Zhang Yue wanted to continue to contact, but she directly cut off all communications and couldn't connect.

At the same time, the deserted spacecraft accelerated abruptly, flew side by side with another spacecraft, and rushed frantically towards the future.


The two spaceships drew streamers in the air, and with the momentum of indomitable, they hit the rain god head-on.

Just after catching up with the rain god, two S-class attack ships suddenly appeared in front of us. Even if the rain leaves were bigger, they didn't dare to face it.

"Detour to the right!" Rain leaf ordered.

With the help of the super God engine, the rain god's steering is extremely flexible and barren. It can't be locked with a laser gun.

"Rain leaf! You have the seed to compete with me!" Barren provoked loudly on the public channel, "as long as you win, I'll give you whatever you want! If you lose, withdraw immediately!"

The rain leaf sneered, "desolate! Don't dream. I must take Lin Xiao away today!"

Yuye doesn't fight against the barren face to face. He commands the rain god to attack from the flank. After an emergency sinking, he shoots at the direction of lightning escape like an arrow.

Desolation could not allow the rain god to pursue calmly. He made a frightening decision.

"Turn on the engine load and add all the energy to the power!"

"My Lord!" The pilot was shocked and said, "in this way, our ship is no different from paper. As long as we get a shot, it will be over!"

"I can't care so much!" Barren bit his teeth and ordered again, "hurry up!"

The driver was very helpless. He exchanged eyes with other drivers and knew that it was imperative. He had to clench his teeth and prepare to turn on the overload mode.

Once the overload mode is turned on, their spacecraft will not last for a few minutes, and then disintegrate and collapse, or even a big explosion.



At this juncture, another spaceship suddenly flashed a fierce red light, which was as dazzling as the sun.

"Huh?" Desolate and stunned, he suddenly pressed the direct channel button of the spacecraft and lost his voice, "No. 2! What are you doing?"

The commander's hoarse and determined voice came from spacecraft 2.

"My Lord! Thank you for cultivating me for so many years. It's time for me to make a contribution today! Give me the rain god! You must escape safely with your wife!"


The No. 2 spacecraft first turned on the overload power system, and the hull almost burned, but disappeared in place in an instant, and appeared in front of the rain god in the next moment.

Suddenly, a "fire ball" blocked the way, and the Rain God almost hit it, scaring the rain leaves into a cold sweat.

"What the hell?" Yuye looked at the "fireball" in front of her in disbelief, and a trace of vigilance rose in her heart.


With a slight shake of ship 2, the small quantum gun will complete energy accumulation.

Although he knew that it was difficult for a small quantum gun to lock down the rain god, he still wanted to try.

"Avoid!" Rain leaf sneered, "there is a super God engine, and the small quantum gun can't even touch my tail!"


The Rain God seemed to turn into a fog shadow, which made the small quantum gun unable to lock.


Knowing that it could not be locked, ship No. 2 fired a shot reluctantly.

It can be clearly seen that the blue light around the hull of ship No. 2 has obviously faded.

The commander was a little anxious. He knew that the energy was not enough. If he continued to release small quantum guns, it would be futile.

"Shit! Spell it!"

Commander No. 2 took a big breath and shouted, "brothers! Let the rain god see our strength! Let the rain leaf watch remember that we are the No. 2 column of the barren Legion and the special soldiers of the pioneer battalion!"


The No. 2 spacecraft suddenly stopped for half a second, then turned into a blue flame and rushed frantically towards the rain god.

Yushen's evasion system is specially designed for energy weapons, which can sense the release of energy flow and make evasion action in advance.

However, the rain god is powerless for this supersonic physical impact.

Yuye was surprised. She watched the No. 2 spacecraft release all the energy, use the engine as a propeller, turn the ship into a cannon and kill it with devastating power.

She had no idea that the other party would choose to die with herself in such a decisive way.


A violent light burst out in the sky.

Even far away, people were shocked by the dazzling light, which was as bright as the sun.

Barren eyes are red.

The three commanders who drove the attack ship were his confidants brought from the black evil star and brothers who had lived and died together.

However, today, almost all of these good brothers died to protect themselves.

"My Lord!?" The pilot shouted in panic, "what should we do now? The rain god is destroyed and other spacecraft are in disorder. It's a good chance to break through."

Barren endured her grief, pointed to the lightning signal on the radar signal and said, "catch up and cover them!"


Without the harassment of the rain god, the deserted car had no scruples and directly broke through the blockade to catch up with the Jidian.

Closer and closer to the destination, however, the electronic barrier has been blocked, and Lin Xiao still can't contact Xiaoling.

Lu Yun stared at the driving screen, but his expression became more and more nervous. He suddenly turned back and said, "Lin Xiao! Something's wrong!"

Lin Xiao was surprised and quickly walked to Lu Yun, "what's the matter?"

Lu Yun didn't speak. He stretched out his hand and pointed on the monitoring screen. It was some strange energy lines. There were some data flashed next to Lin Xiao, but from the diagram, it seemed that there was a potential danger threatening the operation of the spacecraft.

"This is..." Lin Xiao finally understood and suddenly looked up. "There is a strong energy blockade ahead?"

"Yes!" Lu Yun said in a deep voice, "we are restrained by the rain god. We are still a step late. The other spacecraft formation is blocking the airspace. I'm afraid we're too late."

It can be seen from Lu Yun's gloomy expression that the so-called blockade of airspace must not be simple.

Lin Xiao couldn't help asking, "can't you rush over? Even if the deserted spacecraft has a small quantum gun?"

Lu Yun shook his head slowly, sighed and said with a bitter smile, "the electromagnetic barrier built by hundreds of spacecraft is as thick as the essence. How can it be broken so easily? Even if there are barren adults' S-class attack ships, there is not much energy stored in the quantum gun and it can't be broken at all."

"What about that?" Lin Xiao frowned, "is this blockade 360 degrees without dead corners?"

"Yes!" Lu Yun stretched out his hand and pointed to the distance, "look!"

A light blue light mask appears on the horizon, which is rapidly closing. The sky and earth are all covered by this light mask, and it is spreading rapidly.

The hexagonal star on the light blue light cover flickered, and a buzzing sound was sent out among the spread, as if an endless swarm of bees were approaching.

The shadow of the spaceship was all around. The death of their commander Yuye aroused their indignation and murderous spirit.


The barren car flashed over the signal and the pen rushed straight into the air.

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