"Over time, the star demon battlefield has become more and more chaotic, and all forces in the universe have joined it."

"The more resources, the more people invade, the more people die, and the more babies left. Do you understand?" Fang Qing looks old-fashioned, as if she had lived in the star demon battlefield for countless years.

Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing when he saw her serious look. "After reading some information, he pretended to know everything. Do you want a face?"

"Bah, bah..." Fang Qing laughed angrily. "I'm kind enough to popularize knowledge for you. Do you still laugh at me? You don't have a face!"

Lin Xiao looked at Lu Yun and intended to ask. The latter smiled, "what Miss Fang said is basically true, but the situation of the star demon battlefield is thousands of times more complicated than you think."

"Because..." Lu Yun took a deep breath, "there is not only one planet, but the whole star domain, including thousands of planets!"

Lin Xiao's pupil gently shrunk into the tip of a needle, slowly took a breath of air-conditioning, and was shocked by the vast scene depicted by himself in his mind.

The huge mass burial ground composed of thousands of planets is terrible to think about. The real scene is difficult to describe even in science fiction movies.

"Come on! What are you talking about? We can't even go to the black evil star, but also go to the star demon battlefield. Hurry to find a way to start the strong cloud and dry the leaves. It's fun!" Fang Qing patted Lin Xiao and said thoughtfully, "and you, it's time to work hard!"

Lin Xiao knew what she meant. He got jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan and became the supreme without worries.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao has been stuck in the Ninth Section of the great master and wants to break through to the tenth section. It is unrealistic without Yuandan.

Lin Xiao speculated that it was impossible for him to become a great master without 180 yuan pills.

It's still a conservative number. Judging by the strength of his internal force, it's several times that of ordinary people. Coupled with the special of limitless power, this number needs more.

Led by Xiao Ling, they soon came to the control room.

The huge control room has three floors in total. The main drivers are distributed on the third floor. You can see the outside situation through the perspective sideboard cabin.

The second floor and the first floor are the positions of auxiliary personnel.

These positions operate all aspects of the ship, including attack, combat, driving, etc.

There are hundreds of crowded positions alone. Lin Xiao was dazzled and said helplessly, "where can I find so many controllers?"

"Actually..." Lu Yun stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "as long as I find enough people, I can train them and master them in a few months!"

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, "I have people, but they are all hidden in the dark. The black evil army is so tightly sealed that it is difficult to gather them together. This is a difficult problem."

"But no one, this giant is just a dragon that can't wake up, and its role is limited." Lu Yun shook his head regretfully and walked to the third floor at the same time. "And..."

"And..." Lu Yun sighed, "the program protocol still needs to be changed. Without the corresponding operation code, there is nothing I can do!"

"Take one step at a time!"

Fang Qing had some doubts. She looked at Xiaoling and couldn't help asking, "Xiaoling's artificial intelligence is so strong that she can't drive the warship?"

Lin Xiao said slowly, "Xiaoling's artificial intelligence has been damaged before, and many programs have been destroyed. She can't even remember things on Qiangyun star. Is it realistic to drive such a big ship?"

Xiao Ling kept smiling and showed a trace of apology at the moment. "Sorry, Captain, my loading program is very complex and can't recover by myself!"

"I see!" Fang Qing nodded suddenly.

Lin Xiao looked up and saw a picture of virtual stars on the top floor of the control room of Qiangyun. A large number of planets rotate slowly and endless spaceships shuttle among them, forming an unimaginable picture of prosperity.

The screen flashed away. It was Xiaoling debugging the operating system and checking the software of the whole spacecraft. It belonged to the access screen of the login system.

Then, the whole spacecraft seemed to come alive. In addition to the flashing lights, some internal structures were also changing, giving people a very vivid feeling.

A moment later, Xiaoling's inspection was over, and Lu Yun's voice came down from the third floor.

"There is no problem with the integrity of the system, but I really don't understand some background control commands. Technicians need to modify them! It seems that it's still very difficult to start it completely!"

Lin Xiao waved to him, "come down first, as long as Xiaoling can temporarily mobilize the defense system, I'm trying to find a way!"

Lu Yundeng came down and said with a helpless wry smile, "the software protocol of Wang QianDian is much more complex than that of Qiankun hospital, and the interface is also more complex. I haven't learned it, so I can't help it."

"Don't worry about this for the time being. You'd better worry about things outside first!" Just then, Fang Qing pointed to the monitoring screen that had been opened, which was showing the situation outside the strong cloud.

After the collapse of Qiangyun's underground space, it was already chaotic, but under the bombardment of a large number of spacecraft, a spacious space was cleared again.

Many spacecraft stayed outside the defense range of Qiangyun, forming a tight blockade.

At the same time, tens of thousands of Heisha armies are coming one after another outside the mountains.

The Phoenix warship in the sky, after coming to the earth, started for the first time and slowly moved towards this side.

Forces around the world who have been paying attention to the situation here have more or less sent elite personnel to ambush around and closely observe the dynamics.

There was a strange atmosphere of waves slowly forming at the scene, and the huge Phoenix warship was like a dark cloud pressing overhead, making people breathless.

About 20 kilometers away from the front of the mountain, there is a low mountain with dead trees on the top, forming a natural camouflage map. At the moment, many people are hidden in it.

One of them was wearing tights, and a long black and red sword with seven stars on the handle flashed out faintly.

He took a telescope and closely observed the movement of the mountains.

"How's it going?" Several people nearby looked anxious and were staring at him.

"The situation is not good! The boss should be blocked under the base. There are tens of thousands of black evil army outside. It's not so easy to pass!"

"What should we do? It's not easy for us to reorganize the team. We can't give up halfway?"

This group of people were the generals of the medicine dragon temple led by Gao Haijian.

The eight King Kong and the two dragon generals are all fully armed at the moment. They are well equipped and look good.

"What's the hurry?" Gao Haijian looked back and said, "where's your gun?"

Langyan was slightly stunned and quickly grabbed a silver black sniper gun from his back.

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