Seeing the strong cloud, Lu Yun was suddenly excited.

"Great! Lin Xiao, is this warship really yours?"

Lin Xiao nodded and said in a deep voice, "well, let's go and have a rest first. I don't know what will happen next. Get ready!"

This time, it is equivalent to a war with the whole black evil army.

Barren and rainy leaves are dead. Ye lost no generals. Lin Xiao's escape will certainly make him angry. Maybe he will do it himself at that time.

In the face of the power of the Phoenix warship, Lin Xiao dared not trust it.

Even if he has a strong cloud, he can't use it

Zhang Yue couldn't cry anymore. Leaning against her brother's arms, her face was full of despair.

Everyone's mood is not very good. Barren and his legion sacrifice themselves in exchange for their lives. It won't be easy for anyone.

Entering the huge and majestic strong cloud, everyone was inexplicably relieved.

Lu Yun looked around in surprise. As an excellent warship driver, he knew all kinds of warships, but he had never driven a behemoth like Qiangyun.

"Lin Xiao, it takes hundreds of people to drive a battleship of this level. Do you have anyone?" Lu Yun couldn't help asking.

"I have a fart!" Lin Xiao stared at him, "do you think I look like someone now?"

Lu Yun subconsciously glanced. Fang Qing, ye Lao and Zhang Sheng's brother and sister were not enough to fill their teeth. They couldn't help laughing, "it's okay, take your time!"

Boom, boom!

The shipborne artillery fired again and destroyed a team of ships that wanted to sneak attack.

Although it is impossible to open the whole warship, at least there is no danger of defense, which also makes everyone feel at ease.

"Lu Yun, barren says you are the best spaceship pilot. Can you operate such a large battleship?" Lin Xiao asked.

Lu Yun nodded, "yes, but you should know that driving such a huge warship requires hundreds of operators, and there must be more than a dozen core pilots. Moreover, the ship specification of Wang QianDian is different from that of Qiankun hospital, and the core operating system also needs to be improved. This is definitely a big project!"

"Indeed!" Lin Xiao said with a bitter smile, "we don't have so many people and technology!"

"People's words are easy to say, technology is the key!" Lu Yun said thoughtfully, "in the black evil army, only one person can modify the ship code. Perhaps with his help, we can modify the internal program protocol!"

"Oh? Who!?"

"Ye's lost military division 'sin'"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, smiled and scolded angrily, "what's the fart?"

"I'm just talking." Lu Yun also knows that it is more difficult for sin to modify their code than to go to heaven.

A few seconds later, Xiaoling came out of the cabin.

As soon as Xiao Ling came out, he immediately attracted people's attention.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to Qiangyun."

Lu Yun sighed, "sure enough, the overlord class warship, even artificial intelligence

"Xiao Ling!" Lin Xiao quickly waved, "take us to the control room!"

"Captain, come with me!"

Xiao Ling leads the way, and Lin Xiao and others follow.

The strong cloud is like a city, too big to imagine.

Although Lu Yun comes from the Phoenix warship, he is only a small soldier and a desolate subordinate. He is not qualified to walk around the warship at will and move in a fixed place every day.

Lu Yun has only seen the huge of battleships through materials and learning machines.

This is the first time to enjoy the opportunity of sightseeing, so Lu Yun is a little excited.

He knows that he is likely to become the pilot of this big Mac class warship in the future.

Qiangyun was once the representative of the overlord class warship. Even now, it is still dignified.

Even if it is transformed into a sightseeing ship, most of the internal structures and buildings remain the same.

"That's awesome," Lu Yun sighed heartily. "It's said that the strong cloud is so powerful in the star demon battlefield that many races are frightened. I just didn't expect to be lonely here!"

Lin Xiao asked strangely as he walked, "Luyun, where is the star demon battlefield?"

"There..." Lu Yun shivered. "I haven't been there either. It's said that the strong who dare to haunt there are at least the most powerful, but the most powerful belong to cannon fodder. The masters are even more common. The main forces are star masters and domain masters, and their spaceships are at least class a ships. It can be called the strong meat grinder."

Fang Qing interrupted and said in a deep voice, "I've seen some records of the star demon battlefield. It's really the most terrible place."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao glanced at her, "how do you know?"

"Hey!" Fang Qing whispered, "do you think I've been idle since I stole the car? I've gone through the on-board video system and learned a lot of foreign knowledge. Otherwise, how can I operate the spacecraft?"

"You, you can control the ship?" When Lin Xiao was on the Jidian, he was always nervous about the situation around him. He didn't pay attention to Fang Qing's cooperation with Lu Yun. When he remembered it now, he suddenly realized, "no wonder you know the role of many buttons on the Jidian, I see!"

"Hum!" Fang Qing proudly raised her head. "I'm so smart. Of course I have time to study hard. After all, we're going to go abroad in the future!"

"What are you doing abroad?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "The earth can't put you?"

"What's the matter? Don't you have any interest in those strange races? Don't you want to see what a life planet thousands of times larger than the earth is like? And those powerful warships and warriors powerful enough to fly to heaven and hide from the earth, don't say you don't want to see!"

Lin Xiao said with a cold face, "I don't want to!"

"Cut!" Fang Qing sneered, "believe you, there is a ghost. I dare say that you think more than anyone! Don't you want to know what kind of power the front hall of the king is and what kind of identity you are?"

Lin Xiao paused and stared at Fang Qing. "You talk a lot! With this free Kung Fu, you'd better talk about the star demon battlefield."

"I'm familiar with this," Fang Qing said with a smile. "According to the records, the star demon battlefield is not only a cemetery, but also a treasure yard, where countless resources and treasures are hidden!"

"It is said that when the universe was just formed hundreds of millions of years ago, some powerful races survived and multiplied in the star demon battlefield. They have powerful technology and force. In order to compete for territory, they kill each other..."

Lin Xiao could imagine that kind of scene, where thousands of families moved together and the world was devastated. It was definitely a spectacular scene of blood flowing into a river and bones into a mountain.

In order to survive, no matter which race will spare no effort to fight, so as to find a suitable living environment.

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