Alpha uranium has become the most scarce resource on the black market since the invasion of the earth by the black evil army.

Not only did the black evil army make a lot of tricks and plunders, but also the natives of the earth spared no effort in searching and plundering.

The alpha uranium base, which once existed in the back mountain of Wangchao village, has long been occupied by the black evil army.

Because alpha uranium is one of the main materials for making Yuandan, it has the great effect of activating vitality and stimulating vitality to release energy.

Wanrou, who had been implanted with alpha uranium since childhood, was blessed with misfortune. Her body was transformed into the most suitable constitution for absorbing vitality by radiation.

Moreover, Wan Rou was originally a silver level soldier. After the vitality of heaven and earth exploded, in just three months, she became a master of the great master baduan, and even surpassed the leader of the evil Academy in terms of strength.

Therefore, all the people in the evil house were in great awe of Wan rou. Even Qiang Hu, the first war general of the evil house standing in front of her, dared not be presumptuous in front of her.

Wan Rou glanced at Qiang Hu and said with deep meaning, "this is the order of the hospital master."

"But..." Qiang Hu said with a bitter smile, "the hospital owner has been closed. We haven't seen him for years."

"What?" Wan Rou slowly turned around and stared at Qiang Hu. His scalp was numb. "Do you mean I fake the hospital master's order?"

"No, no, no..." Qiang Hu quickly bowed back and said nervously, "my subordinates dare not, just for the safety of the evil house, I just feel that this action is wrong!"

Wan Rou waved his big hand.

In the shadow not far away, five huge figures suddenly appeared.

In addition to the two first generation puppet supreme black supreme and red supreme, there are three newly made puppet supreme.

"The order has been given, there is no way back!" Wan Rou stretched out her palm and ordered hundreds of elite under her hand, "listen to my command, launch a raid in three minutes, and be sure to rush into the medicine dragon temple at the first time!"


In addition to the two groups of rescuers, a small group of people are watching nervously in a remote and secret depression in the distance.

Among the group, there was a boy who was tied up. He was kneeling down and dared not move.

When Yuye died, Fu Shaohua lost his backer and was immediately subdued by Zhan Qingyi and others.

The reason why he didn't kill him was that Lin Xiao once said it was useful to keep Fu Shaohua.

"It's hard!"

Tibetan Dao put down his telescope and showed a bitter smile. "Tens of thousands of Black Ghost legions, hundreds of small spaceships, and a phoenix warship like a big Mac hung overhead. With our hands, we can't even plug our teeth!"

Zhan Qingyi glanced back.

There are only a few dozen of them, and they are all temporarily gathered in the old part of the original heaven and Earth City.

There are only dozens of great masters left in Qiankun city.

"If you rush over like this, you'll just die in vain!" Still Xueqing saw the situation clearly and was calm. He looked at Qingyi and pointed to Fu Shaohua. He seemed to have a plan in his heart, "we must think of a comprehensive plan!"

Tibetan Dao hurried around the ground, "Lin Xiao is really difficult to escape this time. Ye lost has locked his position. Even if he was lucky to kill him, he will face a heavy blow from ye lost!"

"Look, look..." Tibetan Dao stuffed the telescope into Zhan Qingyi. "How can we rush with so many black evil army? It's estimated that we'll be beaten into a horse honeycomb before we get there."

Zhan Qingyi took the telescope and scanned around. He stopped somewhere and looked at it for a few seconds. He suddenly put down the telescope and shouted to Fu Shaohua, "Fu Shaohua! Say the password of Yuye!"

"What, what password?" Fu Shaohua raised his head with difficulty. His face was full of pain.

Zhan Qingyi sneered, "don't think I don't know. You are loyal to Yuye. She told you the password to connect with the Legion. With this password, you can sneak into the Legion, right?"

Fu Shaohua is counting on this password to save his life.

He thought that when these old men didn't pay attention, they fled to the black evil army, made the other party trust themselves with their password, and then killed them with a knife to completely destroy these old things.

I just didn't expect that Zhan Qingyi knew the secret.

Fu Shaohua always thought that Zhan Qingyi and others were poisoned and didn't pay attention to them at all, but he never thought that in the end, these old guys became his biggest obstacle. At this moment, his intestines are regretting that they didn't kill them all directly.


Tibetan Dao put the knife on Fu Shaohua's neck and said fiercely, "you've burned Gao Xiang in your last life. If you don't want to die right away, just cooperate!"

"I, I said I said..." Fu Shaohua turned his eyes and said quickly, "but you must promise me a condition!"

"Fuck you..." Tibetan Dao raised his knife to cut.

Zhan Qingyi quickly stopped the knife, shook his head slightly towards the Tibetan knife and asked him to step back. He stepped forward, looked at Fu Shaohua and said in a deep voice, "I'll give you another chance. As long as you cooperate obediently, when you see Lin Xiao, I'll beg for mercy and spare your life!"

Fu Shaohua's heart is full of disgust. See Lin Xiao? He doesn't know whether he is alive or not. Even if he is alive, he will be stared at by Ye lost. Sooner or later, he will die.

As long as he can hold on, he may have a chance to escape. Fu Shaohua can only nod reluctantly when he thinks of here, "OK! I say!"

The strong oppression of the black evil army and the rescue of all parties have made the situation more complicated.

However, Lin Xiao, who should have been in the center of the vortex, is now sitting leisurely in the strong cloud, studying the jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan in the palm of his hand.

With the strong cloud, the black evil army can't attack at all. As long as it gets close, it will be devastated by the defense system.

After several confrontations, the black evil army didn't dare to move at all, so they had to report the news to Ye lost.

Ye lost the strong cloud that he had been thinking about, and it turned out to be Lin Xiao's haven, which made him angry and helpless.

No one knows the power of Qiangyun better than ye lost. Let alone the firepower of those small spacecraft, even if the Phoenix warship has full firepower, it may not be able to blow off the defense of Qiangyun.

So ye lost orders to encircle Lin Xiao in an all-round way.

The temporarily stopped battle gave Lin Xiao time and mood to study jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan. He was thinking about how to absorb this pill as soon as possible.

"Jiuzhuan xiongxi pill has endless medicinal power. It can even connect the vitality of heaven and earth and open the way for the human body to the supreme. But I haven't reached the tenth section of the great master. I'm afraid I can't bear that kind of medicinal power..."

"Lin Xiao!" Fang Qing didn't know when to appear behind Lin Xiao. She said in a deep voice, "it's not a way to stay here all the time. We must get some supplies, otherwise we'll die of thirst and hunger in less than ten days and a half months!"

Lin Xiao took his eyes back from jiuzhuan Xiong Xidan, frowned and said, "the outside has been closed by the black evil army. Where can I get supplies?"

"Hey!" Fang Qing smiled strangely, "of course it was robbed from the black evil army."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "do you have a way?"

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