The muzzle of the gun is very thick, as if a hand thunder was installed on it. The gun body is full of a sense of science and technology, and a blue card slot appears at the bolt position.

"What are you doing?" Langyan carefully grabbed the gun, as if he was afraid of Gao Haijian grabbing it from him.

"Look at your Dexing!" Gao Haijian was angry and smiled, "as if I would rob you."

"What?" Lang Yan looked alert. "This gun was robbed from the head of the black evil army. It is the most advanced tracking laser gun. Only the God of sniper like me is qualified to use it!"

There was a noise

"Lang Yan, you have a thick skin!"

"Grass! Isn't it your insistence to beg for nothing? This gun is thermal imaging automatic tracking. Pigs can use it. How can you be qualified?"

"Have a face! You robbed the best weapon and sold it cheaply!"

"I've convinced you!"


Lang Yan's face turned red and blue for a while, but his grasp was tighter. "It doesn't matter what you say. Anyway, the gun is mine!"

"I bah!" Gao Haijian gave him a look and said angrily, "do you see the machine at the hole?"

The attention of the crowd was attracted, but it was too far to see clearly. The only ultra far telescope was still in Gao Haijian's hand.

Lang Yan opened his sniper mirror and looked at it. His eyes brightened. "I see it. It seems to be a thermal missile gun!"

"Hum!" Gao Haijian said in a deep voice, "in a moment, we have to rush in. You aim at the thermal missile gun for me. When we rush in, explode him!"

"Are you crazy?" The wave said suddenly, "if the energy chamber of the thermal missile gun explodes, it is more powerful than the intercontinental missile. Do you want us all to die?"

"Our shield can withstand it!" Gao Haijian glanced at the crowd.

Everyone took out a black object like an electric rod and subconsciously shook their arms.


The pale yellow energy shield is opened like an umbrella, just the size to protect a person's body.

Lang Yan frowned. "It's hard won. We managed to lay down a stronghold and grab so many equipment. It's really hard to waste all at once."

"I can't manage so much." Gao Haijian took a deep breath. "The boss must be inside. If you go late, it may be late. Don't you want to collect the body for the boss?"

"Bah, bah, bah..." Lang Yan rolled his eyes. "How can the boss die? If ye lost his life, he won't die. He's a Xiaoqiang. You don't know!"

"All right! Stop talking nonsense! You should prepare in advance." Gao Haijian retreated slowly.

"Hello..." Lang Yan suddenly reacted and shouted, "you all rushed in and let me be outside alone?"

Gao Haijian turned slowly, stared into his eyes and said with a smile, "why? There's only one chance to shoot. If you don't want to shoot, give me the gun!"

"I won't give it!" Lang Yan quickly held the gun in his arms. "Don't try to cheat my equipment! Your seven star sword is not better than this? You can change it with me!"

"Get out!" Gao Haijian didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He walked down the mountain with great strides and ordered, "Eliza, you and Luocha take a team respectively to establish a fire point on Highway 3 and help us open the way!"

Eliza, a blonde, nodded silently and looked at Luocha in black armor. "Let's go!"

They flashed and disappeared in place.


As soon as they disappeared, they stood up from the hillside. Hundreds of soldiers in black armor. Each of them had a deep breath and seemed to have endless strength. They were eager to try and unwilling to fall behind.

Gao Haijian Zhan Liang glanced at the audience and said in a deep voice, "it's not so easy to rush in. Are you ready?"

"Ready! Dragon general!"

The medicine dragon soldiers roared loudly. Since they came here today, they are ready to fight back. They are not afraid of death. They are only afraid that they are not brave enough.

"Good!" Gao Haijian shouted in a deep voice, "right now! Take action in five minutes. Be sure to save the boss!"

"Save the boss!"


Two huge figures nearly three meters jumped out of the dark.

Gao Haijian glanced and said in a deep voice, "except for the two supreme puppets who are invincible and rescue Qiankun City, the other puppets are here."

Ding Qiu and madman.

The invincible leader of the eight puppets did not know where he was hidden by Lin Xiao.

In the process of rescuing Qiankun City, Lvmao and Luocha disappeared together with three other hostile puppets.

Therefore, only two puppet supreme masters can call Gao Haijian now.

Facing tens of thousands of soldiers of the black evil army, Gao Haijian actually has no bottom in his heart.

Even though his accomplishments have reached the level of the seventh section of the great master, he can be regarded as a big cannon fodder at best in front of tens of thousands of heavily armed Heisha soldiers.

The arrow was on the string and had to be sent. Even if Gao Haijian fought for his life, he would save Lin Xiao.

"Countdown!" Gao Haijian's running speed increased sharply.

Other medicine dragon elites also began to accelerate and silently rushed down the mountain.

On the hillside about five kilometers away from Gao Haijian and others, there are still a group of eccentric people wearing unified black and gray armor and holding unified laser guns in their hands.

At first glance, these people are similar to the soldiers of the black evil army, but their arms are wrapped with the same armbands with strange marks on them, which is obviously different from the black evil army.

The leader is a tall woman with a slender figure. Her armor is quite different. It seems that her bones are intertwined one by one, and even ferocious sharp corners extend out of her shoulders. It looks very sharp.

"Attention, everyone! Lin Xiao is likely to be trapped in his nest. Now the situation is unknown, so we must act quickly and never love war!" The woman's cold voice was cold.

Her men were quiet, but there was an urgent look in her eyes.

"Saint!" A tall soldier beside the woman said in a deep voice, "do we really want to save Lin Xiao? He and us..."

"Hum!" Saint Wan Rou said coldly, "Ye lost didn't regard us as the orthodoxy of the heaven and earth Academy at all, and never planned to take us away. Therefore, the master decided to join hands with Lin Xiao, maybe there will be a day to see the sun again."

"Now that we're here, I'm sure I won't flinch, but I always feel that facing the black evil army is not worth the loss." The laser sword in the tall soldier's hand was huge and powerful on his shoulder. He stood in front of Wan Rou, but he seemed very cautious, as if he was facing a powerful beast.

No one knows how fast Saint Wanrou has made progress in this period of time. Alpha uranium, the radiation source once in her body, has become the biggest contributor to her physical variation, making her energy absorption efficiency much higher than ordinary people.

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