heart, "the rain god can't be so fast, can't it..."


A few seconds later, barren patted the communication button and said to Lu Yun, "Lu Yun, you turn around immediately and I'll stop the rain god!"

"What's the matter, sir? The Rain God should not catch up with us. There's no need..." as soon as Lu Yun's voice fell, he found that the Rain God appeared in the radar and caught up with it at an incredible speed. He couldn't help staring. "How is it possible?"

"Hum!" Barren seemed to know something and said in a deep voice, "Ye lost and gave the supernatural engine to Yuye!"

"Supernatural engine?" Lu Yun was surprised. "That's the sub engine of the Phoenix warship. Is Ye lost and crazy?"

"Except for the super God engine, no engine can reach such a fast speed." Barren sneered, "it seems that ye lost has long planned to let Yuye deal with me, this old thing!"

"What about that? The super God engine moves together. No matter how fast we can't escape!" Lu Yun was a little worried. "The rain god is no worse than your ship, no weaker than this shuttle boat. We are not rivals at all."

"With your nonsense, don't I know?" Desolate frowned and hesitated for several seconds, "you continue to fly according to the target, I'll go back!"

Barren immediately ordered that the two S-class combat ships immediately turn around and fly towards the future.

"Where are you going?" Zhang Yue cried.

Barren kept silent for a moment in the communication, forced a smile and comforted Zhang Yue, "wife, you go first, I'll come later. I have some accounts to calculate with Yuye!"

"What are you doing back?" Zhang Yue said anxiously, "Yuye is worried that she can't catch you. Don't you throw yourself into the net when you go back?"

"Hum!" Barren smiled confidently, "I don't pay attention to her rain leaves. If it weren't for her flying legion, she wouldn't be worth mentioning. And..."

Barren and ready to talk.

Lin Xiao heard some signs.

At the moment, Yuye starts the super God engine and will soon catch up. With the fire of Yushen, it is likely to contain the lightning. When the flight formation arranges the sky and earth wind, there will be no escape.

Turning back from desolation is to create an opportunity for them to escape.


It's very dangerous to go here. It's likely that you won't come back.

"All right!" For the first time in front of Zhang Yue, barren looked serious and spoke sharply, "what do women know? Let you go and hurry!"

"You..." Zhang Yue was stunned. She was desolate and had never been cruel to herself. She was pleasant even in case of emergency.

Today, something strange happened in the desolation, which made Zhang Yue's heart more flustered.

"That's it!" Barren hung up.

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