Lin Xiao was surprised to notice the desolate action.

"What are you going to do?"

Lu Yun observed for a moment and guessed, "adults should want to break through the blockade with a small quantum gun when the other party's screen is not completely closed, but... It's not that easy."


There was an earth shaking roar in the distance.

The desolation launched a small quantum gun and tore up half the sky. However, the huge energy defense cover formed by the electromagnetic barrier withstood the pressure firmly.


Another quantum gun blasted out, and the strong impact seemed to break the earth, which was frightening.


The desolate growled loudly.

The energy consumption is exhausted, and the small quantum gun can no longer be launched.

However, the electromagnetic barrier in front of us is still strengthening and will soon close to form a closed loop. At that time, the energy of hundreds of spacecraft will be combined to form an unbreakable cage.

"It's over!" Lu Yun's face was deathly gray. He knew he couldn't escape this time.

"Lu Yun, can't you get out?" Zhang Yue walked over gently and looked at the desolate number in the distance. She couldn't help asking, "is there no chance?"

Lu Yun couldn't bear to let Zhang Yue despair and quickly put up a smile. "It's okay. There's still a chance. The deserted adult's spacecraft is gathering energy. I believe another few shots will break the barrier. No one will stop us at that time!"

"Captain, I can't contact you. The electromagnetic barrier is getting stronger and stronger. Be careful..."

Xiao Ling's voice slowly disappeared in Lin Xiao's brain. No matter how he called, there was no news.

Location information was sent, but they were completely blocked inside.

The Yuye Legion's spacecraft began to surround from all directions and get closer and closer.

From the ground, countless small spaceships in the sky form a cobweb like formation, covering Jidian and desolation.

Jidian and desolation are like two inescapable insects on a spider's web, waiting for the fate of death.

The desolate eyebrows slowly stretched out, walked slowly to the control panel and said to several drivers, "stand up!"

Several people looked at each other, but did not dare to disobey the deserted order, so they stood up straight.

According to the established position, the spacecraft closely followed the Jidian, and was not afraid of accidents.

At this time, desolate looked at several people carefully and said with a smile, "have you been with me for more than 300 years?"

"Yes!" Several people stood upright with respect in their eyes.

They were their own brothers and wandered on the Black Ghost star. Later, they joined the Black Ghost army and became members of a small team.

Although on the earth, he is desolate and majestic. He is the king who commands the Legion of ten thousand people. However, on the Heisha planet, he is just a small captain of a team of hundreds of people.

But this time, the desolation brought these hundreds of people to the earth.

I wanted to fight for glory and wealth.

But now it seems

"I'm sorry for killing so many brothers," barren sighed, pointed to the back cabin and said, "go to the escape pod!"

"What, what?" Several people were surprised, "Sir, what do you mean?"

"This is an order!" Barren stared, "don't make me angry!"


In front of these people, they are all deserted confidants. It is conceivable that they have been with him for 300 years.

"My Lord!" A younger looking man came out and looked very calm. "I know what you want to do! Brothers came out with you and didn't want to go back. You let us escape. Do you think we can do hard work?"

Another elder, without saying a word, went back to his seat and quickly operated on the control panel without communicating with others. He said to himself, "prepare the curvature engine, plug the ignition device, output all the power, and transfer the energy of the quantum gun..."

Didi didi!

Various data on the surveillance video began to scroll.

The warning of artificial intelligence also sounded.

There was a red light in the cabin.

"Please note that the gravity system fails, please check..."

"Energy conversion system failed, please check..."

"Fire fighting facilities fail, please check..."

Others also walked back to their seats, their faces full of determination.

They know what barren wants to do.

Since it was his decision, they didn't complain.

"You..." barren eyes flushed.

"My Lord," the elder looked back at the desolation, "there is still some time to talk to his wife!"

Barren clenched her fists, but her fingers trembled.

At this time, someone had connected the communication for him.

"Barren, what are you doing?" Zhang Yue's nervous voice moved the desolate again.

"Hey!" Barren forced out a smile and said gently, "wife! How's Guoguo? Don't cry?"

"I've been crying. Guoguo misses you too. Have you found a way to escape? Lu Yun said that I'm afraid I can't escape. I want to be with you. Can you pick me up?" Zhang Yue tried her best to restrain her emotions. She didn't want to put too much pressure on desolation.

The desolate man cried unconsciously, "wife, although the child is not mine, but you are mine, that's enough! I hope we can be a couple in the next life, on the earth!"

"You..." Zhang Yue was stunned.

The desolation turned into a streamer and rushed to the barrier at an incredible speed.

Then, a huge flame burst out, and the stabbing human eyes couldn't open.

"Desolate!" Zhang Yue finally understood the meaning of barren's last words. He was opening a way for her with his own life.

Lu Yun roared, "adults rush a passage for us, let's go!"


Jidian gave full play to its maximum kinetic energy, like a shadowless arrow, flying desperately in the direction of fire.

A large number of spacecraft saw that Jidian was going to escape and tried their best to intercept it.

However, their speed can't catch up with the fast electricity at all.

In just three seconds, the lightning broke through the fire and escaped from the barrier area.


The connection between Xiaoling and Jidian was instantly re established.

"Captain, I control the ship!"

Lin Xiao quickly shouted, "Luyun, let Xiaoling control the spacecraft!"



Jidian made a dive and shot into the mountains. Then an energy gun hit the ground and blew a gap.

Along the channel behind the gap, Jidian twists and turns and finally comes to Qiangyun.

Dormant at the bottom of the earth, the huge strong cloud flashes light slowly, like a giant animal that exists forever, emitting endless majesty.

In front of it, Jidian is like a grain of dust, which is not worth mentioning.


The strong cloud opened the cabin door and received the emergency electricity.


A large number of spacecraft followed, but what was waiting for them was a salvo of artillery fire.


Lin Xiao finally heard only a neat sound of breaking the air.

Dozens of spaceships were reduced to ashes.

Seeing this, other spacecraft immediately turned away and were all frightened by the tragic side.

Especially in front of us was a Space Battleship comparable to the Phoenix battleship. Everyone was stunned.

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